Enode Developers

Enode API 2023-04-15

This reference provides a comprehensive overview of the Enode API endpoints for accessing and controlling its hardware and features. The API follows REST principles, and uses OAuth 2.0.

This page features detailed documentation for each of our endpoints. You can also explore our API through our updated OpenAPI specifications or Postman collection.

The API is versioned, and all documentation on this page, including the links to the OpenAPI specifications and Postman collection is specific to the selected version.


We provide multiple environments, each with unique data access policies, and live/mocked vendors.

Environments are isolated from each other. Client credentials are tied to a specific environment and cannot be reused across environments.

Copy linkProduction

Features the latest stable software, live vendors, and strict data access controls.

OAuth Tokenhttps://oauth.production.enode.io/oauth2/token
Link UIhttps://link.production.enode.io

Copy linkSandbox

Includes the latest stable software and mocked vendors/vehicles/chargers.

OAuth Tokenhttps://oauth.sandbox.enode.io/oauth2/token
Link UIhttps://link.sandbox.enode.io


The Enode API uses OAuth 2.0 client access tokens for authenticating server requests.

Copy linkAPI credentials

Enode API access begins with a client and its corresponding client ID and client secret. Clients organize data, are separate, and relate to a specific environmentAPI.

API credentials are used to obtain an access tokenAPI for accessing the entire APIAPI

Key Description
Client IDThe identifier for your client, referred to as the client_id.
Client secretThe secret for your client, referred to as the client_secret.

Copy linkGetting an access token

The access token authorizes client access to all data and functionality. Obtain it via the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant using the API credentialsAPI and the relevant OAuth URLsAPI for your client's environment.

Token request example

curl https://oauth.{YOUR_CLIENT_ENVIRONMENT}.enode.io/oauth2/token \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials"

After requesting the token URL, you'll receive an access token in the response. Cache this token on your server until it expires and needs refreshingAPI. Keep the access token secret.

Token response example

	"access_token": "{YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN}",
	"expires_in": 3599,
	"scope": "",
	"token_type": "bearer"

Copy linkRefreshing access tokens

Access tokens expire hourly, indicated by the expires_in key in the response. When expired, obtain a new tokenAPI.

Copy linkAccessing the API with the access token

Authenticate all API requests using a bearer authentication header. This header accesses client-wide endpoints (service healthAPI, tariffsAPI, user managementAPI, and webhooksAPI).

Type Value
HeaderAuthorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN}

Client resource request example

curl https://enode-api.{YOUR_CLIENT_ENVIRONMENT}.enode.io/health/ready \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Response times

Enode resources like Schedules and Locations have response times of <200ms. However, vehicle interactions involve various delays and timing characteristics.

Understanding the range of possible timings without diving into vendor-specific causes, helps you account for these factors in your UX design.

Copy linkAPI GET requests

Copy linkGet Vehicle

Get Vehicles and List Vehicles are fast operations since all data is prefetched by Enode and shared from a cache.

On API versions prior to 2023-08-01 it is possible to request a synchronous update where data is fetched directly from the vendor. Such requests have longer response times, sometimes 30 seconds or more, depending on the characteristics of the underlying vendor APIs. From 2023-08-01 onwards this has been replaced by the refresh hintAPI mechanism.

The Login step usually takes <2 seconds, but can rarely take up to 30 seconds due to background negotiations, retries, and initial vehicle data fetching.

The final Accept step experiences similar delays as List Vehicles.

Copy linkCharging commands

Charging commands show significant timing variability among vendors. Initiating the action is instant, but the updated charging state typically takes 20 seconds to appear. Occasionally the action may take 5 minutes or more to confirm.

Copy linkWebhooks

Webhooks typically involve polling and dynamically adjust the polling rate based on various factors to balance prompt updates with avoiding unnecessary load on the vehicle.

The maximum baseline delay between a real-world change (e.g., a vehicle being plugged in) and the resulting webhook notification is typically 7 minutes. However, actual delays can vary depending on factors such as vehicle activity and network conditions. Below is a general guide for typical webhook delays:

Vehicle contextTypical delay
default~7 minutes
charging~2-5 minutes
smartcharge PLAN:*~2 minutes
sleeping~20 minutes

If you'd like to request a faster refresh, you can call the various /refresh-hint endpoints found on devices to queue an accelerated data refresh.

Errors and problems

Copy linkErrors when accessing a User's resources

When using an access_token to access a user's resources, you may encounter the following 4XX range HTTP Status Codes:

HTTP Status CodeExplanation
400 Bad RequestThe request payload failed schema validation or parsing
401 UnauthorizedMissing or invalid authentication details
403 ForbiddenAuthentication succeeded, but the user lacks access to the resource due to a missing control scope.
404 Not FoundRequested resource doesn't exist
405 Method Not AllowedVendor unavailability prevented request completion
408 Request TimeoutVendor timeout prevented request completion
409 ConflictVendor rejection prevented request completion
424 Failed DependencyFailed vendor requests prevented request completion
429 Too Many RequestsVendor rate limiting prevented request completion

In all cases, an RFC7807 Problem Details body is returned to aid in debugging.

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/problem+json
  "type": "https://developers.enode.com/problems/bad-request",
  "title": "Payload validation failed",
  "detail": "\"authorizationRequest.scope\" is required",

Copy linkProblems

Bad request

Some part of the request was malformed. See associated detail message for more information.

Enode Controlled Entity

This entity is currently managed by Smart Charging or Schedules and cannot accept manual commands. Either disable the feature controlling the target, or force charging to start through our External Start APIAPI.

Entity Not Found

The requested entity was not found on the user's account.


The current context is not allowed to access the requested resource.

Not Found

The requested entity was not found on the user's account. If requesting vendor entities, ensure you're using the top level id field and not information.id. information.id is the ID the vendor uses to refer to the entity and changes over time.

Server Error

A critical error has ocurred. An employee has been alerted and will work to remedy the situation

Service Unavailable

The service is currently unavailable. Most likely the service was slow to respond, might be overloaded or down for maintenance. Other endpoints might still be available.

You may want to retry the request using a randomized backoff delay.

Check the Enode Status page if this problem persists.


A request timed out. If this problem was returned by a route that tried to communicate with vendor APIs, remove the fields query parameter to fetch the Enode hosted cache. This cache is updated every 10 minutes.


The request contained an invalid or expired token.

Validation Error

The response we prepared failed to pass outgoing validation. An employee has been alerted and will work to remedy the situation.


Enode's REST API is versioned. A dated version is released when breaking changes occur, while new features and bug fixes (additive changes) are available in all supported API versions.

You can view all available versions and updates in the changelog.

API clients are pinned to the latest API version upon creation, affecting all API requests and webhook events. API responses include an Enode-Version header, and webhook events have a version field.

You can override the API version on a specific request by sending an Enode-Version in the request header.

Copy linkBreaking changes

Breaking changes will be released as a new version. When a new version is released, the previous version is supported for six months before deactivation. Enode staff will notify you in advance. Each API version comes with a migration guide explaining changes and upgrade suggestions.

We consider the following breaking changes

  • Changing a request’s authorization or authentication requirements
  • Adding a new required input parameter
  • Changing input validation
  • Removing an HTTP route or method
  • Removing or renaming a response parameter

All other additive changes are considered backwards compatible.

Copy linkVersion Lifecycle


  • This is the latest API version, recommended for all customers.
  • It is the default version for new clients and the default version documented in our API Reference.
  • There is only ever one Current API version.


  • This version has been superseded by a newer version. Multiple Deprecated versions can exist.
  • Customers can still choose this version for new clients or webhook subscriptions at developers.enode.com.
  • Documentation will be marked as Deprecated.
  • New functionality may not be released to Deprecated versions and supported exclusively on the Current API version.
  • We recommend you to upgrade to the Current version as soon as possible.


  • This version has been deprecated for 6 months. Multiple Legacy versions can exist.
  • Customers cannot select this version for new clients or webhook subscriptions.
  • Documentation will not be accessible from the API Reference. You can review Legacy documentation by logging in to your organization dashboard and selecting a client with a Legacy version.
  • Functionality may be degraded, and no new features will be added.
  • 4 weeks after entering Legacy status, we will begin preparations for automatically upgrading clients on this version. Enode will conduct API brownouts for clients still using Legacy versions at this time. During these brownouts, we will randomly reject API requests using the Legacy API version.
  • 8 weeks after entering Legacy status, clients using this version will be automatically upgraded to the Current API version.

Copy linkLabels

Some of the products or endpoints we have available are labelled. Here's an explanation of each.

Copy linkBeta

This product or endpoint is now feature complete and the implementation will not change. There may be bugs or stability issues but they are actively being worked on. We are still open to receiving feedback before delivering a stable release.

Copy linkExperimental

This product or endpoint is being released in an early stage to get feedback. There are likely bugs or other issues that may not necessarily be prioritized. The whole implementation may be completely changed or removed.

Copy linkDeprecated

Individual features, endpoints, or fields tagged as Deprecated will be removed in a future version of the API. If you are using deprecated functionality you should update your application to use alternative features or methods we provide.


The Battery object represents a residential energy storage unit, like a Tesla Powerwall or Enphase IQ. It offers detailed insights into the battery's operation and allows you to instruct the battery on handling its stored energy.

List batteriesBeta

GET /batteries

Returns a paginated list of all Batteries.


Query parameters
after string Optional
before string Optional
pageSize integer Optional

Default value: 50

Request example

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/batteries?after=MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa&before=MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa&pageSize=50' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

Response 200

  • data array of object

    Paginated list of batteries

    Show child attributes
    • data[].id string<uuid>

      Unique identifier for the battery object

    • data[].userId string

      The ID of the user that linked this battery.

    • data[].vendor string

      Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

      Possible enum values:

    • data[].lastSeen string<date-time>

      The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the battery was initially linked.

    • data[].isReachable boolean

      Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the battery. If the battery is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

    • data[].chargeState object

      Latest information about the battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

      Show child attributes
      • data[].chargeState.status string or null

        The power delivery state of the battery.

        Possible enum values:

      • data[].chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null

        Battery capacity in kWh.

      • data[].chargeState.batteryLevel number or null

        Remaining battery charge level in percent.

      • data[].chargeState.chargeRate number or null

        The current charge rate in kW. A positive value indicates that the battery is charging.

      • data[].chargeState.dischargeLimit number or null

        Minimum charge level for a battery, expressed as a percentage. Batteries will not discharge below this user-set reserve level except in emergency power situations.

      • data[].chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

        Time of last received charge state update

    • data[].config object
      Show child attributes
      • data[].config.operationMode string or null

        The current operation mode of the battery.

        • IMPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes charging the battery. Draws power from the grid and any excess solar energy for charging. Leveraged energy sources depend on the configuration of the battery. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
        • EXPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes discharging energy stored in the battery back to the household and any excess to the grid. Grid exports often depend on local regulation and might require agreements with grid providers to be supported. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
        • TIME_OF_USE: Maximizes energy cost savings in accordance with a user-defined schedule matching a utility rate plan. Energy may be consumed from solar, battery, or grid sources, depending on the current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar or battery sources, depending on current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app.
        • SELF_RELIANCE: Minimizes household reliance on the grid. Prioritizes using own energy from solar or battery for household consumption before importing from grid. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar, depending on excess solar and your user's settings in the OEM app.

        Possible enum values:

      • data[].config.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

        Time of last received configuration update

    • data[].information object

      Descriptive information about the battery

      Show child attributes
      • data[].information.id string

        Battery vendor ID

      • data[].information.brand string

        A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

        Possible enum values:

      • data[].information.model string

        Battery model

      • data[].information.siteName string

        Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

      • data[].information.installationDate string<date-time>

        Battery installation date

    • data[].capabilities object

      A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific battery

      Show child attributes
      • data[].capabilities.exportFocus object

        Supports EXPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

        Show child attributes
        • data[].capabilities.exportFocus.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • data[].capabilities.exportFocus.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • data[].capabilities.importFocus object

        Supports IMPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

        Show child attributes
        • data[].capabilities.importFocus.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • data[].capabilities.importFocus.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • data[].capabilities.timeOfUse object

        Supports TIME_OF_USE operation mode.

        Show child attributes
        • data[].capabilities.timeOfUse.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • data[].capabilities.timeOfUse.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • data[].capabilities.selfReliance object

        Supports SELF_RELIANCE operation mode.

        Show child attributes
        • data[].capabilities.selfReliance.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • data[].capabilities.selfReliance.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

    • data[].scopes array of string

      Scopes that the user has granted for this battery.

    • data[].locationId string<uuid> or null

      ID of the location the battery is currently positioned at (if any).

    • data[].location object

      Battery's GPS coordinates

      Show child attributes
      • data[].location.longitude number or null

        Longitude in degrees

      • data[].location.latitude number or null

        Latitude in degrees

  • pagination object

    Cursors to the pages before and after current page. See the PaginationAPI section for reference.

    Show child attributes
    • pagination.after string or null
    • pagination.before string or null

Response example

  "data": [
      "id": "54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba",
      "userId": "4f6fecd0-bdae-49be-b6e8-ee442e1e3da9",
      "vendor": "TESLA",
      "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "isReachable": true,
      "chargeState": {
        "status": "CHARGING",
        "batteryCapacity": 13.5,
        "batteryLevel": 80,
        "chargeRate": 4.6,
        "dischargeLimit": 20,
        "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
      "config": {
        "operationMode": "IMPORT_FOCUS",
        "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
      "information": {
        "id": "7deb27f8-794f-467b-855e-5c61dd9f2cb3",
        "brand": "Tesla",
        "model": "Powerwall",
        "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
        "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
      "capabilities": {
        "exportFocus": {
          "isCapable": false,
          "interventionIds": [
        "importFocus": {
          "isCapable": false,
          "interventionIds": [
        "timeOfUse": {
          "isCapable": false,
          "interventionIds": [
        "selfReliance": {
          "isCapable": false,
          "interventionIds": [
      "scopes": [
      "locationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
      "location": {
        "longitude": 10.7197486,
        "latitude": 59.9173985
  "pagination": {
    "after": "MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa",
    "before": "MjAyMy0wNi0xNlQwOTowMzowMS4yNjJa"
Was this section helpful?

List user batteriesBeta

GET /users/{userId}/batteries

Returns a paginated list of batteries for the given userId.


Path parameters
userId string Required

ID of the User.

Query parameters
after string Optional
before string Optional
pageSize integer Optional

Default value: 50

Request example

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/users/%7BuserId%7D/batteries?after=MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa&before=MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa&pageSize=50' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

Response 200

  • data array of object

    Paginated list of batteries

    Show child attributes
    • data[].id string<uuid>

      Unique identifier for the battery object

    • data[].userId string

      The ID of the user that linked this battery.

    • data[].vendor string

      Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

      Possible enum values:

    • data[].lastSeen string<date-time>

      The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the battery was initially linked.

    • data[].isReachable boolean

      Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the battery. If the battery is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

    • data[].chargeState object

      Latest information about the battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

      Show child attributes
      • data[].chargeState.status string or null

        The power delivery state of the battery.

        Possible enum values:

      • data[].chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null

        Battery capacity in kWh.

      • data[].chargeState.batteryLevel number or null

        Remaining battery charge level in percent.

      • data[].chargeState.chargeRate number or null

        The current charge rate in kW. A positive value indicates that the battery is charging.

      • data[].chargeState.dischargeLimit number or null

        Minimum charge level for a battery, expressed as a percentage. Batteries will not discharge below this user-set reserve level except in emergency power situations.

      • data[].chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

        Time of last received charge state update

    • data[].config object
      Show child attributes
      • data[].config.operationMode string or null

        The current operation mode of the battery.

        • IMPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes charging the battery. Draws power from the grid and any excess solar energy for charging. Leveraged energy sources depend on the configuration of the battery. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
        • EXPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes discharging energy stored in the battery back to the household and any excess to the grid. Grid exports often depend on local regulation and might require agreements with grid providers to be supported. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
        • TIME_OF_USE: Maximizes energy cost savings in accordance with a user-defined schedule matching a utility rate plan. Energy may be consumed from solar, battery, or grid sources, depending on the current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar or battery sources, depending on current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app.
        • SELF_RELIANCE: Minimizes household reliance on the grid. Prioritizes using own energy from solar or battery for household consumption before importing from grid. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar, depending on excess solar and your user's settings in the OEM app.

        Possible enum values:

      • data[].config.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

        Time of last received configuration update

    • data[].information object

      Descriptive information about the battery

      Show child attributes
      • data[].information.id string

        Battery vendor ID

      • data[].information.brand string

        A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

        Possible enum values:

      • data[].information.model string

        Battery model

      • data[].information.siteName string

        Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

      • data[].information.installationDate string<date-time>

        Battery installation date

    • data[].capabilities object

      A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific battery

      Show child attributes
      • data[].capabilities.exportFocus object

        Supports EXPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

        Show child attributes
        • data[].capabilities.exportFocus.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • data[].capabilities.exportFocus.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • data[].capabilities.importFocus object

        Supports IMPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

        Show child attributes
        • data[].capabilities.importFocus.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • data[].capabilities.importFocus.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • data[].capabilities.timeOfUse object

        Supports TIME_OF_USE operation mode.

        Show child attributes
        • data[].capabilities.timeOfUse.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • data[].capabilities.timeOfUse.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • data[].capabilities.selfReliance object

        Supports SELF_RELIANCE operation mode.

        Show child attributes
        • data[].capabilities.selfReliance.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • data[].capabilities.selfReliance.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

    • data[].scopes array of string

      Scopes that the user has granted for this battery.

    • data[].locationId string<uuid> or null

      ID of the location the battery is currently positioned at (if any).

    • data[].location object

      Battery's GPS coordinates

      Show child attributes
      • data[].location.longitude number or null

        Longitude in degrees

      • data[].location.latitude number or null

        Latitude in degrees

  • pagination object

    Cursors to the pages before and after current page. See the PaginationAPI section for reference.

    Show child attributes
    • pagination.after string or null
    • pagination.before string or null

Response example

  "data": [
      "id": "54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba",
      "userId": "4f6fecd0-bdae-49be-b6e8-ee442e1e3da9",
      "vendor": "TESLA",
      "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "isReachable": true,
      "chargeState": {
        "status": "CHARGING",
        "batteryCapacity": 13.5,
        "batteryLevel": 80,
        "chargeRate": 4.6,
        "dischargeLimit": 20,
        "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
      "config": {
        "operationMode": "IMPORT_FOCUS",
        "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
      "information": {
        "id": "7deb27f8-794f-467b-855e-5c61dd9f2cb3",
        "brand": "Tesla",
        "model": "Powerwall",
        "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
        "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
      "capabilities": {
        "exportFocus": {
          "isCapable": false,
          "interventionIds": [
        "importFocus": {
          "isCapable": false,
          "interventionIds": [
        "timeOfUse": {
          "isCapable": false,
          "interventionIds": [
        "selfReliance": {
          "isCapable": false,
          "interventionIds": [
      "scopes": [
      "locationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
      "location": {
        "longitude": 10.7197486,
        "latitude": 59.9173985
  "pagination": {
    "after": "MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa",
    "before": "MjAyMy0wNi0xNlQwOTowMzowMS4yNjJa"
Was this section helpful?

Get batteryBeta

GET /batteries/{batteryId}


Path parameters
batteryId string<uuid> Required

The ID of the battery to look up.

Request example

curl --request GET \
  --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/batteries/54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba

Response 200

  • id string<uuid>

    Unique identifier for the battery object

  • userId string

    The ID of the user that linked this battery.

  • vendor string

    Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

    Possible enum values:

  • lastSeen string<date-time>

    The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the battery was initially linked.

  • isReachable boolean

    Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the battery. If the battery is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

  • chargeState object

    Latest information about the battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

    Show child attributes
    • chargeState.status string or null

      The power delivery state of the battery.

      Possible enum values:

    • chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null

      Battery capacity in kWh.

    • chargeState.batteryLevel number or null

      Remaining battery charge level in percent.

    • chargeState.chargeRate number or null

      The current charge rate in kW. A positive value indicates that the battery is charging.

    • chargeState.dischargeLimit number or null

      Minimum charge level for a battery, expressed as a percentage. Batteries will not discharge below this user-set reserve level except in emergency power situations.

    • chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

      Time of last received charge state update

  • config object
    Show child attributes
    • config.operationMode string or null

      The current operation mode of the battery.

      • IMPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes charging the battery. Draws power from the grid and any excess solar energy for charging. Leveraged energy sources depend on the configuration of the battery. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
      • EXPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes discharging energy stored in the battery back to the household and any excess to the grid. Grid exports often depend on local regulation and might require agreements with grid providers to be supported. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
      • TIME_OF_USE: Maximizes energy cost savings in accordance with a user-defined schedule matching a utility rate plan. Energy may be consumed from solar, battery, or grid sources, depending on the current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar or battery sources, depending on current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app.
      • SELF_RELIANCE: Minimizes household reliance on the grid. Prioritizes using own energy from solar or battery for household consumption before importing from grid. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar, depending on excess solar and your user's settings in the OEM app.

      Possible enum values:

    • config.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

      Time of last received configuration update

  • information object

    Descriptive information about the battery

    Show child attributes
    • information.id string

      Battery vendor ID

    • information.brand string

      A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

      Possible enum values:

    • information.model string

      Battery model

    • information.siteName string

      Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

    • information.installationDate string<date-time>

      Battery installation date

  • capabilities object

    A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific battery

    Show child attributes
    • capabilities.exportFocus object

      Supports EXPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

      Show child attributes
      • capabilities.exportFocus.isCapable boolean

        The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

      • capabilities.exportFocus.interventionIds array of string

        IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

    • capabilities.importFocus object

      Supports IMPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

      Show child attributes
      • capabilities.importFocus.isCapable boolean

        The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

      • capabilities.importFocus.interventionIds array of string

        IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

    • capabilities.timeOfUse object

      Supports TIME_OF_USE operation mode.

      Show child attributes
      • capabilities.timeOfUse.isCapable boolean

        The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

      • capabilities.timeOfUse.interventionIds array of string

        IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

    • capabilities.selfReliance object

      Supports SELF_RELIANCE operation mode.

      Show child attributes
      • capabilities.selfReliance.isCapable boolean

        The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

      • capabilities.selfReliance.interventionIds array of string

        IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

  • scopes array of string

    Scopes that the user has granted for this battery.

  • locationId string<uuid> or null

    ID of the location the battery is currently positioned at (if any).

  • location object

    Battery's GPS coordinates

    Show child attributes
    • location.longitude number or null

      Longitude in degrees

    • location.latitude number or null

      Latitude in degrees

Response example

  "id": "54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba",
  "userId": "4f6fecd0-bdae-49be-b6e8-ee442e1e3da9",
  "vendor": "TESLA",
  "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "isReachable": true,
  "chargeState": {
    "status": "CHARGING",
    "batteryCapacity": 13.5,
    "batteryLevel": 80,
    "chargeRate": 4.6,
    "dischargeLimit": 20,
    "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
  "config": {
    "operationMode": "IMPORT_FOCUS",
    "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
  "information": {
    "id": "7deb27f8-794f-467b-855e-5c61dd9f2cb3",
    "brand": "Tesla",
    "model": "Powerwall",
    "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
    "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
  "capabilities": {
    "exportFocus": {
      "isCapable": false,
      "interventionIds": [
    "importFocus": {
      "isCapable": false,
      "interventionIds": [
    "timeOfUse": {
      "isCapable": false,
      "interventionIds": [
    "selfReliance": {
      "isCapable": false,
      "interventionIds": [
  "scopes": [
  "locationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
  "location": {
    "longitude": 10.7197486,
    "latitude": 59.9173985
Was this section helpful?

Set operation mode for batteryBeta

POST /batteries/{batteryId}/operation-mode

Request an operationMode change for a battery. This request creates an Action that will retry until the battery's operationMode matches the expected value. The Action must complete before any further commands can be sent to the battery. Only one Action can be active for a specific battery at a time. If a new Action is created, the previous Action will be automatically cancelled and transitioned to the CANCELLED state. Regardless of operation mode, the battery's charge limit will not fall below dischargeLimit except in emergency power situations. Transitions can be tracked via the user:vendor-action:updated webhook event or Get Operation Mode ActionAPI.


Path parameters
batteryId string<uuid> Required

The ID of the battery being targeted.

  • operationMode string Required

    Desired operation mode of the battery.

    • IMPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes charging the battery. Draws power from the grid and any excess solar energy for charging. Leveraged energy sources depend on the configuration of the battery. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
    • EXPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes discharging energy stored in the battery back to the household and any excess to the grid. Grid exports often depend on local regulation and might require agreements with grid providers to be supported. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
    • TIME_OF_USE: Maximizes energy cost savings in accordance with a user-defined schedule matching a utility rate plan. Energy may be consumed from solar, battery, or grid sources, depending on the current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar or battery sources, depending on current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app.
    • SELF_RELIANCE: Minimizes household reliance on the grid. Prioritizes using own energy from solar or battery for household consumption before importing from grid. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar, depending on excess solar and your user's settings in the OEM app.

    Possible enum values:


Request example

curl --request POST \
  --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/batteries/54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba/operation-mode \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"operationMode":"IMPORT_FOCUS"}'

Response 200

  • id string<uuid>

    The ID of the action.

  • userId string

    The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

  • createdAt string<date-time>

    Time when this action was created

  • updatedAt string<date-time>

    Time when this action was last updated

  • completedAt string<date-time> or null

    Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

  • state string

    The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

    • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
    • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
    • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
    • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

    Possible enum values:

  • targetId string

    ID of the battery which this action is controlling.

  • targetType string

    Possible enum values:

  • targetState object

    Target battery operation mode

    Show child attributes
    • targetState.operationMode string

      Desired operation mode of the battery.

      • IMPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes charging the battery. Draws power from the grid and any excess solar energy for charging. Leveraged energy sources depend on the configuration of the battery. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
      • EXPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes discharging energy stored in the battery back to the household and any excess to the grid. Grid exports often depend on local regulation and might require agreements with grid providers to be supported. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
      • TIME_OF_USE: Maximizes energy cost savings in accordance with a user-defined schedule matching a utility rate plan. Energy may be consumed from solar, battery, or grid sources, depending on the current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar or battery sources, depending on current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app.
      • SELF_RELIANCE: Minimizes household reliance on the grid. Prioritizes using own energy from solar or battery for household consumption before importing from grid. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar, depending on excess solar and your user's settings in the OEM app.

      Possible enum values:


Response example

  "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
  "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
  "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "state": "PENDING",
  "targetId": "ac03a513-5494-4e1c-9dd7-2a29dc024312",
  "targetType": "battery",
  "targetState": {
    "operationMode": "IMPORT_FOCUS"

Response 400

A precondition check failed that is unlikely to change within the action's timeout window. This occurs if the battery cannot perform the action.

  • type string

    A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

  • title string

    A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

  • detail string

    A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

Response example

  "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
  "title": "Not Found",
  "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
Was this section helpful?

Get operation mode actionBeta

GET /batteries/actions/{actionId}

Returns the current state of the requested Action.


Path parameters
actionId string<uuid> Required

ID of the Action.

Request example

curl --request GET \
  --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/batteries/actions/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

Response 200

  • id string<uuid>

    The ID of the action.

  • userId string

    The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

  • createdAt string<date-time>

    Time when this action was created

  • updatedAt string<date-time>

    Time when this action was last updated

  • completedAt string<date-time> or null

    Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

  • state string

    The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

    • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
    • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
    • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
    • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

    Possible enum values:

  • targetId string

    ID of the battery which this action is controlling.

  • targetType string

    Possible enum values:

  • targetState object

    Target battery operation mode

    Show child attributes
    • targetState.operationMode string

      Desired operation mode of the battery.

      • IMPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes charging the battery. Draws power from the grid and any excess solar energy for charging. Leveraged energy sources depend on the configuration of the battery. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
      • EXPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes discharging energy stored in the battery back to the household and any excess to the grid. Grid exports often depend on local regulation and might require agreements with grid providers to be supported. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
      • TIME_OF_USE: Maximizes energy cost savings in accordance with a user-defined schedule matching a utility rate plan. Energy may be consumed from solar, battery, or grid sources, depending on the current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar or battery sources, depending on current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app.
      • SELF_RELIANCE: Minimizes household reliance on the grid. Prioritizes using own energy from solar or battery for household consumption before importing from grid. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar, depending on excess solar and your user's settings in the OEM app.

      Possible enum values:


Response example

  "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
  "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
  "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "state": "PENDING",
  "targetId": "ac03a513-5494-4e1c-9dd7-2a29dc024312",
  "targetType": "battery",
  "targetState": {
    "operationMode": "IMPORT_FOCUS"

Response 404

Action not found.

Was this section helpful?

Cancel battery actionBeta

POST /batteries/actions/{actionId}/cancel

Cancels a pending battery Action, halting any further attempts by Enode to execute it.

Note: This only updates the Action's status to CANCELLED within Enode and does not reflect a change in the vendor's cloud. Thus any pending Action in the vendor's cloud might still be executed.


Path parameters
actionId string<uuid> Required

ID of the Action.

Request example

curl --request POST \
  --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/batteries/actions/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd/cancel \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

Response 200

  • id string<uuid>

    The ID of the action.

  • userId string

    The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

  • createdAt string<date-time>

    Time when this action was created

  • updatedAt string<date-time>

    Time when this action was last updated

  • completedAt string<date-time> or null

    Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

  • state string

    The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

    • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
    • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
    • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
    • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

    Possible enum values:

  • targetId string

    ID of the battery which this action is controlling.

  • targetType string

    Possible enum values:

  • targetState object

    Target battery operation mode

    Show child attributes
    • targetState.operationMode string

      Desired operation mode of the battery.

      • IMPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes charging the battery. Draws power from the grid and any excess solar energy for charging. Leveraged energy sources depend on the configuration of the battery. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
      • EXPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes discharging energy stored in the battery back to the household and any excess to the grid. Grid exports often depend on local regulation and might require agreements with grid providers to be supported. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
      • TIME_OF_USE: Maximizes energy cost savings in accordance with a user-defined schedule matching a utility rate plan. Energy may be consumed from solar, battery, or grid sources, depending on the current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar or battery sources, depending on current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app.
      • SELF_RELIANCE: Minimizes household reliance on the grid. Prioritizes using own energy from solar or battery for household consumption before importing from grid. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar, depending on excess solar and your user's settings in the OEM app.

      Possible enum values:


Response example

  "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
  "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
  "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "state": "PENDING",
  "targetId": "ac03a513-5494-4e1c-9dd7-2a29dc024312",
  "targetType": "battery",
  "targetState": {
    "operationMode": "IMPORT_FOCUS"

Response 404

Action not found.

Response 409

Action already in a resolved state and can therefore not be cancelled.

  • id string<uuid>

    The ID of the action.

  • userId string

    The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

  • createdAt string<date-time>

    Time when this action was created

  • updatedAt string<date-time>

    Time when this action was last updated

  • completedAt string<date-time> or null

    Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

  • targetId string

    ID of the battery which this action is controlling.

  • targetType string

    Possible enum values:

  • targetState object

    Target battery operation mode

    Show child attributes
    • targetState.operationMode string

      Desired operation mode of the battery.

      • IMPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes charging the battery. Draws power from the grid and any excess solar energy for charging. Leveraged energy sources depend on the configuration of the battery. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
      • EXPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes discharging energy stored in the battery back to the household and any excess to the grid. Grid exports often depend on local regulation and might require agreements with grid providers to be supported. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
      • TIME_OF_USE: Maximizes energy cost savings in accordance with a user-defined schedule matching a utility rate plan. Energy may be consumed from solar, battery, or grid sources, depending on the current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar or battery sources, depending on current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app.
      • SELF_RELIANCE: Minimizes household reliance on the grid. Prioritizes using own energy from solar or battery for household consumption before importing from grid. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar, depending on excess solar and your user's settings in the OEM app.

      Possible enum values:

  • state string

    The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

    • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
    • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
    • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

    Possible enum values:


Response example

  "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
  "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
  "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
  "targetId": "ac03a513-5494-4e1c-9dd7-2a29dc024312",
  "targetType": "battery",
  "targetState": {
    "operationMode": "IMPORT_FOCUS"
  "state": "CONFIRMED"
Was this section helpful?

Refresh battery dataBeta

POST /batteries/{batteryId}/refresh-hint

Use this endpoint to initiate an expedited data refresh for the specified battery.

Note: The Enode platform keeps data automatically up-to-date and detects changes in the OEM APIs within seconds to a few minutes. We change the refresh interval dynamically based on a number of heuristics. This ensures we find the best trade-off between the stability of the connection to the OEM and freshness of the data.
This method overrides most of our heuristics and should therefore be used with caution. You may use it when you have a strong reason to believe the data might be stale.


Path parameters
batteryId string<uuid> Required

The ID of the battery being targeted.

Request example

curl --request POST \
  --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/batteries/54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba/refresh-hint \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

Response 204

Refresh hint registered successfully.

Response 404

The specified battery was not found.

Was this section helpful?


EV Chargers provide charging data and can be controlled via Control ChargingAPI and Schedules

List chargers

GET /chargers

List all available Chargers for the User.

Response 200

Attributes (list of string)

    Response example

    Was this section helpful?

    Get charger

    GET /chargers/{chargerId}


    Path parameters
    chargerId string Required

    ID of the Charger.

    Query parameters
    field object Deprecated

    Functionality moved in Api Version 2023-08-01 to endpoint POST /chargers/{chargerId}/refresh-hint.

    If you specify any fields here, we make a request to the Charger's OEM APIs and return the updated data.

    This will slow down your integration. In cases of vendor downtime requests with fields may take up to a minute to complete, while requests without fields will always be fast. Enode polls all devices connected to our platform, so any cached data returned will not be older than 10 minutes (unless the vendor APIs are unavailable, in which case you can consult the lastSeen & isReachable fields on the charger).

    By default, no fields are included, and the latest cached full Charger object will be returned.

    Default value: []

    Request example

    curl --request GET \
      --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/chargers/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5?field=SOME_OBJECT_VALUE' \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

    Response 200

    • id string

      Charger ID

    • userId string

      The ID of the user that linked this charger.

    • vendor string

      Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

      Possible enum values:

    • lastSeen string<date-time>

      The last time Enode communicated with the charger.

    • isReachable boolean

      Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the charger. If the charger is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

    • chargeState object

      Latest information about the charger. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

      Show child attributes
      • chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null

        Indicates whether the charger has a vehicle plugged into it (regardless of whether that vehicle is actually charging)

      • chargeState.isCharging boolean or null

        Indicates whether the charger is currently delivering power to the vehicle and actively charging its battery.

      • chargeState.chargeRate number or null

        The current charge rate in kW.

        This property is only available when the charger is actively charging a vehicle, and is null any other time.

      • chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

        Time of latest charge state update

      • chargeState.maxCurrent number or null

        Desired max current in amperes, if set

      • chargeState.powerDeliveryState string

        The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

        • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
        • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
        • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
        • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The charger is actively delivering power to the vehicle, causing the battery level to increase.
        • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The vehicle is plugged in, but the charger has been stopped. It is possible to transition into a charging state by sending a start command.
        • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The charger attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was accepted by the vehicle. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
        • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
        • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The charger is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

        Possible enum values:

    • capabilities object

      A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific charger

      Show child attributes
      • capabilities.information object

        Full availability of information data.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.information.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • capabilities.chargeState object

        Full availability of chargeState data.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • capabilities.startCharging object

        Supports START charging command.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • capabilities.stopCharging object

        Supports STOP charging command.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • capabilities.setMaxCurrent object

        Ability to set the max charge rate.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

    • scopes array of string

      Scopes that the user has granted for this charger.

    • information object

      Descriptive information about the Charger

      Show child attributes
      • information.brand string

        Charger brand

        Possible enum values:

          ZaptecEaseeWallboxEOEVBoxCharge Ampsgo-eChargePointEnel XTeslaOhmeGaroSchneider ElectricPod PointKEBAHypervoltmyenergi
      • information.model string

        Charger model

      • information.year number or null

        Charger production year

      • information.id string or null

        The vendor's charger ID. This value is deprecated. Do not use this value to refer to chargers.

    • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null

      ID of the charging location the charger is currently positioned at (if any).

    Response example

      "information": {
        "id": "2211e263-0362-4235-83f4-887bdf3ee414",
        "brand": "Zaptec",
        "model": "ZAPTEC PRO",
        "year": null
      "chargingLocationId": "2211e263-d6d4-d6d4-d6d4-dbdd77ec82b6",
      "id": "2211e263-0362-4235-83f4-887bdf3ee414",
      "userId": "d381faac-5283-44a1-9eb1-36cab2ace670",
      "vendor": "ZAPTEC",
      "lastSeen": "2023-03-21T21:08:27.596Z",
      "isReachable": true,
      "chargeState": {
        "isPluggedIn": true,
        "isCharging": true,
        "chargeRate": 6.939,
        "lastUpdated": "2023-03-21T16:39:20.000Z",
        "maxCurrent": 16,
        "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
      "capabilities": {
        "information": {
          "isCapable": true,
          "interventionIds": []
        "chargeState": {
          "isCapable": true,
          "interventionIds": []
        "startCharging": {
          "isCapable": true,
          "interventionIds": []
        "stopCharging": {
          "isCapable": true,
          "interventionIds": []
        "setMaxCurrent": {
          "isCapable": false,
          "interventionIds": [
      "scopes": [
    Was this section helpful?

    Set location for a charger

    PUT /chargers/{chargerId}

    Update the chargingLocationId field on a Charger.


    Path parameters
    chargerId string Required

    ID of the Charger.

    • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

    Request example

    curl --request PUT \
      --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/chargers/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5 \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
      --header 'content-type: application/json' \
      --data '{"chargingLocationId":"4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"}'

    Response 200

    • id string

      Charger ID

    • userId string

      The ID of the user that linked this charger.

    • vendor string

      Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

      Possible enum values:

    • lastSeen string<date-time>

      The last time Enode communicated with the charger.

    • isReachable boolean

      Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the charger. If the charger is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

    • chargeState object

      Latest information about the charger. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

      Show child attributes
      • chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null

        Indicates whether the charger has a vehicle plugged into it (regardless of whether that vehicle is actually charging)

      • chargeState.isCharging boolean or null

        Indicates whether the charger is currently delivering power to the vehicle and actively charging its battery.

      • chargeState.chargeRate number or null

        The current charge rate in kW.

        This property is only available when the charger is actively charging a vehicle, and is null any other time.

      • chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

        Time of latest charge state update

      • chargeState.maxCurrent number or null

        Desired max current in amperes, if set

      • chargeState.powerDeliveryState string

        The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

        • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
        • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
        • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
        • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The charger is actively delivering power to the vehicle, causing the battery level to increase.
        • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The vehicle is plugged in, but the charger has been stopped. It is possible to transition into a charging state by sending a start command.
        • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The charger attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was accepted by the vehicle. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
        • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
        • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The charger is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

        Possible enum values:

    • capabilities object

      A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific charger

      Show child attributes
      • capabilities.information object

        Full availability of information data.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.information.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • capabilities.chargeState object

        Full availability of chargeState data.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • capabilities.startCharging object

        Supports START charging command.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • capabilities.stopCharging object

        Supports STOP charging command.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • capabilities.setMaxCurrent object

        Ability to set the max charge rate.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean

          The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

        • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string

          IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

    • scopes array of string

      Scopes that the user has granted for this charger.

    • information object

      Descriptive information about the Charger

      Show child attributes
      • information.brand string

        Charger brand

        Possible enum values:

          ZaptecEaseeWallboxEOEVBoxCharge Ampsgo-eChargePointEnel XTeslaOhmeGaroSchneider ElectricPod PointKEBAHypervoltmyenergi
      • information.model string

        Charger model

      • information.year number or null

        Charger production year

      • information.id string or null

        The vendor's charger ID. This value is deprecated. Do not use this value to refer to chargers.

    • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null

      ID of the charging location the charger is currently positioned at (if any).

    Response example

      "information": {
        "id": "2211e263-0362-4235-83f4-887bdf3ee414",
        "brand": "Zaptec",
        "model": "ZAPTEC PRO",
        "year": null
      "chargingLocationId": "2211e263-d6d4-d6d4-d6d4-dbdd77ec82b6",
      "id": "2211e263-0362-4235-83f4-887bdf3ee414",
      "userId": "d381faac-5283-44a1-9eb1-36cab2ace670",
      "vendor": "ZAPTEC",
      "lastSeen": "2023-03-21T21:08:27.596Z",
      "isReachable": true,
      "chargeState": {
        "isPluggedIn": true,
        "isCharging": true,
        "chargeRate": 6.939,
        "lastUpdated": "2023-03-21T16:39:20.000Z",
        "maxCurrent": 16,
        "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
      "capabilities": {
        "information": {
          "isCapable": true,
          "interventionIds": []
        "chargeState": {
          "isCapable": true,
          "interventionIds": []
        "startCharging": {
          "isCapable": true,
          "interventionIds": []
        "stopCharging": {
          "isCapable": true,
          "interventionIds": []
        "setMaxCurrent": {
          "isCapable": false,
          "interventionIds": [
      "scopes": [
    Was this section helpful?

    Control charging

    POST /chargers/{chargerId}/charging

    Request for a charger to start or stop charging. This request creates an Action that will retry until the charger's powerDeliveryState matches the expected value. The Action must complete before any further commands are sent to the charger. Only one Action can be active for a specific charger at a time. If a new Action is created, the previous Action will be automatically cancelled and transitioned to the CANCELLED state. Transitions can be tracked via the user:vendor-action:updated webhook event or Get Charger ActionAPI.

    This endpoint returns an error with status code 422 if the charger is controlled by a schedule. To restore user control, either disable the schedule or use Create Smart OverrideAPI to temporarily enable charging.


    Path parameters
    chargerId string Required

    ID of the Charger.

    • action string Required

      Charging action to perform

      Possible enum values:


    Request example

    curl --request POST \
      --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/chargers/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/charging \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
      --header 'content-type: application/json' \
      --data '{"action":"START"}'

    Response 200

    Resulting charge action

    • id string<uuid>

      The ID of the action.

    • userId string

      The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

    • createdAt string<date-time>

      Time when this action was created

    • updatedAt string<date-time>

      Time when this action was last updated

    • completedAt string<date-time> or null

      Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

    • state string

      The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

      • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
      • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
      • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
      • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

      Possible enum values:

    • targetId string

      ID of the target which this action is controlling.

    • targetType string

      Possible enum values:

    • kind string

      The charging action to perform

      Possible enum values:

    • failureReason object or null

      Information about why was this action not executed successfully.

      Show child attributes
      • failureReason.type string

        A machine-readable high level error category.

        • NO_RESPONSE: The chargeable device did not react to our charge commands within the action's timeout window.
        • FAILED_PRECONDITION: The chargeable device did not meet all required preconditions for this action to be executed during the action's timeout window.
        • UNNECESSARY: The action was not carried out given that the device was already in the desired state.
        • CONFLICT: A newer action for this chargeable has been created. This action is now abandoned.
        • REQUESTED_CANCELLATION: This action was cancelled by request of the controlling owner. The controlling owner may refer to another Enode entity which initiated the command, such as a schedule or smart override.
        • NOT_FOUND: The chargeable was deleted while the action was PENDING.

        Possible enum values:

      • failureReason.detail string

        A human-readable explanation of why the charging action was unsuccessful.

    Response example

      "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
      "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
      "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "state": "PENDING",
      "targetId": "bfbccded-8a1c-45a8-bbda-dcaeef29977a",
      "targetType": "vehicle",
      "kind": "START",
      "failureReason": {
        "type": "NO_RESPONSE",
        "detail": "The chargeable device remained unreachable."

    Response 400

    A precondition check failed that is unlikely to change within the action's timeout window. This occurs if the charger cannot perform the action, is fully charged, or is already in the desired state.

    • type string

      A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

    • title string

      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

    • detail string

      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

    Response example

      "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
      "title": "Not Found",
      "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."

    Response 422

    Charger controlled by a Schedule

    • type string

      A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

    • title string

      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

    • detail string

      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

    Response example

      "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
      "title": "Not Found",
      "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
    Was this section helpful?

    Set max current

    POST /chargers/{chargerId}/max-current

    Register for a change of the maxCurrent field on a charger. This request creates an Action that will retry until the charger's maxCurrent matches the expected value. The Action must complete before any further commands are sent to the charger. Only one Action can be active for a specific charger at a time. If a new Action is created, the previous Action will be automatically cancelled and transitioned to the CANCELLED state. Transitions can be tracked via the user:vendor-action:updated webhook event or Get Charger ActionAPI.


    Path parameters
    chargerId string Required

    ID of the Charger.

    • maxCurrent number Required

      Desired max current in ampere

    Request example

    curl --request POST \
      --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/chargers/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/max-current \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
      --header 'content-type: application/json' \
      --data '{"maxCurrent":10}'

    Response 200

    • id string<uuid>

      The ID of the action.

    • userId string

      The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

    • createdAt string<date-time>

      Time when this action was created

    • updatedAt string<date-time>

      Time when this action was last updated

    • completedAt string<date-time> or null

      Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

    • state string

      The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

      • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
      • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
      • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
      • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

      Possible enum values:

    • targetId string

      ID of the entity which this action is controlling.

    • targetType string

      Possible enum values:

    • targetState object

      Target maximum current for entity

      Show child attributes
      • targetState.maxCurrent number

        Desired max current in ampere

    • failureReason object or null

      Information about why was this action not executed successfully.

      Show child attributes
      • failureReason.type string

        A machine-readable high level error category.

        • NO_RESPONSE: The chargeable device did not react to our charge commands within the action's timeout window.
        • FAILED_PRECONDITION: The chargeable device did not meet all required preconditions for this action to be executed during the action's timeout window.
        • UNNECESSARY: The action was not carried out given that the device was already in the desired state.
        • CONFLICT: A newer action for this chargeable has been created. This action is now abandoned.
        • REQUESTED_CANCELLATION: This action was cancelled by request of the controlling owner. The controlling owner may refer to another Enode entity which initiated the command, such as a schedule or smart override.
        • NOT_FOUND: The chargeable was deleted while the action was PENDING.

        Possible enum values:

      • failureReason.detail string

        A human-readable explanation of why the charging action was unsuccessful.

    Response example

      "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
      "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
      "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "state": "PENDING",
      "targetId": "string",
      "targetType": "vehicle",
      "targetState": {
        "maxCurrent": 10
      "failureReason": {
        "type": "NO_RESPONSE",
        "detail": "The chargeable device remained unreachable."

    Response 400

    A precondition check failed that is unlikely to change within the action's timeout window. This occurs if the charger cannot perform the action.

    • type string

      A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

    • title string

      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

    • detail string

      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

    Response example

      "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
      "title": "Not Found",
      "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
    Was this section helpful?

    Get charger action

    GET /chargers/actions/{actionId}

    Returns the current state of the requested Action.


    Path parameters
    actionId string<uuid> Required

    ID of the Action.

    Request example

    curl --request GET \
      --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/chargers/actions/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

    Response 200

    • id string<uuid>

      The ID of the action.

    • userId string

      The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

    • createdAt string<date-time>

      Time when this action was created

    • updatedAt string<date-time>

      Time when this action was last updated

    • completedAt string<date-time> or null

      Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

    • state string

      The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

      • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
      • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
      • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
      • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

      Possible enum values:

    • targetId string

      ID of the target which this action is controlling.

    • targetType string

      Possible enum values:

    • kind string

      The charging action to perform

      Possible enum values:

    • failureReason object or null

      Information about why was this action not executed successfully.

      Show child attributes
      • failureReason.type string

        A machine-readable high level error category.

        • NO_RESPONSE: The chargeable device did not react to our charge commands within the action's timeout window.
        • FAILED_PRECONDITION: The chargeable device did not meet all required preconditions for this action to be executed during the action's timeout window.
        • UNNECESSARY: The action was not carried out given that the device was already in the desired state.
        • CONFLICT: A newer action for this chargeable has been created. This action is now abandoned.
        • REQUESTED_CANCELLATION: This action was cancelled by request of the controlling owner. The controlling owner may refer to another Enode entity which initiated the command, such as a schedule or smart override.
        • NOT_FOUND: The chargeable was deleted while the action was PENDING.

        Possible enum values:

      • failureReason.detail string

        A human-readable explanation of why the charging action was unsuccessful.

    Response example

      "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
      "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
      "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "state": "PENDING",
      "targetId": "bfbccded-8a1c-45a8-bbda-dcaeef29977a",
      "targetType": "vehicle",
      "kind": "START",
      "failureReason": {
        "type": "NO_RESPONSE",
        "detail": "The chargeable device remained unreachable."

    Response 404

    Action not found.

    Was this section helpful?

    Cancel charger action

    POST /chargers/actions/{actionId}/cancel

    Cancels a pending Action, halting any further attempts by Enode to execute it.

    Note: This only updates the Action's status to CANCELLED within Enode and does not reflect a change in the vendor's cloud. Thus any pending Action in the vendor's cloud might still be executed.


    Path parameters
    actionId string<uuid> Required

    ID of the Action.

    Request example

    curl --request POST \
      --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/chargers/actions/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd/cancel \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

    Response 200

    • id string<uuid>

      The ID of the action.

    • userId string

      The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

    • createdAt string<date-time>

      Time when this action was created

    • updatedAt string<date-time>

      Time when this action was last updated

    • completedAt string<date-time> or null

      Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

    • state string

      The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

      • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
      • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
      • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
      • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

      Possible enum values:

    • targetId string

      ID of the target which this action is controlling.

    • targetType string

      Possible enum values:

    • kind string

      The charging action to perform

      Possible enum values:

    • failureReason object or null

      Information about why was this action not executed successfully.

      Show child attributes
      • failureReason.type string

        A machine-readable high level error category.

        • NO_RESPONSE: The chargeable device did not react to our charge commands within the action's timeout window.
        • FAILED_PRECONDITION: The chargeable device did not meet all required preconditions for this action to be executed during the action's timeout window.
        • UNNECESSARY: The action was not carried out given that the device was already in the desired state.
        • CONFLICT: A newer action for this chargeable has been created. This action is now abandoned.
        • REQUESTED_CANCELLATION: This action was cancelled by request of the controlling owner. The controlling owner may refer to another Enode entity which initiated the command, such as a schedule or smart override.
        • NOT_FOUND: The chargeable was deleted while the action was PENDING.

        Possible enum values:

      • failureReason.detail string

        A human-readable explanation of why the charging action was unsuccessful.

    Response example

      "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
      "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
      "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "state": "PENDING",
      "targetId": "bfbccded-8a1c-45a8-bbda-dcaeef29977a",
      "targetType": "vehicle",
      "kind": "START",
      "failureReason": {
        "type": "NO_RESPONSE",
        "detail": "The chargeable device remained unreachable."

    Response 404

    Action not found.

    Response 409

    Action already in a resolved state.

    • id string<uuid>

      The ID of the action.

    • userId string

      The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

    • createdAt string<date-time>

      Time when this action was created

    • updatedAt string<date-time>

      Time when this action was last updated

    • completedAt string<date-time> or null

      Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

    • state string

      The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

      • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
      • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
      • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
      • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

      Possible enum values:

    • targetId string

      ID of the target which this action is controlling.

    • targetType string

      Possible enum values:

    • kind string

      The charging action to perform

      Possible enum values:

    • failureReason object or null

      Information about why was this action not executed successfully.

      Show child attributes
      • failureReason.type string

        A machine-readable high level error category.

        • NO_RESPONSE: The chargeable device did not react to our charge commands within the action's timeout window.
        • FAILED_PRECONDITION: The chargeable device did not meet all required preconditions for this action to be executed during the action's timeout window.
        • UNNECESSARY: The action was not carried out given that the device was already in the desired state.
        • CONFLICT: A newer action for this chargeable has been created. This action is now abandoned.
        • REQUESTED_CANCELLATION: This action was cancelled by request of the controlling owner. The controlling owner may refer to another Enode entity which initiated the command, such as a schedule or smart override.
        • NOT_FOUND: The chargeable was deleted while the action was PENDING.

        Possible enum values:

      • failureReason.detail string

        A human-readable explanation of why the charging action was unsuccessful.

    Response example

      "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
      "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
      "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
      "state": "PENDING",
      "targetId": "bfbccded-8a1c-45a8-bbda-dcaeef29977a",
      "targetType": "vehicle",
      "kind": "START",
      "failureReason": {
        "type": "NO_RESPONSE",
        "detail": "The chargeable device remained unreachable."
    Was this section helpful?

    Refresh charger data

    POST /chargers/{chargerId}/refresh-hint

    Use this endpoint to initiate an expedited data refresh for the specified charger.

    Note: The Enode platform keeps data automatically up-to-date and detects changes in the OEM APIs within seconds to a few minutes. We change the refresh interval dynamically based on a number of heuristics. This ensures we find the best trade-off between the stability of the connection to the OEM and freshness of the data.
    This method overrides most of our heuristics and should therefore be used with caution. You may use it when you have a strong reason to believe the data might be stale.


    Path parameters
    chargerId string Required

    ID of the Charger.

    Request example

    curl --request POST \
      --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/chargers/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/refresh-hint \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

    Response 204

    Refresh hint registered successfully.

    Response 404

    The specified charger was not found.

    Was this section helpful?


    HVAC units (heaters, heat pumps, air conditioning, thermostats, etc.) are controlled by altering the mode & target setpoints. This can be done directly using the Set Permanent HoldAPI endpoint, Return to ScheduleAPI, or via Schedules.

    List HVAC units

    GET /hvacs

    List of User HVAC unit IDs

    Response 200

    Attributes (list of string)

      Response example

      Was this section helpful?

      Get action

      GET /hvacs/actions/{actionId}

      Returns the current state of the requested action.


      Path parameters
      actionId string<uuid> Required

      ID of the Action.

      Request example

      curl --request GET \
        --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/hvacs/actions/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

      Response 200

      • id string<uuid>

        The ID of the action.

      • userId string

        The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

      • createdAt string<date-time>

        Time when this action was created

      • updatedAt string<date-time>

        Time when this action was last updated

      • completedAt string<date-time> or null

        Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

      • state string

        The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

        • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
        • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
        • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
        • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

        Possible enum values:

      • targetId string

        ID of the entity asset (HVAC) which this action is controlling.

      • targetType string

        Possible enum values:

      • target

      Response example

        "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
        "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
        "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "state": "PENDING",
        "targetId": "string",
        "targetType": "hvac",
        "target": {
          "coolSetpoint": 0,
          "mode": "COOL",
          "holdType": "PERMANENT"

      Response 404

      Action not found.

      Was this section helpful?

      Cancel HVAC action

      POST /hvacs/actions/{actionId}/cancel

      Cancels a pending HVAC action, halting any further attempts by Enode to execute it.

      Note: This only updates the action's status to CANCELLED within Enode and does not reflect a change in the vendor's cloud. Thus any pending action in the vendor's cloud might still be executed.


      Path parameters
      actionId string<uuid> Required

      ID of the Action.

      Request example

      curl --request POST \
        --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/hvacs/actions/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd/cancel \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

      Response 200

      • id string<uuid>

        The ID of the action.

      • userId string

        The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

      • createdAt string<date-time>

        Time when this action was created

      • updatedAt string<date-time>

        Time when this action was last updated

      • completedAt string<date-time> or null

        Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

      • state string

        The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

        • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
        • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
        • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
        • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

        Possible enum values:

      • targetId string

        ID of the entity asset (HVAC) which this action is controlling.

      • targetType string

        Possible enum values:

      • target

      Response example

        "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
        "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
        "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "state": "PENDING",
        "targetId": "string",
        "targetType": "hvac",
        "target": {
          "coolSetpoint": 0,
          "mode": "COOL",
          "holdType": "PERMANENT"

      Response 404

      Action not found.

      Response 409

      Action already in a resolved state.

      • id string<uuid>

        The ID of the action.

      • userId string

        The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

      • createdAt string<date-time>

        Time when this action was created

      • updatedAt string<date-time>

        Time when this action was last updated

      • completedAt string<date-time> or null

        Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

      • state string

        The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

        • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
        • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
        • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
        • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

        Possible enum values:

      • targetId string

        ID of the entity asset (HVAC) which this action is controlling.

      • targetType string

        Possible enum values:

      • target

      Response example

        "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
        "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
        "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "state": "PENDING",
        "targetId": "string",
        "targetType": "hvac",
        "target": {
          "coolSetpoint": 0,
          "mode": "COOL",
          "holdType": "PERMANENT"
      Was this section helpful?

      Get HVAC unit

      GET /hvacs/{hvacId}


      Path parameters
      hvacId string Required

      ID of the HVAC unit.

      Request example

      curl --request GET \
        --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/hvacs/8f39fa8d-8f10-4984-a319-741dc23848c0 \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

      Response 200

      • id string

        HVAC unit ID

      • userId string

        The ID of the user that linked this hvac.

      • vendor string

        Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

        Possible enum values:

      • lastSeen string<date-time>

        The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the HVAC unit was initially linked.

      • isReachable boolean

        Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the HVAC. If the HVAC is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

      • consumptionRate number or null

        The current rate of energy consumption in kW. An inactive HVAC will have a consumption rate of 0. HVACs not supporting consumption rate will report null. This value is currently only supported by a small number of devices.

      • information object

        Descriptive information about the HVAC unit

        Show child attributes
        • information.brand string

          Display name of OEM/vendor

          Possible enum values:

            TadoMillADAXEcobeeSensiboHoneywell TCCResideoMitsubishiMicro MaticNIBEPanasonicToshibaDAIKINNestFujitsuBoschNetatmo
        • information.model string or null

          Device model name

        • information.displayName string

          Name of the device, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

        • information.groupName string or null

          Name of the group the device belongs to, as set by the user on the device/vendor. Groups are typically presented as "rooms" or "zones".

        • information.category string

          Classification of the connected HVAC device.

          • HEATING: A direct heating device, such as an electric panel heater

          • COOLING: A direct cooling device, such as an air conditioner

          • HEAT_PUMP: An air-to-air heat pump capable of both heating and cooling

          • AGGREGATOR: A device that is capable of controlling various HVAC systems behind it, such as a smart thermostat

          Possible enum values:

      • temperatureState object

        Latest information about temperature. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

        Show child attributes
        • temperatureState.currentTemperature number or null

          Current air temperature reported by device in degrees Celsius.

        • temperatureState.isActive boolean

          Whether the HVAC unit is actively heating or cooling.

        • temperatureState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

          Time of last temperature state update. Reflects when the OEM reported a change or Enode recorded a change in any field, whichever is newer

      • thermostatState object

        Latest information about the thermostat state. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

        Show child attributes
        • thermostatState.mode string or null

          The current state of the HVAC unit.

          • OFF: The HVAC unit is turned off.
          • AUTO: The HVAC unit will try to maintain the given setpoint by alternating between cooling and heating based on the ambient temperature
          • COOL: The HVAC unit will only cool to the given setpoint.
          • HEAT: The HVAC unit will only heat to the given setpoint
          • null: The mode of the HVAC unit is currently not available from the vendor or not supported by enode.

          Possible enum values:

        • thermostatState.heatSetpoint number or null

          If mode allows, heat when currentTemperature falls below this point.

        • thermostatState.coolSetpoint number or null

          If mode allows, cool when currentTemperature rises above this point.

        • thermostatState.holdType string or null

          The duration the setpoints and mode are expected to be held. If SCHEDULED, the device is being controlled by an OEM schedule configured on the device.

          Possible enum values:

        • thermostatState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

          Time of last thermostat state update. Reflects when the OEM reported a change or Enode recorded a change in any field, whichever is newer.

      • scopes array of string

        Scopes that the user has granted for this HVAC unit.

      • mode string or null Deprecated

        Replaced by thermostatState.mode. The HVAC's mode.

        • OFF: The HVAC unit is turned off.
        • AUTO: The HVAC unit will try to maintain the given setpoint by alternating between cooling and heating based on the ambient temperature
        • COOL: The HVAC unit will only cool to the given setpoint.
        • HEAT: The HVAC unit will only heat to the given setpoint
        • null: The mode of the HVAC unit is currently not available from the vendor or not supported by enode.

        Possible enum values:

      • heatSetpoint number or null Deprecated

        Replaced by thermostatState.heatSetpoint. If mode allows, heat when currentTemperature falls below this point.

      • coolSetpoint number or null Deprecated

        Replaced by thermostatState.coolSetpoint. If mode allows, cool when currentTemperature rises above this point.

      • holdType string or null Deprecated

        Replaced by thermostatState.holdType. The duration the setpoints and mode are expected to be held. If SCHEDULED, the device is being controlled by an OEM schedule configured on the device.

        Possible enum values:

      • isActive boolean Deprecated

        Replaced by temperatureState.isActive. Whether the HVAC unit is actively heating or cooling.

      • currentTemperature number or null Deprecated

        Replaced by temperatureState.currentTemperature. Current air temperature reported by device in degrees Celsius.

      • capabilities object

        An object describing valid states for this HVAC unit.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.capableModes array of string,null or null

          A list of valid modes for this HVAC unit.

        • capabilities.coolSetpointRange object or null

          The range of allowable values for coolSetpoint.

          Show child attributes
          • capabilities.coolSetpointRange.min number or null

            The minimum allowable temperature, inclusive.

          • capabilities.coolSetpointRange.max number or null

            The maximum allowable temperature, inclusive.

        • capabilities.heatSetpointRange object or null

          The range of allowable values for heatSetpoint.

          Show child attributes
          • capabilities.heatSetpointRange.min number or null

            The minimum allowable temperature, inclusive.

          • capabilities.heatSetpointRange.max number or null

            The maximum allowable temperature, inclusive.

        • capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange object or null

          A constraint specifying the minimum and maximum allowable difference between heatSetpoint and coolSetpoint. Only applicable in AUTO mode.

          Show child attributes
          • capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange.min number or null

            The minimum allowable difference, inclusive.

          • capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange.max number or null

            The maximum allowable difference, inclusive.

        • capabilities.setFollowSchedule object

          Supports following a schedule set on the device.

          Show child attributes
          • capabilities.setFollowSchedule.isCapable boolean

            The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

          • capabilities.setFollowSchedule.interventionIds array of string

            IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

        • capabilities.setPermanentHold object

          Supports setting a permanent hold.

          Show child attributes
          • capabilities.setPermanentHold.isCapable boolean

            The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

          • capabilities.setPermanentHold.interventionIds array of string

            IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

        • capabilities.capableHoldTypes array of string or null Deprecated

          A list of valid hold types for this HVAC unit.

          Deprecated: Check the setFollowSchedule and setPermanentHold capabilities instead.

      • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null

        ID of the charging location the HVAC unit is housed at (if any)

      Response example

        "isActive": true,
        "currentTemperature": 20.8,
        "mode": "HEAT",
        "heatSetpoint": 22,
        "coolSetpoint": 24,
        "holdType": "PERMANENT",
        "chargingLocationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
        "id": "8f39fa8d-8f10-4984-a319-741dc23848c0",
        "userId": "17d9f847-8a1c-4158-adaa-4911a7acd5f9",
        "vendor": "ADAX",
        "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26.000Z",
        "isReachable": true,
        "consumptionRate": 1.8,
        "information": {
          "brand": "ADAX",
          "model": "Neo Wi-Fi Skirting",
          "displayName": "Bedroom Panel Heater",
          "groupName": "Bedroom",
          "category": "HEATING"
        "capabilities": {
          "capableModes": [
          "capableHoldTypes": [
          "coolSetpointRange": {
            "min": 15,
            "max": 25
          "heatSetpointRange": {
            "min": 15,
            "max": 25
          "setpointDifferenceRange": {
            "min": 15,
            "max": 25
          "setFollowSchedule": {
            "isCapable": true,
            "interventionIds": []
          "setPermanentHold": {
            "isCapable": true,
            "interventionIds": []
        "thermostatState": {
          "mode": "HEAT",
          "heatSetpoint": 22,
          "coolSetpoint": 24,
          "holdType": "PERMANENT",
          "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26.000Z"
        "temperatureState": {
          "currentTemperature": 20.8,
          "isActive": true,
          "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:03:26.000Z"
        "scopes": [
      Was this section helpful?

      Set HVAC unit to follow device schedule

      POST /hvacs/{hvacId}/follow-schedule

      Tell an HVAC unit to follow the schedule set on the device. Only available if the target's capabilities.setFollowSchedule.isCapable is set to true. This endpoint can be used to cancel permanent holds. We retry sending the command until the HVAC unit's fields transition to the expected values. Note that this request will complete before any commands are sent to the HVAC unit. You may react to transitions by listening for the user:vendor-action:updated webhook event or polling the HVAC action endpointAPI.


      Path parameters
      hvacId string Required

      ID of the HVAC unit.

      Request example

      curl --request POST \
        --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/hvacs/8f39fa8d-8f10-4984-a319-741dc23848c0/follow-schedule \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

      Response 200

      Resulting HVAC action

      • id string<uuid>

        The ID of the action.

      • userId string

        The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

      • createdAt string<date-time>

        Time when this action was created

      • updatedAt string<date-time>

        Time when this action was last updated

      • completedAt string<date-time> or null

        Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

      • state string

        The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

        • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
        • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
        • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
        • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

        Possible enum values:

      • targetId string

        ID of the entity asset (HVAC) which this action is controlling.

      • targetType string

        Possible enum values:

      • target object
        Show child attributes
        • target.holdType string

          Possible enum values:


      Response example

        "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
        "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
        "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "state": "PENDING",
        "targetId": "string",
        "targetType": "hvac",
        "target": {
          "holdType": "SCHEDULED"

      Response 400

      A precondition check failed that is unlikely to change within the action's timeout window. This occurs if the HVAC unit cannot perform the action.

      • type string

        A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

      • title string

        A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

      • detail string

        A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

      Response example

        "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
        "title": "Not Found",
        "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."

      Response 422

      HVAC unit controlled by an Enode Schedule

      • type string

        A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

      • title string

        A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

      • detail string

        A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

      Response example

        "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
        "title": "Not Found",
        "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
      Was this section helpful?

      Refresh HVAC unit data

      POST /hvacs/{hvacId}/refresh-hint

      Use this endpoint to initiate an expedited data refresh for the specified HVAC unit.

      Note: The Enode platform keeps data automatically up-to-date and detects changes in the OEM APIs within seconds to a few minutes. We change the refresh interval dynamically based on a number of heuristics. This ensures we find the best trade-off between the stability of the connection to the OEM and freshness of the data.
      This method overrides most of our heuristics and should therefore be used with caution. You may use it when you have a strong reason to believe the data might be stale.


      Path parameters
      hvacId string Required

      ID of the HVAC unit.

      Request example

      curl --request POST \
        --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/hvacs/8f39fa8d-8f10-4984-a319-741dc23848c0/refresh-hint \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

      Response 204

      Refresh hint registered successfully.

      Response 404

      The specified hvac was not found.

      Was this section helpful?

      Set HVAC unit mode as permanent hold

      POST /hvacs/{hvacId}/permanent-hold

      Tell an HVAC unit to enter a permanent hold. Only available if the target's capabilities.setPermanentHold.isCapable is set to true. We retry sending the command until the HVAC unit's target field transition to the expected value. Note that this request will complete before any commands are sent to the HVAC unit. You may react to transitions by listening for the user:vendor-action:updated webhook event or polling the HVAC action endpointAPI.


      Path parameters
      hvacId string Required

      ID of the HVAC unit.

      • coolSetpoint number Required
      • mode string Required

        Possible enum values:


      Request example

      curl --request POST \
        --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/hvacs/8f39fa8d-8f10-4984-a319-741dc23848c0/permanent-hold \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
        --header 'content-type: application/json' \
        --data '{"coolSetpoint":0,"mode":"COOL"}'

      Response 200

      Resulting action

      • id string<uuid>

        The ID of the action.

      • userId string

        The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

      • createdAt string<date-time>

        Time when this action was created

      • updatedAt string<date-time>

        Time when this action was last updated

      • completedAt string<date-time> or null

        Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

      • state string

        The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

        • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
        • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
        • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
        • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

        Possible enum values:

      • targetId string

        ID of the entity asset (HVAC) which this action is controlling.

      • targetType string

        Possible enum values:

      • target

      Response example

        "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
        "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
        "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "state": "PENDING",
        "targetId": "string",
        "targetType": "hvac",
        "target": {
          "coolSetpoint": 0,
          "mode": "COOL",
          "holdType": "PERMANENT"

      Response 400

      A precondition check failed that is unlikely to change within the action's timeout window. This occurs if the HVAC unit cannot perform the action or the setpoints are invalid.

      • type string

        A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

      • title string

        A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

      • detail string

        A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

      Response example

        "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
        "title": "Not Found",
        "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."

      Response 422

      HVAC unit controlled by an Enode Schedule

      • type string

        A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

      • title string

        A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

      • detail string

        A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

      Response example

        "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
        "title": "Not Found",
        "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
      Was this section helpful?


      Endpoints that return information about interventions. More information and examples are available in the Interventions guide.

      List interventions

      GET /interventions

      Returns a list of all supported interventions.

      The language parameter can be used to specify the language of the resolution title and description.


      Query parameters
      language string Optional

      Preferred BCP47 language code - Request translation for the specified language. Falls back to en-US if not provided or provided language code is unsupported.

      Possible enum values:

      vendorType string Optional

      Only return interventions for the specified vendor type.

      Possible enum values:

      vendor string Optional

      Only return interventions for the specified vendor.

      Possible enum values:


      Request example

      curl --request GET \
        --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/interventions?language=SOME_STRING_VALUE&vendorType=SOME_undefined_VALUE&vendor=TESLA' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

      Response 200

      Attributes (list of object)
      • id string<uuid>
      • vendor string

        Machine-friendly representation of the OEM's name.

        Possible enum values:

      • vendorType string

        Type of device this intervention relates to.

        Possible enum values:

      • brand string

        A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

        Possible enum values:

          APsystemsCSISolarDeyeEnphaseFOXESSFroniusGivEnergyGoodWeGrowattHoymilesHuaweiINVTSMASofarSolarEdgeSolArkSolaxSolisSolplanetSungrowSUNSYNKTeslaTSUNAcuraAudiBMWHondaHyundaiJaguarLand RoverKiaMercedesMININissanPeugeotPorscheRenaultSEATŠkodaVolkswagenVolvoFordOpelDSToyotaLexusCitroënCupraVauxhallFiatRivianNIOChevroletGMCCadillacXPENGPolestarSubaruJeepMazdaMGChryslerDodgeRamAlfa RomeoLanciaLucidBYDTadoMillADAXEcobeeSensiboHoneywell TCCResideoMitsubishiMicro MaticNIBEPanasonicToshibaDAIKINNestFujitsuBoschNetatmoZaptecEaseeWallboxEOEVBoxCharge Ampsgo-eChargePointEnel XOhmeGaroSchneider ElectricPod PointKEBAHypervoltmyenergi
      • introducedAt string<date-time>

        ISO 8601 timestamp of when the intervention was introduced.

      • domain string

        The domain the intervention is related to. i.e. Is the intervention related to the vendor service account or a setting on the device.

        Possible enum values:

      • resolution object
        Show child attributes
        • resolution.title string

          A localized title for the intervention.

        • resolution.description string

          A localized description of how to resolve the intervention. Formatted as Markdown.

        • resolution.access string

          Where the intervention needs to be resolved. i.e. remotely using the vendor's app or directly on the device.

          Possible enum values:

        • resolution.agent string

          Who can resolve the intervention. i.e. a user can resolve the intervention themselves, or a licensed service retailer is needed.

          Possible enum values:


      Response example

          "id": "9d90a9ad-9b24-4ce0-94e9-e888b1b877f4",
          "vendor": "AUDI",
          "vendorType": "string",
          "brand": "Audi",
          "introducedAt": "2023-03-16T00:00:00",
          "domain": "Account",
          "resolution": {
            "title": "Accept the Audi terms and conditions",
            "description": "To gain access to your vehicle's telemetry data, it's necessary to accept Audi's terms and conditions. Follow these steps to proceed:<br><br>1. Open the **myAudi app** on your phone<br>2. Follow the prompts to accept Audi's terms and conditions",
            "access": "Remote",
            "agent": "User"
      Was this section helpful?

      Get intervention

      GET /interventions/{interventionId}

      Returns a single intervention.

      The language parameter can be used to specify the language of the resolution title and description.


      Path parameters
      interventionId string<uuid> Required

      ID of the intervention.

      Query parameters
      language string Optional

      Preferred BCP47 language code - Request translation for the specified language. Falls back to en-US if not provided or provided language code is unsupported.

      Possible enum values:

      vendorType string Optional

      Only return interventions for the specified vendor type.

      Possible enum values:

      vendor string Optional

      Only return interventions for the specified vendor.

      Possible enum values:


      Request example

      curl --request GET \
        --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/interventions/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5?language=SOME_STRING_VALUE&vendorType=SOME_undefined_VALUE&vendor=TESLA' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

      Response 200

      • id string<uuid>
      • vendor string

        Machine-friendly representation of the OEM's name.

        Possible enum values:

      • vendorType string

        Type of device this intervention relates to.

        Possible enum values:

      • brand string

        A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

        Possible enum values:

          APsystemsCSISolarDeyeEnphaseFOXESSFroniusGivEnergyGoodWeGrowattHoymilesHuaweiINVTSMASofarSolarEdgeSolArkSolaxSolisSolplanetSungrowSUNSYNKTeslaTSUNAcuraAudiBMWHondaHyundaiJaguarLand RoverKiaMercedesMININissanPeugeotPorscheRenaultSEATŠkodaVolkswagenVolvoFordOpelDSToyotaLexusCitroënCupraVauxhallFiatRivianNIOChevroletGMCCadillacXPENGPolestarSubaruJeepMazdaMGChryslerDodgeRamAlfa RomeoLanciaLucidBYDTadoMillADAXEcobeeSensiboHoneywell TCCResideoMitsubishiMicro MaticNIBEPanasonicToshibaDAIKINNestFujitsuBoschNetatmoZaptecEaseeWallboxEOEVBoxCharge Ampsgo-eChargePointEnel XOhmeGaroSchneider ElectricPod PointKEBAHypervoltmyenergi
      • introducedAt string<date-time>

        ISO 8601 timestamp of when the intervention was introduced.

      • domain string

        The domain the intervention is related to. i.e. Is the intervention related to the vendor service account or a setting on the device.

        Possible enum values:

      • resolution object
        Show child attributes
        • resolution.title string

          A localized title for the intervention.

        • resolution.description string

          A localized description of how to resolve the intervention. Formatted as Markdown.

        • resolution.access string

          Where the intervention needs to be resolved. i.e. remotely using the vendor's app or directly on the device.

          Possible enum values:

        • resolution.agent string

          Who can resolve the intervention. i.e. a user can resolve the intervention themselves, or a licensed service retailer is needed.

          Possible enum values:


      Response example

        "id": "9d90a9ad-9b24-4ce0-94e9-e888b1b877f4",
        "vendor": "AUDI",
        "vendorType": "string",
        "brand": "Audi",
        "introducedAt": "2023-03-16T00:00:00",
        "domain": "Account",
        "resolution": {
          "title": "Accept the Audi terms and conditions",
          "description": "To gain access to your vehicle's telemetry data, it's necessary to accept Audi's terms and conditions. Follow these steps to proceed:<br><br>1. Open the **myAudi app** on your phone<br>2. Follow the prompts to accept Audi's terms and conditions",
          "access": "Remote",
          "agent": "User"

      Response 404

      Intervention not found.

      Was this section helpful?


      The Me endpoint returns metadata about the authenticated User.

      Get my userDeprecated

      GET /me

      Returns metadata about the authenticated User, including a list of vendors for which the User has provided credentials. Removed in version 2023-08-01. Endpoint moved to /users/{userId}.

      Response 200

      • id string

        The user's userID.

      • linkedVendors array of object
        Show child attributes
        • linkedVendors[].vendor string

          Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

          Possible enum values:

        • linkedVendors[].vendorType string

          Possible enum values:

        • linkedVendors[].isValid boolean

          Whether the provided credentials are currently valid. A false value here indicates that a credential has become invalidated, and Link UserAPI should be used to get new credentials from this user.

      Response example

        "id": "123456789-ABc",
        "linkedVendors": [
            "vendor": "TESLA",
            "vendorType": "vehicle",
            "isValid": true
      Was this section helpful?

      Disconnect vendorDeprecated

      DELETE /me/vendors/{vendor}

      Disconnect a single Vendor from the User's account.

      All stored data about their Vendor account will be deleted, and any assets that were provided by that Vendor will disappear from the system. Removed in version 2023-08-01. Endpoint moved to /users/{userId}/vendors/{vendor}.


      Path parameters
      vendor object Required

      Vendor to be unlinked.

      Possible enum values:


      Request example

      curl --request DELETE \
        --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/me/vendors/TESLA \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

      Response 204

      No Content

      Was this section helpful?


      The Meter object represents a unit responsible for measuring energy usage. It provides detailed information about the meter itself and the energy consumption data it records.

      Get meterBeta

      GET /meters/{meterId}


      Path parameters
      meterId string<uuid> Required

      The ID of the meter you are looking up

      Request example

      curl --request GET \
        --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/meters/54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba

      Response 200

      • id string<uuid>

        Unique identifier for the meter object

      • userId string

        The ID of the user that linked this meter.

      • vendor string

        Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

        Possible enum values:

      • lastSeen string<date-time>

        The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the meter was initially linked.

      • isReachable boolean

        Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the meter. If the meter is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

      • information object

        Descriptive information about the meter

        Show child attributes
        • information.brand string

          A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

          Possible enum values:

        • information.model string

          Meter model

        • information.siteName string

          Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

        • information.installationDate string<date-time>

          Meter installation date

      • energyState object

        Latest information about meter load. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

        Show child attributes
        • energyState.power number or null

          The current power measured by the meter in kW.

          • Positive value: Power is imported from the grid to the site, indicating consumption.
          • Negative value: Power is exported to the grid, typically when the site generates excess electricity (e.g. from solar panels, or battery discharge).
        • energyState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

          Time of last received energy state update.

      • location object

        Meter's GPS coordinates

        Show child attributes
        • location.id string<uuid> or null

          ID of the location the solar battery is currently positioned at (if any).

        • location.longitude number or null

          Longitude in degrees

        • location.latitude number or null

          Latitude in degrees

        • location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

          Time of last received location state update

      • capabilities object

        The specific meter's capabilities for recording energy consumption and production data.

        Show child attributes
        • capabilities.measuresConsumption object

          Indicates if the meter can measure consumed energy.

          Show child attributes
          • capabilities.measuresConsumption.isCapable boolean

            The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

          • capabilities.measuresConsumption.interventionIds array of string

            IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

        • capabilities.measuresProduction object

          Indicates if the meter can measure energy produced or generated.

          Show child attributes
          • capabilities.measuresProduction.isCapable boolean

            The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

          • capabilities.measuresProduction.interventionIds array of string

            IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

      • scopes array of string

        Scopes that the user has granted for this meter.

      Response example

        "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
        "userId": "string",
        "vendor": "TESLA",
        "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
        "isReachable": true,
        "information": {
          "brand": "Tesla",
          "model": "Tesla Powerwall built-in meter",
          "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
          "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
        "energyState": {
          "power": 2.2,
          "lastUpdated": "2022-03-01T12:34:56Z"
        "location": {
          "id": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
          "longitude": 10.7197486,
          "latitude": 59.9173985,
          "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
        "capabilities": {
          "measuresConsumption": {
            "isCapable": false,
            "interventionIds": [
          "measuresProduction": {
            "isCapable": false,
            "interventionIds": [
        "scopes": [
      Was this section helpful?

      Refresh meter dataBeta

      POST /meters/{meterId}/refresh-hint

      Use this endpoint to initiate an expedited data refresh for the specified meter.

      Note: The Enode platform keeps data automatically up-to-date and detects changes in the OEM APIs within seconds to a few minutes. We change the refresh interval dynamically based on a number of heuristics. This ensures we find the best trade-off between the stability of the connection to the OEM and freshness of the data.
      This method overrides most of our heuristics and should therefore be used with caution. You may use it when you have a strong reason to believe the data might be stale.


      Path parameters
      meterId string<uuid> Required

      The ID of the meter you are looking up

      Request example

      curl --request POST \
        --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/meters/54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba/refresh-hint \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

      Response 204

      Refresh hint registered successfully.

      Response 404

      The specified meter was not found.

      Was this section helpful?

      List user metersBeta

      GET /users/{userId}/meters

      Returns a paginated list of meters for the given userId.


      Path parameters
      userId string Required

      ID of the User.

      Query parameters
      after string Optional
      before string Optional
      pageSize integer Optional

      Default value: 50

      Request example

      curl --request GET \
        --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/users/%7BuserId%7D/meters?after=MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa&before=MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa&pageSize=50' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

      Response 200

      • data array of object

        Paginated list of meters

        Show child attributes
        • data[].id string<uuid>

          Unique identifier for the meter object

        • data[].userId string

          The ID of the user that linked this meter.

        • data[].vendor string

          Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

          Possible enum values:

        • data[].lastSeen string<date-time>

          The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the meter was initially linked.

        • data[].isReachable boolean

          Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the meter. If the meter is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

        • data[].information object

          Descriptive information about the meter

          Show child attributes
          • data[].information.brand string

            A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

            Possible enum values:

          • data[].information.model string

            Meter model

          • data[].information.siteName string

            Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

          • data[].information.installationDate string<date-time>

            Meter installation date

        • data[].energyState object

          Latest information about meter load. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

          Show child attributes
          • data[].energyState.power number or null

            The current power measured by the meter in kW.

            • Positive value: Power is imported from the grid to the site, indicating consumption.
            • Negative value: Power is exported to the grid, typically when the site generates excess electricity (e.g. from solar panels, or battery discharge).
          • data[].energyState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

            Time of last received energy state update.

        • data[].location object

          Meter's GPS coordinates

          Show child attributes
          • data[].location.id string<uuid> or null

            ID of the location the solar battery is currently positioned at (if any).

          • data[].location.longitude number or null

            Longitude in degrees

          • data[].location.latitude number or null

            Latitude in degrees

          • data[].location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

            Time of last received location state update

        • data[].capabilities object

          The specific meter's capabilities for recording energy consumption and production data.

          Show child attributes
          • data[].capabilities.measuresConsumption object

            Indicates if the meter can measure consumed energy.

            Show child attributes
            • data[].capabilities.measuresConsumption.isCapable boolean

              The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

            • data[].capabilities.measuresConsumption.interventionIds array of string

              IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

          • data[].capabilities.measuresProduction object

            Indicates if the meter can measure energy produced or generated.

            Show child attributes
            • data[].capabilities.measuresProduction.isCapable boolean

              The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

            • data[].capabilities.measuresProduction.interventionIds array of string

              IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

        • data[].scopes array of string

          Scopes that the user has granted for this meter.

      • pagination object

        Cursors to the pages before and after current page. See the PaginationAPI section for reference.

        Show child attributes
        • pagination.after string or null
        • pagination.before string or null

      Response example

        "data": [
            "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
            "userId": "string",
            "vendor": "TESLA",
            "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "isReachable": true,
            "information": {
              "brand": "Tesla",
              "model": "Tesla Powerwall built-in meter",
              "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
              "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
            "energyState": {
              "power": 2.2,
              "lastUpdated": "2022-03-01T12:34:56Z"
            "location": {
              "id": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
              "longitude": 10.7197486,
              "latitude": 59.9173985,
              "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
            "capabilities": {
              "measuresConsumption": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "measuresProduction": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
            "scopes": [
        "pagination": {
          "after": "MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa",
          "before": "MjAyMy0wNi0xNlQwOTowMzowMS4yNjJa"
      Was this section helpful?

      List metersBeta

      GET /meters

      Returns a paginated list of all Meters.


      Query parameters
      after string Optional
      before string Optional
      pageSize integer Optional

      Default value: 50

      Request example

      curl --request GET \
        --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/meters?after=MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa&before=MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa&pageSize=50' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

      Response 200

      • data array of object

        Paginated list of meters

        Show child attributes
        • data[].id string<uuid>

          Unique identifier for the meter object

        • data[].userId string

          The ID of the user that linked this meter.

        • data[].vendor string

          Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

          Possible enum values:

        • data[].lastSeen string<date-time>

          The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the meter was initially linked.

        • data[].isReachable boolean

          Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the meter. If the meter is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

        • data[].information object

          Descriptive information about the meter

          Show child attributes
          • data[].information.brand string

            A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

            Possible enum values:

          • data[].information.model string

            Meter model

          • data[].information.siteName string

            Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

          • data[].information.installationDate string<date-time>

            Meter installation date

        • data[].energyState object

          Latest information about meter load. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

          Show child attributes
          • data[].energyState.power number or null

            The current power measured by the meter in kW.

            • Positive value: Power is imported from the grid to the site, indicating consumption.
            • Negative value: Power is exported to the grid, typically when the site generates excess electricity (e.g. from solar panels, or battery discharge).
          • data[].energyState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

            Time of last received energy state update.

        • data[].location object

          Meter's GPS coordinates

          Show child attributes
          • data[].location.id string<uuid> or null

            ID of the location the solar battery is currently positioned at (if any).

          • data[].location.longitude number or null

            Longitude in degrees

          • data[].location.latitude number or null

            Latitude in degrees

          • data[].location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

            Time of last received location state update

        • data[].capabilities object

          The specific meter's capabilities for recording energy consumption and production data.

          Show child attributes
          • data[].capabilities.measuresConsumption object

            Indicates if the meter can measure consumed energy.

            Show child attributes
            • data[].capabilities.measuresConsumption.isCapable boolean

              The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

            • data[].capabilities.measuresConsumption.interventionIds array of string

              IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

          • data[].capabilities.measuresProduction object

            Indicates if the meter can measure energy produced or generated.

            Show child attributes
            • data[].capabilities.measuresProduction.isCapable boolean

              The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

            • data[].capabilities.measuresProduction.interventionIds array of string

              IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

        • data[].scopes array of string

          Scopes that the user has granted for this meter.

      • pagination object

        Cursors to the pages before and after current page. See the PaginationAPI section for reference.

        Show child attributes
        • pagination.after string or null
        • pagination.before string or null

      Response example

        "data": [
            "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
            "userId": "string",
            "vendor": "TESLA",
            "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "isReachable": true,
            "information": {
              "brand": "Tesla",
              "model": "Tesla Powerwall built-in meter",
              "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
              "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
            "energyState": {
              "power": 2.2,
              "lastUpdated": "2022-03-01T12:34:56Z"
            "location": {
              "id": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
              "longitude": 10.7197486,
              "latitude": 59.9173985,
              "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
            "capabilities": {
              "measuresConsumption": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "measuresProduction": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
            "scopes": [
        "pagination": {
          "after": "MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa",
          "before": "MjAyMy0wNi0xNlQwOTowMzowMS4yNjJa"
      Was this section helpful?


      Endpoints to manage schedules for Vehicles, Chargers and HVACs.

      More information and examples are available in the Scheduling guide.

      List schedulesDeprecated

      GET /schedules

      Moved to GET /users/{userId}/schedules.

      Returns a list of Schedules registered to the User.

      Response 200

      Attributes (list of undefined)

        Response example

            "id": "string",
            "isEnabled": true,
            "defaultShouldCharge": true,
            "rules": [
                "hourMinute": {
                  "from": "08:00",
                  "to": "09:00"
                "fromTimestamp": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "toTimestamp": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "weekdays": [
                "shouldCharge": true
            "chargeableId": "string",
            "chargeableType": "vehicle",
            "entityId": "string",
            "entityType": "string",
            "targetId": "string",
            "targetType": "vehicle",
            "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"
        Was this section helpful?

        Create scheduleDeprecated

        POST /schedules

        Moved to POST /users/{userId}/schedules.


        • isEnabled boolean Required

          Whether this Schedule should be attempting to control the target's charge state.

          Default value: true

        • defaultShouldCharge boolean Required

          When no rule is active, the default charge state for the target.

        • rules array of object Required

          Each rule sets a value for shouldCharge, either true or false. All other properties of the rule are optional filters that limit the times to which this rule applies.

          Show child attributes
          • rules[].hourMinute object Optional

            An interval composed of two clock times during which this rule applies each day. to always resolves to a timestamp after from, and thus may span across midnight and fall on the next day.

            Show child attributes
            • rules[].hourMinute.from string Required

              Clock time from which this rule should apply each day.

            • rules[].hourMinute.to string Required

              Clock time until which this rule should apply each day.

          • rules[].fromTimestamp string<date-time> Optional

            UTC timestamp from which this rule should apply.

          • rules[].toTimestamp string<date-time> Optional

            UTC timestamp until which this rule should apply.

          • rules[].weekdays array of integer Optional

            An array of weekdays to which this rule should apply. A weekday starts with 0 for Monday and ends with 6 for Sunday.

          • rules[].shouldCharge boolean Required

            Whether a chargeable asset should want to charge while this rule is active.

        • entityId string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetId.

        • entityType string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetType.

        • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Deprecated

          Deprecated. Replaced by LocationId from version 2023-08-01. ID of the Location to which this schedule applies. The behavior of a null value differs based on the targetType. For chargers, a null value is essentially ignored and the schedule is applied even if the charger isn't at a location. This is designed to prevent schedules from controlling vehicles at public chargers where the user doesn't pay for electricity.

        Request example

        curl --request POST \
          --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/schedules \
          --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
          --header 'content-type: application/json' \
          --data '{"isEnabled":true,"defaultShouldCharge":true,"rules":[{"hourMinute":{"from":"08:00","to":"09:00"},"fromTimestamp":"2020-04-07T17:04:26Z","toTimestamp":"2020-04-07T17:04:26Z","weekdays":[0,1,2,3,4,5],"shouldCharge":true}],"entityId":"string","entityType":"string","chargingLocationId":"4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"}'

        Response 200

        • id string
        • isEnabled boolean

          Whether this Schedule should be attempting to control the target's charge state.

          Default value: true

        • defaultShouldCharge boolean

          When no rule is active, the default charge state for the target.

        • rules array of object

          Each rule sets a value for shouldCharge, either true or false. All other properties of the rule are optional filters that limit the times to which this rule applies.

          Show child attributes
          • rules[].hourMinute object

            An interval composed of two clock times during which this rule applies each day. to always resolves to a timestamp after from, and thus may span across midnight and fall on the next day.

            Show child attributes
            • rules[].hourMinute.from string

              Clock time from which this rule should apply each day.

            • rules[].hourMinute.to string

              Clock time until which this rule should apply each day.

          • rules[].fromTimestamp string<date-time>

            UTC timestamp from which this rule should apply.

          • rules[].toTimestamp string<date-time>

            UTC timestamp until which this rule should apply.

          • rules[].weekdays array of integer

            An array of weekdays to which this rule should apply. A weekday starts with 0 for Monday and ends with 6 for Sunday.

          • rules[].shouldCharge boolean

            Whether a chargeable asset should want to charge while this rule is active.

        • chargeableId string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetId.

        • chargeableType string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetType.

          Possible enum values:

        • entityId string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetId.

        • entityType string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetType.

        • targetId string

          ID of the asset (Vehicle/Charger) to which this schedule applies

        • targetType string

          Possible enum values:

        • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Deprecated

          Deprecated. Replaced by LocationId from version 2023-08-01. ID of the Location to which this schedule applies. The behavior of a null value differs based on the targetType. For chargers, a null value is essentially ignored and the schedule is applied even if the charger isn't at a location. This is designed to prevent schedules from controlling vehicles at public chargers where the user doesn't pay for electricity.

        Response example

          "id": "string",
          "isEnabled": true,
          "defaultShouldCharge": true,
          "rules": [
              "hourMinute": {
                "from": "08:00",
                "to": "09:00"
              "fromTimestamp": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "toTimestamp": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "weekdays": [
              "shouldCharge": true
          "chargeableId": "string",
          "chargeableType": "vehicle",
          "entityId": "string",
          "entityType": "string",
          "targetId": "string",
          "targetType": "vehicle",
          "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"
        Was this section helpful?

        Get schedule

        GET /schedules/{scheduleId}


        Path parameters
        scheduleId string<uuid> Required

        ID of the Schedule.

        Request example

        curl --request GET \
          --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/schedules/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd \
          --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

        Response 200

        • id string
        • isEnabled boolean

          Whether this Schedule should be attempting to control the target's charge state.

          Default value: true

        • defaultShouldCharge boolean

          When no rule is active, the default charge state for the target.

        • rules array of object

          Each rule sets a value for shouldCharge, either true or false. All other properties of the rule are optional filters that limit the times to which this rule applies.

          Show child attributes
          • rules[].hourMinute object

            An interval composed of two clock times during which this rule applies each day. to always resolves to a timestamp after from, and thus may span across midnight and fall on the next day.

            Show child attributes
            • rules[].hourMinute.from string

              Clock time from which this rule should apply each day.

            • rules[].hourMinute.to string

              Clock time until which this rule should apply each day.

          • rules[].fromTimestamp string<date-time>

            UTC timestamp from which this rule should apply.

          • rules[].toTimestamp string<date-time>

            UTC timestamp until which this rule should apply.

          • rules[].weekdays array of integer

            An array of weekdays to which this rule should apply. A weekday starts with 0 for Monday and ends with 6 for Sunday.

          • rules[].shouldCharge boolean

            Whether a chargeable asset should want to charge while this rule is active.

        • chargeableId string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetId.

        • chargeableType string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetType.

          Possible enum values:

        • entityId string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetId.

        • entityType string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetType.

        • targetId string

          ID of the asset (Vehicle/Charger) to which this schedule applies

        • targetType string

          Possible enum values:

        • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Deprecated

          Deprecated. Replaced by LocationId from version 2023-08-01. ID of the Location to which this schedule applies. The behavior of a null value differs based on the targetType. For chargers, a null value is essentially ignored and the schedule is applied even if the charger isn't at a location. This is designed to prevent schedules from controlling vehicles at public chargers where the user doesn't pay for electricity.

        Response example

          "id": "string",
          "isEnabled": true,
          "defaultShouldCharge": true,
          "rules": [
              "hourMinute": {
                "from": "08:00",
                "to": "09:00"
              "fromTimestamp": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "toTimestamp": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "weekdays": [
              "shouldCharge": true
          "chargeableId": "string",
          "chargeableType": "vehicle",
          "entityId": "string",
          "entityType": "string",
          "targetId": "string",
          "targetType": "vehicle",
          "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"
        Was this section helpful?

        Update schedule

        PUT /schedules/{scheduleId}

        Does a partial update of a schedule.


        Path parameters
        scheduleId string<uuid> Required

        ID of the Schedule.

        • isEnabled boolean Optional

          Whether this Schedule should be attempting to control the target's charge state.

          Default value: true

        • defaultShouldCharge boolean Optional

          When no rule is active, the default charge state for the target.

        • rules array of object Optional

          Each rule sets a value for shouldCharge, either true or false. All other properties of the rule are optional filters that limit the times to which this rule applies.

          Show child attributes
          • rules[].hourMinute object Optional

            An interval composed of two clock times during which this rule applies each day. to always resolves to a timestamp after from, and thus may span across midnight and fall on the next day.

            Show child attributes
            • rules[].hourMinute.from string Required

              Clock time from which this rule should apply each day.

            • rules[].hourMinute.to string Required

              Clock time until which this rule should apply each day.

          • rules[].fromTimestamp string<date-time> Optional

            UTC timestamp from which this rule should apply.

          • rules[].toTimestamp string<date-time> Optional

            UTC timestamp until which this rule should apply.

          • rules[].weekdays array of integer Optional

            An array of weekdays to which this rule should apply. A weekday starts with 0 for Monday and ends with 6 for Sunday.

          • rules[].shouldCharge boolean Required

            Whether a chargeable asset should want to charge while this rule is active.

        • entityId string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetId.

        • entityType string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetType.

        • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Deprecated

          Deprecated. Replaced by LocationId from version 2023-08-01. ID of the Location to which this schedule applies. The behavior of a null value differs based on the targetType. For chargers, a null value is essentially ignored and the schedule is applied even if the charger isn't at a location. This is designed to prevent schedules from controlling vehicles at public chargers where the user doesn't pay for electricity.

        Request example

        curl --request PUT \
          --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/schedules/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd \
          --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
          --header 'content-type: application/json' \
          --data '{"isEnabled":true,"defaultShouldCharge":true,"rules":[{"hourMinute":{"from":"08:00","to":"09:00"},"fromTimestamp":"2020-04-07T17:04:26Z","toTimestamp":"2020-04-07T17:04:26Z","weekdays":[0,1,2,3,4,5],"shouldCharge":true}],"entityId":"string","entityType":"string","chargingLocationId":"4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"}'

        Response 200

        • id string
        • isEnabled boolean

          Whether this Schedule should be attempting to control the target's charge state.

          Default value: true

        • defaultShouldCharge boolean

          When no rule is active, the default charge state for the target.

        • rules array of object

          Each rule sets a value for shouldCharge, either true or false. All other properties of the rule are optional filters that limit the times to which this rule applies.

          Show child attributes
          • rules[].hourMinute object

            An interval composed of two clock times during which this rule applies each day. to always resolves to a timestamp after from, and thus may span across midnight and fall on the next day.

            Show child attributes
            • rules[].hourMinute.from string

              Clock time from which this rule should apply each day.

            • rules[].hourMinute.to string

              Clock time until which this rule should apply each day.

          • rules[].fromTimestamp string<date-time>

            UTC timestamp from which this rule should apply.

          • rules[].toTimestamp string<date-time>

            UTC timestamp until which this rule should apply.

          • rules[].weekdays array of integer

            An array of weekdays to which this rule should apply. A weekday starts with 0 for Monday and ends with 6 for Sunday.

          • rules[].shouldCharge boolean

            Whether a chargeable asset should want to charge while this rule is active.

        • chargeableId string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetId.

        • chargeableType string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetType.

          Possible enum values:

        • entityId string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetId.

        • entityType string Deprecated

          Replaced by targetType.

        • targetId string

          ID of the asset (Vehicle/Charger) to which this schedule applies

        • targetType string

          Possible enum values:

        • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Deprecated

          Deprecated. Replaced by LocationId from version 2023-08-01. ID of the Location to which this schedule applies. The behavior of a null value differs based on the targetType. For chargers, a null value is essentially ignored and the schedule is applied even if the charger isn't at a location. This is designed to prevent schedules from controlling vehicles at public chargers where the user doesn't pay for electricity.

        Response example

          "id": "string",
          "isEnabled": true,
          "defaultShouldCharge": true,
          "rules": [
              "hourMinute": {
                "from": "08:00",
                "to": "09:00"
              "fromTimestamp": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "toTimestamp": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "weekdays": [
              "shouldCharge": true
          "chargeableId": "string",
          "chargeableType": "vehicle",
          "entityId": "string",
          "entityType": "string",
          "targetId": "string",
          "targetType": "vehicle",
          "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"
        Was this section helpful?

        Delete schedule

        DELETE /schedules/{scheduleId}

        Delete a Schedule


        Path parameters
        scheduleId string<uuid> Required

        ID of the Schedule.

        Request example

        curl --request DELETE \
          --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/schedules/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd \
          --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

        Response 204

        No Content

        Was this section helpful?

        Get schedule status

        GET /schedules/{scheduleId}/status


        Path parameters
        scheduleId string<uuid> Required

        ID of the Schedule.

        Request example

        curl --request GET \
          --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/schedules/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd/status \
          --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

        Response 200

        • scheduleId string<uuid>

          ID of the schedule.

        • scheduleType string

          Possible enum values:

        • changedAt string<date-time>

          Time at which any value of the status last changed

        • state string

          An enum value that describes the current state of the Schedule

          Possible enum values:

        • isCharging boolean

          Whether the target is currently actually charging

        • isChargingExpected boolean

          Whether the target is currently expected to be charging

        • isChargingExpectedParts object

          Collection of booleans that - when combined via AND operator - forms the isChargingExpected value

          Show child attributes
          • isChargingExpectedParts.needsCharge boolean
          • isChargingExpectedParts.isPluggedIn boolean
          • isChargingExpectedParts.shouldCharge boolean
        • upcomingTransitions array of object

          List of upcoming transitions of the shouldCharge or targetTemperature value. A maximum of 2 items are returned.

          Show child attributes
          • upcomingTransitions[].at string<date-time>

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • upcomingTransitions[].shouldCharge boolean
        • externalStart object or null Deprecated

          Replaced by smartOverride.

          Show child attributes
          • externalStart.createdAt string<date-time>

            Time at which the smart override was created.

          • externalStart.endedAt string<date-time> or null

            Time at which the smart override was ended. If null, the smart override is still active.

          • externalStart.targetType string

            Possible enum values:

          • externalStart.targetId string

            ID of the target which this smart override is affecting.

          • externalStart.vendorActionId string<uuid> or null

            The ID of the Action responsible for starting charging on the target. Use the Get Vehicle ActionAPI or the Get Charger ActionAPI endpoints to monitor action results.

        Response example

          "scheduleId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
          "scheduleType": "CHARGE",
          "changedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
          "state": "ALIGNED",
          "isCharging": true,
          "isChargingExpected": true,
          "isChargingExpectedParts": {
            "needsCharge": true,
            "isPluggedIn": true,
            "shouldCharge": true
          "upcomingTransitions": [
              "at": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "shouldCharge": true
          "externalStart": {
            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "targetType": "vehicle",
            "targetId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
            "vendorActionId": "213ae0a8-fb65-40be-981a-6a86df3e1c7f"
        Was this section helpful?

        Service health

        Endpoints that return information about the health of Enode and our integrations.

        Check available charger vendors

        GET /health/chargers

        Lists the available charger vendors, including the activated vendors that your client has access to. Learn more about vendors requiring activation.

        Response 200

        Attributes (list of object)
        • vendor string

          Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

          Possible enum values:

        • displayName string

          A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

          Possible enum values:

            ZaptecEaseeWallboxEOEVBoxCharge Ampsgo-eChargePointEnel XTeslaOhmeGaroSchneider ElectricPod PointKEBAHypervoltmyenergi
        • status string

          Ready-state of the Vendor. Currently always READY.

          Possible enum values:

        • portalName string

          The name of the first party service or app that the user normally logs into.

        • linkingStatus string

          Ready-state for linking with the Vendor.

          • READY: The Vendor is ready to be linked with.
          • ELEVATED_ERROR_RATE: Multiple attempts may be needed to link successfully. We are showing a warning in Link UI.
          • OUTAGE: The Vendor is currently not available for linking. We will show an error in Link UI and not let the user attempt to link with the Vendor.

          Possible enum values:


        Response example

            "vendor": "EASEE",
            "displayName": "Easee",
            "portalName": "Easee",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
            "vendor": "WALLBOX",
            "displayName": "Wallbox",
            "portalName": "Wallbox",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
            "vendor": "ZAPTEC",
            "displayName": "Zaptec",
            "portalName": "Zaptec",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
            "vendor": "EO",
            "displayName": "EO",
            "portalName": "EO",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
        Was this section helpful?

        Check available vehicle vendors

        GET /health/vehicles

        Lists the available vehicle vendors, including the activated vendors that your client has access to. Learn more about vendors requiring activation.

        Response 200

        Attributes (list of object)
        • vendor string

          Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

          Possible enum values:

        • displayName string

          A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

          Possible enum values:

            AcuraAudiBMWHondaHyundaiJaguarLand RoverKiaMercedesMININissanPeugeotPorscheRenaultSEATŠkodaTeslaVolkswagenVolvoFordOpelDSToyotaLexusCitroënCupraVauxhallFiatRivianNIOChevroletGMCCadillacXPENGPolestarSubaruJeepMazdaMGChryslerDodgeRamAlfa RomeoLanciaLucidBYD
        • status string

          Ready-state of the Vendor. Currently always READY.

          Possible enum values:

        • portalName string

          The name of the first party service or app that the user normally logs into.

        • linkingStatus string

          Ready-state for linking with the Vendor.

          • READY: The Vendor is ready to be linked with.
          • ELEVATED_ERROR_RATE: Multiple attempts may be needed to link successfully. We are showing a warning in Link UI.
          • OUTAGE: The Vendor is currently not available for linking. We will show an error in Link UI and not let the user attempt to link with the Vendor.

          Possible enum values:


        Response example

            "vendor": "TESLA",
            "displayName": "Tesla",
            "portalName": "Tesla",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
            "vendor": "BMW",
            "displayName": "BMW",
            "portalName": "My BMW",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
            "vendor": "AUDI",
            "displayName": "Audi",
            "portalName": "myAudi",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
        Was this section helpful?

        Check available battery vendorsBeta

        GET /health/batteries

        Lists the available battery vendors, including the activated vendors that your client has access to. Learn more about vendors requiring activation.

        Response 200

        Attributes (list of object)
        • vendor string

          Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

          Possible enum values:

        • displayName string

          A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

          Possible enum values:

        • status string

          Ready-state of the Vendor. Currently always READY.

          Possible enum values:

        • portalName string

          The name of the first party service or app that the user normally logs into.

        • linkingStatus string

          Ready-state for linking with the Vendor.

          • READY: The Vendor is ready to be linked with.
          • ELEVATED_ERROR_RATE: Multiple attempts may be needed to link successfully. We are showing a warning in Link UI.
          • OUTAGE: The Vendor is currently not available for linking. We will show an error in Link UI and not let the user attempt to link with the Vendor.

          Possible enum values:


        Response example

            "vendor": "ENPHASE",
            "displayName": "Enphase",
            "portalName": "Enphase",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
            "vendor": "HUAWEI",
            "displayName": "Huawei",
            "portalName": "Huawei",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
            "vendor": "TESLA",
            "displayName": "Tesla",
            "portalName": "Tesla",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
        Was this section helpful?

        Check available inverter vendors

        GET /health/inverters

        Lists the available inverter vendors, including the activated vendors that your client has access to. Learn more about vendors requiring activation.

        Response 200

        Attributes (list of object)
        • vendor string

          Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

          Possible enum values:

        • displayName string

          A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

          Possible enum values:

        • status string

          Ready-state of the Vendor. Currently always READY.

          Possible enum values:

        • portalName string

          The name of the first party service or app that the user normally logs into.

        • linkingStatus string

          Ready-state for linking with the Vendor.

          • READY: The Vendor is ready to be linked with.
          • ELEVATED_ERROR_RATE: Multiple attempts may be needed to link successfully. We are showing a warning in Link UI.
          • OUTAGE: The Vendor is currently not available for linking. We will show an error in Link UI and not let the user attempt to link with the Vendor.

          Possible enum values:


        Response example

            "vendor": "SOLAREDGE",
            "displayName": "SolarEdge",
            "portalName": "Solar Edge",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
            "vendor": "SMA",
            "displayName": "SMA",
            "portalName": "SMA Energy",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
            "vendor": "SOLIS",
            "displayName": "Solis",
            "portalName": "Solis",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
            "vendor": "FRONIUS",
            "displayName": "Fronius",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY",
            "portalName": "Fronius"
        Was this section helpful?

        Check available HVAC vendors

        GET /health/hvacs

        Lists the available HVAC vendors, including the activated vendors that your client has access to. Learn more about vendors requiring activation.

        Response 200

        Attributes (list of object)
        • vendor string

          Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

          Possible enum values:

        • displayName string

          A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

          Possible enum values:

            TadoMillADAXEcobeeSensiboHoneywell TCCResideoMitsubishiMicro MaticNIBEPanasonicToshibaDAIKINNestFujitsuBoschNetatmo
        • status string

          Ready-state of the Vendor. Currently always READY.

          Possible enum values:

        • portalName string

          The name of the first party service or app that the user normally logs into.

        • linkingStatus string

          Ready-state for linking with the Vendor.

          • READY: The Vendor is ready to be linked with.
          • ELEVATED_ERROR_RATE: Multiple attempts may be needed to link successfully. We are showing a warning in Link UI.
          • OUTAGE: The Vendor is currently not available for linking. We will show an error in Link UI and not let the user attempt to link with the Vendor.

          Possible enum values:


        Response example

            "vendor": "MILL",
            "displayName": "Mill",
            "portalName": "Mill",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
        Was this section helpful?

        Check available meter vendorsBeta

        GET /health/meters

        Lists the available Meter vendors, including the activated vendors that your client has access to. Learn more about vendors requiring activation.

        Response 200

        Attributes (list of object)
        • vendor string

          Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

          Possible enum values:

        • displayName string

          A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

          Possible enum values:

        • status string

          Ready-state of the Vendor. Currently always READY.

          Possible enum values:

        • portalName string

          The name of the first party service or app that the user normally logs into.

        • linkingStatus string

          Ready-state for linking with the Vendor.

          • READY: The Vendor is ready to be linked with.
          • ELEVATED_ERROR_RATE: Multiple attempts may be needed to link successfully. We are showing a warning in Link UI.
          • OUTAGE: The Vendor is currently not available for linking. We will show an error in Link UI and not let the user attempt to link with the Vendor.

          Possible enum values:


        Response example

            "vendor": "TESLA",
            "displayName": "Tesla",
            "portalName": "Tesla",
            "status": "READY",
            "linkingStatus": "READY"
        Was this section helpful?

        Check service readiness

        GET /health/ready

        Gets the combined health status of the service and all functionalities and dependencies.

        Response 204

        All functionalities are operating nominally.

        Response 503

        At least one functionality of the system is not operating nominally.

        Was this section helpful?

        Solar inverters

        Solar inverters can be queried for current production state

        List solar inverters

        GET /inverters

        Returns the IDs of all available Solar Inverters

        Response 200

        Attributes (list of string)

          Response example

          Was this section helpful?

          Get solar inverter

          GET /inverters/{inverterId}


          Path parameters
          inverterId string<uuid> Required

          ID of the solar inverter

          Query parameters
          field object Deprecated

          Functionality moved in version 2023-08-01 to endpoint POST /chargers/{chargerId}/refresh-hint.

          If you specify any fields here, we make a request to the Solar inverter's OEM APIs and return the updated data.

          This will slow down your integration. In cases of vendor downtime requests with fields may take up to a minute to complete, while requests without fields will always be fast. Enode polls all devices connected to our platform, so any cached data returned will not be older than 10 minutes (unless the vendor APIs are unavailable, in which case you can consult the lastSeen & isReachable fields on the solar inverter).

          By default, no fields are included, and the latest cached full solar inverter object will be returned.

          Default value: []

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/inverters/54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba?field=SOME_OBJECT_VALUE'

          Response 200

          • id string<uuid>

            Solar Inverter ID

          • userId string

            The ID of the user that linked this inverter.

          • vendor string

            Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

            Possible enum values:

          • lastSeen string<date-time>

            The last time Enode received live data or when the solar inverter was initially linked.

          • isReachable boolean

            Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the inverter. If the inverter is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

          • productionState object

            Latest information about solar production. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

            Show child attributes
            • productionState.productionRate number or null

              The current production rate in kW.

            • productionState.isProducing boolean or null

              Whether the solar inverter is actively producing energy or not.

            • productionState.totalLifetimeProduction number or null

              The total lifetime production in kWh.

            • productionState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of last received production state update

          • timezone string or null

            IANA TZ database timezone name representing the location of this inverter.

          • capabilities object

            A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific inverter.

            Note: Sample-based statisticsAPI collected by Enode rely on the productionState capability and are not affected by this capability.

            Show child attributes
            • capabilities.productionState object

              Full availability of productionState data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.productionState.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.productionState.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.productionStatistics object

              Availability of production statistics directly from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.productionStatistics.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.productionStatistics.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

          • scopes array of string

            Scopes that the user has granted for this inverter.

          • information object

            Descriptive information about the solar inverter

            Show child attributes
            • information.id string

              Solar inverter vendor ID

            • information.brand string

              Solar inverter brand

              Possible enum values:

            • information.model string

              Solar inverter model

            • information.siteName string

              Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

            • information.installationDate string<date-time>

              Solar inverter installation date

          • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null

            ID of the location the solar inverter is currently positioned at (if any).

          • location object

            Solar inverter's GPS coordinates

            Show child attributes
            • location.longitude number or null

              Longitude in degrees

            • location.latitude number or null

              Latitude in degrees

          Response example

            "id": "195d8649-ad12-4755-a9cc-44e2d40ce4d9",
            "userId": "f9d9b134-05f3-452a-80aa-be0deb22f492",
            "vendor": "ENPHASE",
            "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "isReachable": true,
            "productionState": {
              "productionRate": 0,
              "isProducing": true,
              "totalLifetimeProduction": 100152.56,
              "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
            "timezone": "Europe/Oslo",
            "capabilities": {
              "productionState": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "productionStatistics": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
            "scopes": [
            "information": {
              "id": "7a18eb4e-ee65-4d5b-bb7c-d8e530006b18",
              "brand": "string",
              "model": "Sunny Boy",
              "siteName": "Sunny Plant",
              "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
            "chargingLocationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
            "location": {
              "longitude": 10.7197486,
              "latitude": 59.9173985
          Was this section helpful?

          Refresh inverter data

          POST /inverters/{inverterId}/refresh-hint

          Use this endpoint to initiate an expedited data refresh for the specified inverter.

          Note: The Enode platform keeps data automatically up-to-date and detects changes in the OEM APIs within seconds to a few minutes. We change the refresh interval dynamically based on a number of heuristics. This ensures we find the best trade-off between the stability of the connection to the OEM and freshness of the data.
          This method overrides most of our heuristics and should therefore be used with caution. You may use it when you have a strong reason to believe the data might be stale.


          Path parameters
          inverterId string<uuid> Required

          ID of the solar inverter

          Request example

          curl --request POST \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/inverters/54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba/refresh-hint \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 204

          Refresh hint registered successfully.

          Response 404

          The specified inverter was not found.

          Was this section helpful?


          Endpoints returning timeseries data collected from linked devices.

          Get vendor statistics for invertersBetaDeprecated

          GET /inverters/{inverterId}/vendor-statistics

          Moved to /users/{userId}/vendor-statistics.

          Returns statistics about power production for the given inverter in the form of a time series, collected from vendor APIs.

          This endpoint is currently in beta, undergoing active development. Please be aware that errors, inaccuracies, and breaking changes may occur without prior notice.

          Since the statistics data provided by the vendors starts and ends at well defined offsets, the returned time series may start/end at an earlier/later time than requested. E.g. if hourly statistics are requested with startDate = 2023-06-17T09:30:00Z, the returned time series will start at 2023-06-17T09:00:00Z. Currently, we only support querying for 1 month of data.

          Please note that currently, requests may take a long time to complete.


          Path parameters
          inverterId string<uuid> Required

          ID of the Inverter.

          Query parameters
          resolution string Required

          The duration of each time bucket the returned time series is divided into. Each entry in the response array corresponds to aggregated data of the specified time range.

          Possible enum values:

          startDate string<date-time> Required

          The earliest date (UTC) to include in the response. Cannot be greater than endDate. Example: 2021-03-21T02:00:00Z

          endDate string<date-time> Optional

          The latest date (UTC) to include in the response. Defaults to the current date/time. Example: 2021-03-21T05:00:00Z

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/inverters/99a4a9a6-f015-450c-ab78-39fe8d13edae/vendor-statistics?resolution=DAY&startDate=2021-03-21T02%3A00%3A00Z&endDate=2021-03-21T05%3A00%3A00Z' \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • production object

            Contains information about power production statistics.

            Show child attributes
            • production.unit string

              The unit of measurement for power production data. Always kWh.

              Possible enum values:

            • production.data array of object

              An array of data points representing the power production statistics.

              Show child attributes
              • production.data[].date string<date-time>

                Date (UTC) at the start of the data point.

              • production.data[].value number

                The energy produced (kWh) in the specified interval.

          Response example

            "production": {
              "unit": "kWh",
              "data": [
                  "date": "2024-01-19T09:00:00.000Z",
                  "value": 11.1
                  "date": "2024-01-19T10:00:00.000Z",
                  "value": 15.4

          Response 404

          Asset not found

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Not Found",
            "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
          Was this section helpful?

          Get user charging statisticsDeprecated

          GET /statistics/charging

          Moved to /users/{userId}/statistics/charging.

          Returns a normalized time series of statistics about power consumption and price for the User.

          If Smart Charging has shifted the consumption, the 'non-smart' price fields will show what the consumption would have cost if it had happened at the default time. If smart charging has resulted in savings, the value is reported in the estimatedSavings field. <CURRENCY> is an ISO4217 Alpha-3 currency code that is determined by client-wide configuration or the currency code provided during price data ingestion (such as Tariffs).


          Query parameters
          startDate string Required

          Earliest date to include in the response. Example: 2021-03-21T00:15:00.000Z

          endDate string Optional

          Latest date to include in the response. Example: 2021-03-21T00:30:00.000Z

          chargingLocationId string<uuid> Optional

          Filter statistics to only include this charging location

          resolution string Optional

          The unit of time the data will be bucketed into. Each entry in the response array corresponds to aggregated data of the time range specified.

          Default value: DAY

          Possible enum values:

          utcOffset string<float> Optional

          Offset (in hours) from UTC to adjust the timezone for viewing statistics. By default, all timestamps are in UTC, and period boundaries (day, week, month, year) are calculated in UTC. Providing utcOffset aligns these to the viewer's timezone. Accepts positive, negative, and fractional values. Note: utcOffset has no effect with resolutions QUARTER_HOUR, HALF_HOUR, or HOUR.

          Deprecated: The use of utcOffset is discouraged as it doesn't handle time zones adequately. All data will be bucketed in UTC if utcOffset is not provided.

          type string Optional

          Get statistics for this hardware type. If omitted, statistics for the vehicle hardware type will be returned.

          Default value: vehicle

          Possible enum values:

          id string Optional

          The ID of the device for which to fetch statistics. The type of the device must match the type parameter.

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/statistics/charging?startDate=SOME_STRING_VALUE&endDate=SOME_STRING_VALUE&chargingLocationId=4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd&resolution=SOME_STRING_VALUE&utcOffset=-8&type=SOME_STRING_VALUE&id=SOME_STRING_VALUE' \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          Attributes (list of object)
          • kw object

            Aggregate statistics in kW for the time bucket

            Show child attributes
            • kw.min number

              The minimum amount for this period.

            • kw.max number

              The maximum amount for this period.

            • kw.mean number

              The average for this period.

          • kwhSum number

            Total power consumption in kWh for the time bucket

          • price object

            Aggregate per kWh price statistics for the time bucket. Currency is NOK for Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; and EUR for Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Poland, Spain. Unless different price data has been provided via the Tariffs endpoints

            Show child attributes
            • price.min number

              The minimum amount for this period.

            • price.max number

              The maximum amount for this period.

            • price.mean number

              The average for this period.

          • costSum number

            Total cost for the consumed kWh for the time bucket

          • nonSmartPrice object

            Aggregate statistics for power price (<CURRENCY> per kWh), calculated as if charging had occurred uninterrupted without being delayed by Smart Charging

            Show child attributes
            • nonSmartPrice.min number

              The minimum amount for this period.

            • nonSmartPrice.max number

              The maximum amount for this period.

            • nonSmartPrice.mean number

              The average for this period.

          • nonSmartCostSum number or null Deprecated

            Total cost for consumed energy in <CURRENCY>, calculated as if it had not been shifted by Smart Charging

          • estimatedSavings number or null

            Total estimated savings in <CURRENCY>, achieved by Smart Charging. If null, no part of the time range was impacted by Smart Charging.

          • date string<date-time>

            The start date of this sample

          • smartSession boolean Deprecated

          Response example

              "kw": {
                "min": 0,
                "max": 78,
                "mean": 61
              "kwhSum": 120,
              "price": {
                "min": 13.8,
                "max": 14.4,
                "mean": 14.1
              "nonSmartPrice": {
                "min": 12.9,
                "max": 16.7,
                "mean": 14.8
              "smartSession": true,
              "costSum": 3.14,
              "nonSmartCostSum": 4.21,
              "estimatedSavings": 1.07,
              "date": "2021-01-19T09:37:36.845Z"

          Response 404

          Asset not found

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Not Found",
            "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
          Was this section helpful?

          Get user charging sessions statisticsDeprecated

          GET /statistics/charging/sessions

          Moved to /users/{userId}/statistics/charging/sessions.

          Returns a list of statistics about power consumption and price for the User binned by sessions.


          Query parameters
          startDate string Required

          Earliest date to include in the response. Example: 2021-03-21T00:15:00.000Z

          endDate string Optional

          Latest date to include in the response. Example: 2021-03-21T00:30:00.000Z

          chargingLocationId string<uuid> Optional

          Filter statistics to only include this charging location

          targetType string Optional

          Get statistics for this hardware type. If omitted, statistics for the vehicle hardware type will be returned.

          Possible enum values:

          targetId string Optional

          Filter statistics to only include a specific entity.

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/statistics/charging/sessions?startDate=SOME_STRING_VALUE&endDate=SOME_STRING_VALUE&chargingLocationId=4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd&targetType=SOME_STRING_VALUE&targetId=SOME_STRING_VALUE' \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          Attributes (list of object)
          • kw object

            Aggregate statistics in kW for the time bucket

            Show child attributes
            • kw.min number

              The minimum amount for this period.

            • kw.max number

              The maximum amount for this period.

            • kw.mean number

              The average for this period.

          • kwhSum number

            Total power consumption in kWh for the time bucket

          • price object

            Aggregate per kWh price statistics for the time bucket. Currency is NOK for Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; and EUR for Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Poland, Spain. Unless different price data has been provided via the Tariffs endpoints

            Show child attributes
            • price.min number

              The minimum amount for this period.

            • price.max number

              The maximum amount for this period.

            • price.mean number

              The average for this period.

          • costSum number

            Total cost for the consumed kWh for this session

          • id string

            ID of the asset for this session.

          • targetId string

            ID of the hardware type for this session.

          • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null

            Location ID for this session.

          • from string<date-time>

            Start time of the session.

          • to string<date-time>

            End time of the session.

          • smartSession boolean Deprecated
          • smartStats object
            Show child attributes
            • smartStats.nonSmartPrice object

              If Smart Charging has actively stopped the charging session from happening at another time; these fields show the aggregate per kWh price statistics that would have occurred without Smart Charging. This can be used to show the potential price if Smart Charging had not been active. This is expressed in NOK unless different price data has been provided via the Tariffs endpoints

              Show child attributes
              • smartStats.nonSmartPrice.min number or null

                The minimum amount for this period.

              • smartStats.nonSmartPrice.max number or null

                The maximum amount for this period.

              • smartStats.nonSmartPrice.mean number or null

                The average for this period.

            • smartStats.estimatedSavings number or null

              Total estimated savings achieved by Smart Charging for this session. If null, no part of this session was impacted by Smart Charging. This is expressed in NOK unless different price data has been provided via the Tariffs endpoints

            • smartStats.nonSmartCostSum number or null

              Total cost for consumed energy in <CURRENCY>, calculated as if it had not been shifted by Smart Charging

          Response example

              "kw": {
                "min": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "mean": 0
              "kwhSum": 120,
              "price": {
                "min": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "mean": 0
              "costSum": 3.14,
              "id": "string",
              "targetId": "string",
              "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
              "from": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "to": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "smartSession": true,
              "smartStats": {
                "nonSmartPrice": {
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 0,
                  "mean": 0
                "estimatedSavings": 1.07,
                "nonSmartCostSum": 4.21

          Response 404

          Asset not found

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Not Found",
            "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
          Was this section helpful?

          Get user production statisticsDeprecated

          GET /statistics/production

          Moved to /users/{userId}/statistics/production.

          Returns a normalized time series of statistics about power production and price for the User.


          Query parameters
          startDate string Required

          Earliest date to include in the response. Example: 2021-03-21T00:15:00.000Z

          endDate string Optional

          Latest date to include in the response. Example: 2021-03-21T00:30:00.000Z

          chargingLocationId string<uuid> Optional

          Filter statistics to only include this charging location

          resolution string Optional

          The unit of time the data will be cut into before aggregate statistics are applied. Each entry in the response array corresponds to aggregated data of the time range specified.

          Default value: DAY

          Possible enum values:

          utcOffset string<float> Optional

          Offset (in hours) from UTC to adjust the timezone for viewing statistics. By default, all timestamps are in UTC, and period boundaries (day, week, month, year) are calculated in UTC. Providing utcOffset aligns these to the viewer's timezone. Accepts positive, negative, and fractional values. Note: utcOffset has no effect with resolutions QUARTER_HOUR, HALF_HOUR, or HOUR.

          Deprecated: The use of utcOffset is discouraged as it doesn't handle time zones adequately. All data will be bucketed in UTC if utcOffset is not provided.

          type string Optional

          Get statistics for this hardware type.

          Default value: inverter

          Possible enum values:

          id string Optional

          Filter statistics to only include a specific entity. Hardware category of the entity must match the type parameter.

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/statistics/production?startDate=SOME_STRING_VALUE&endDate=SOME_STRING_VALUE&chargingLocationId=4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd&resolution=SOME_STRING_VALUE&utcOffset=-8&type=SOME_STRING_VALUE&id=SOME_STRING_VALUE' \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          Attributes (list of object)
          • kw object

            Aggregate statistics for production rate in kW

            Show child attributes
            • kw.min number

              The minimum amount for this period.

            • kw.max number

              The maximum amount for this period.

            • kw.mean number

              The average for this period.

          • kwhSum number

            Total power production in kWh

          • price object

            Aggregate per kWh price statistics for the time bucket. Currency is NOK for Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; and EUR for Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Poland, Spain. Unless different price data has been provided via the Tariffs endpoints

            Show child attributes
            • price.min number

              The minimum amount for this period.

            • price.max number

              The maximum amount for this period.

            • price.mean number

              The average for this period.

          • earningsSum number

            Uses the local day ahead market price to determine the total value of the energy produced during the time bucket. Requires the user to have a LocationAPI at the same geo coordinates as the inverter itself. This is expressed in NOK unless different price data has been provided via the Tariffs endpoints

          • date string<date-time>

            The start timestamp of this sample. If utcOffset has been defined, this value will be offset accordingly.

          Response example

              "kw": {
                "min": 0,
                "max": 78,
                "mean": 61
              "kwhSum": 120,
              "price": {
                "min": 13.8,
                "max": 14.4,
                "mean": 14.1
              "earningsSum": 3.14,
              "date": "2021-01-19T09:37:36.845Z"

          Response 404

          Asset not found

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Not Found",
            "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
          Was this section helpful?


          Use the Tariffs API to submit pricing information to Enode. These prices will be preferred over market prices in Enode's smart products, like Smart HVACAPI, and will be used to calculate costs in StatisticsAPI.

          Get tariff

          GET /tariffs/{tariffId}

          Get a tariff using its ID.


          Path parameters
          tariffId string Required

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/tariffs/%7BtariffId%7D \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          Attributes (list of object)
          • name string

            Per-tariff unique interval name

          • cost string

            Rate cost (decimal string)

          Response example

              "name": "PEAK",
              "cost": "13.37"
              "name": "OFF-PEAK",
              "cost": "12.34"
          Was this section helpful?

          Create a tariff

          PUT /tariffs/{tariffId}

          Create a tariff using a list of names and prices. Before the tariff can be used in Enode products, it must be linked to a locationAPI.


          Path parameters
          tariffId string Required
          Attributes (list of object)
          • name string Required

            Per-tariff unique interval name

          • cost string Required

            Rate cost (decimal string)

          Request example

          curl --request PUT \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/tariffs/%7BtariffId%7D \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
            --header 'content-type: application/json' \
            --data '[{"name":"PEAK","cost":"13.37"},{"name":"OFF-PEAK","cost":"12.34"}]'

          Response 204

          Successfully updated.

          Was this section helpful?

          Link tariff to location

          PUT /charging-locations/{chargingLocationId}/tariff

          Link a tariff to a LocationAPI using a daily schedule. Each new schedule overwrites any previous requests. Devices positioned at this location will use the schedule to calculate electricity costs. The schedule must ensure that there are no overlapping intervals, although gaps are permissible. In case of gaps, the system will default to market prices.


          Path parameters
          chargingLocationId string<uuid> Required

          ID of the ChargingLocation.

          • tariffId string Required

            The Tariff ID

          • tariffIntervals array of object Required

            List of time intervals at which to apply the specified tariff rates.

            Show child attributes
            • tariffIntervals[].name string Required

              Rate name

            • tariffIntervals[].weekdays array of integer Optional

              An array of weekdays to apply the named tariff. A weekday starts with 0 for Monday, and ends with 6 for Sunday. If not specified, named tariff is applied for entire week

            • tariffIntervals[].from string Required

              Interval from time (inclusive), format HH:mm. Interpreted in the timezone specified in the timezoneName field of the Location.

            • tariffIntervals[].to string Required

              Interval to time (exclusive), format HH:mm. Interpreted in the timezone specified in the timezoneName field of the Location.

          Request example

          curl --request PUT \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/charging-locations/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd/tariff \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
            --header 'content-type: application/json' \
            --data '{"tariffId":"string","tariffIntervals":[{"name":"OFF-PEAK-WEEKDAY","from":"00:00","to":"12:00","weekdays":[0,1,2,3,4]},{"name":"PEAK-WEEKDAY","from":"12:00","to":"24:00","weekdays":[0,1,2,3,4]},{"name":"OFF-PEAK-WEEKEND","weekdays":[5,6],"from":"00:00","to":"06:00"},{"name":"PEAK-WEEKEND","weekdays":[5,6],"from":"06:00","to":"24:00"}]}'

          Response 204

          Response 400

          Overlapping tariff schedule. Ensure that the schedule has no overlaps.

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Not Found",
            "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."

          Response 404

          Location or tariff not found.

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Not Found",
            "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
          Was this section helpful?

          Get tariff schedule

          GET /charging-locations/{chargingLocationId}/tariff

          Get the tariff schedule linked to a location.


          Path parameters
          chargingLocationId string<uuid> Required

          ID of the ChargingLocation.

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/charging-locations/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd/tariff \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          Attributes (list of object)
          • weekday integer

            Weekday to apply the named tariff. A weekday starts with 0 for Monday, and ends with 6 for Sunday. If not specified, named tariff is applied for entire week

            Possible enum values:

          • fromHourMinute string

            Interval from time (inclusive, UTC)

          • toHourMinute string

            Interval to time (exclusive, UTC)

          • tariffId string

            Energy Provider Tariff ID

          • tariffName string

            Rate name

          Response example

              "weekday": 0,
              "fromHourMinute": "00:00",
              "toHourMinute": "18:00",
              "tariffId": "FLEX-TARIFF-A",
              "tariffName": "OFF-PEAK"
              "weekday": 0,
              "fromHourMinute": "18:00",
              "toHourMinute": "24:00",
              "tariffId": "FLEX-TARIFF-A",
              "tariffName": "PEAK"

          Response 404

          Location not found

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Not Found",
            "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
          Was this section helpful?

          User management

          Endpoints used to link and unlink users or vendors.

          POST /users/{userId}/link

          Creates an Enode Link session attached to the provided User ID. If this User does not exist, it will be created. The returned linkUrl gives a Link UI session that is valid for 24 hours.


          Path parameters
          userId string Required

          A unique identifier of your choice representing your user, e.g. a stable UUID you keep in your datastore. If a user entity matching the provided userId does not exist in your client, it will be created before the link session is created.

          • vendor string Optional

            Skip the vendor selection screen and present the credential input for a specific vendor immediately.

            Possible enum values:

          • vendorType string Optional

            Sets the type of vendors available for connection in a Link UI session. If absent, this defaults to vehicle.

            Default value: vehicle

            Possible enum values:

          • forceLanguage string Deprecated

            BCP47 language code - Force the Link UI to prefer the specified language. If omitted, the UI will default to the User's browser default language.

            Possible enum values:

          • scopes array of string Optional

            The scope(s) you wish to request access to when linking an asset.

          • redirectUri string Optional

            A URI to redirect the user to after successfully linking an asset. A user may also arrive at the redirect URI if they exited Link UI by clicking the X or denying permissions. In these cases, an error query param will be added to your redirect URI with the values of user closed session or consent request denied, respectively.

          • userName string Deprecated

          Request example

          curl --request POST \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/users/%7BuserId%7D/link \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
            --header 'content-type: application/json' \
            --data '{"vendor":"AUDI","vendorType":"vehicle","forceLanguage":"en","scopes":["offline_access","all"],"redirectUri":"myapp://integrations/enode"}'

          Response 200

          • linkState string
          • linkUrl string

          Response example

            "linkState": "ZjE2MzMxMGFiYmU4MzcxOTU1ZmRjMTU5NGU2ZmE4YTU3NjViMzIwY2YzNG",
            "linkUrl": "https://link.production.enode.io?link_state=YzIwZThhYjYtMjMzMi00ZTAyLTg0OTYtYzdjOTlhZTY3Zjc3QDI2YzI1MDExLTdhYTctNGE2NS1iNjBmLTZmMzc5NmRhODUyMDowNDViYjFiYmE0M2Y5NDU5YTc5OTgxZmEyYTg1NmI4YzhkOGU4YjgyNmNmMzQzZmFmMGNhZTlmNDBjMmZmOTgy&requested_scope=vehicle%3Alocation%20vehicle%3Aodometer&redirect_uri=myapp%3A%2F%2Fintegrations%2Fenode"

          Response 403

          Connections limit reached for this client

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/forbidden",
            "title": "Connections limit reached.",
            "detail": "Unable to create more connections for ClientID: a7bedf14-c3eb-4c2b-a08f-b34a1f70808d"
          Was this section helpful?

          Unlink user

          DELETE /users/{userId}

          Deletes a User and all of their data permanently and invalidates any associated sessions, authorization codes, and access/refresh tokens.


          Path parameters
          userId string Required

          ID of the User.

          Request example

          curl --request DELETE \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/users/%7BuserId%7D \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 204

          No Content

          Was this section helpful?

          Deauthorize user

          DELETE /users/{userId}/authorization

          Deletes the User's stored vendor authorizations and credentials, invalidates any associated sessions, authorization codes, and access/refresh tokens.

          All other User data is retained, and if the User is sent through the Link User flow in the future, their account will be just as they left it.

          No webhook events will be generated for a deauthorized user.


          Path parameters
          userId string Required

          ID of the User.

          Request example

          curl --request DELETE \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/users/%7BuserId%7D/authorization \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 204

          No Content

          Was this section helpful?


          EVs provide charge, location, and odometer data. Vehicles can be controlled either directly using the Control ChargingAPI endpoint, or through Smart Charging and Schedules.

          List vehicles

          GET /vehicles

          List all available Vehicles for the User.

          If you already know the ID of a vehicle you want to fetch, it is recommended to fetch it using the more performant Get VehicleAPI method.


          Query parameters
          field object Deprecated

          Functionality moved in version 2023-08-01 to endpoint POST /chargers/{chargerId}/refresh-hint.

          If you specify any fields here, we make a request to the Vehicle's OEM APIs and return the updated data.

          This will slow down your integration. In cases of vendor downtime requests with fields may take up to a minute to complete, while requests without fields will always be fast. Enode polls all devices connected to our platform, so any cached data returned will not be older than 10 minutes (unless the vendor APIs are unavailable, in which case you can consult the lastSeen & isReachable fields on the vehicle).

          Note that the field values capabilities & smartChargingPolicy are deprecated and will always be returned.

          If no fields are included, and the latest cached full Vehicle object will be returned.

          Default value: []

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles?field=SOME_OBJECT_VALUE' \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          Attributes (list of object)
          • id string

            Vehicle ID

          • userId string

            The ID of the user that linked this vehicle.

          • vendor string

            Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

            Possible enum values:

          • lastSeen string<date-time>

            The last time Enode received live data or when the vehicle was initially linked.

          • isReachable boolean or null

            Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the vehicle. If the vehicle is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

          • information object

            Descriptive information about the Vehicle.

            Show child attributes
            • information.vin string or null

              Vehicle VIN

            • information.brand string or null

              Vehicle brand

              Possible enum values:

                AcuraAudiBMWHondaHyundaiJaguarLand RoverKiaMercedesMININissanPeugeotPorscheRenaultSEATŠkodaTeslaVolkswagenVolvoFordOpelDSToyotaLexusCitroënCupraVauxhallFiatRivianNIOChevroletGMCCadillacXPENGPolestarSubaruJeepMazdaMGChryslerDodgeRamAlfa RomeoLanciaLucidBYD
            • information.model string or null

              Vehicle model

            • information.year number or null

              Vehicle production year

            • information.displayName string or null

              User-defined vehicle nickname.

          • chargeState object

            Latest information about the electric or hybrid battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

            Show child attributes
            • chargeState.batteryLevel number or null

              Remaining battery in percent

            • chargeState.range number or null

              Estimated remaining kilometers

            • chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is connected to a charging box (regardless of whether it is actually charging)

            • chargeState.isCharging boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is currently receiving power from the charger and actively charging its battery.

            • chargeState.isFullyCharged boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is fully charged. 'Fully charged' may be a batteryLevel of less than 100 if a chargeLimit has been configured in the vehicle.

            • chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null

              Vehicle's usable battery capacity in kWh.

            • chargeState.chargeLimit number or null

              Charge limit, as a percent of batteryCapacity.

            • chargeState.chargeRate number or null

              The current charge rate in kW.

              This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

            • chargeState.chargeTimeRemaining number or null

              Estimated time until the current charging intent is completed, in minutes.

              This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

            • chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of last received charge state update

            • chargeState.maxCurrent number or null

              The maximum current that the vehicle can draw from the charger, in amps.

            • chargeState.powerDeliveryState string

              The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

              • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
              • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
              • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
              • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The vehicle is actively receiving power from the charger, causing the battery level to increase.
              • PLUGGED_IN:COMPLETE: The charging process has finished and the vehicle's battery has reached the target charge limit.
              • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The charging process has been intentionally stopped by either the vehicle or the charger. The vehicle is still plugged in and waiting for the charging process to resume.
              • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The vehicle attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was available. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
              • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
              • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The vehicle is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

              Possible enum values:

          • smartChargingPolicy object

            Smart Charging configuration properties. Configured via Update Vehicle Smart Charging PolicyAPI.

            Show child attributes
            • smartChargingPolicy.isEnabled boolean

              When enabled, this vehicle's charging status may be controlled by Smart Charging

            • smartChargingPolicy.deadline string or null

              The hour-minute deadline for fully charging the vehicle. Smart charging does not work without setting a deadline. If a timezone is set on the location at which the smart charging occurs, the deadline is interpreted in that timezone, otherwise UTC is used.

            • smartChargingPolicy.minimumChargeLimit number

              Proceed to charge promptly, disregarding energy prices, until the vehicle achieves this preset minimum limit. Please note that this limit cannot exceed the vehicle's maximum charge limit. The default setting is zero. The unit of measure is percentage.

          • odometer object

            Vehicle's odometer reading in kilometers with timestamp

            Show child attributes
            • odometer.distance number or null

              Odometer in kilometers

            • odometer.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of the last odometer update, in kilometers

          • capabilities object

            A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific vehicle

            Show child attributes
            • capabilities.information object

              Full availability of information data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.information.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.chargeState object

              Full availability of chargeState data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.location object

              Full availability of location data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.location.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.location.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.odometer object

              Full availability of odometer data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.odometer.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.odometer.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.setMaxCurrent object

              Supports setting the maximum charge current.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.startCharging object

              Supports START charging command.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.stopCharging object

              Supports STOP charging command.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.smartCharging object

              Support for smartCharging. This value is dynamic and may change over time.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.smartCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.smartCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

          • scopes array of string

            Scopes that the user has granted for this vehicle.

          • location object

            Vehicle's GPS coordinates with timestamp

            Show child attributes
            • location.longitude number or null

              Longitude in degrees

            • location.latitude number or null

              Latitude in degrees

            • location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of last received location

          • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null

            ID of the charging location the vehicle is currently positioned at (if any).

          Response example

              "id": "05ee9df5-d072-4ee8-b773-399dec8f5693",
              "userId": "bb28471e-cde6-4eff-ace4-9a7f4f50882a",
              "vendor": "TESLA",
              "lastSeen": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "information": {
                "vin": "2HGFB2F5XEH542858",
                "brand": "string",
                "model": "Model S P85",
                "year": 2020,
                "displayName": "Batmobile"
              "chargeState": {
                "batteryLevel": 66,
                "range": 228,
                "isPluggedIn": true,
                "isCharging": true,
                "isFullyCharged": false,
                "batteryCapacity": 48.1,
                "chargeLimit": 90,
                "chargeRate": 2,
                "chargeTimeRemaining": 285,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "maxCurrent": 16,
                "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
              "smartChargingPolicy": {
                "isEnabled": true,
                "deadline": "07:00",
                "minimumChargeLimit": 0
              "odometer": {
                "distance": 65393,
                "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "capabilities": {
                "information": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "chargeState": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "location": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "odometer": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "setMaxCurrent": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "startCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "stopCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "smartCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
              "location": {
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985,
                "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"

          Response 206

          Partial Content: The requested vehicle fields could not be fetched, and a cached copy of the data is returned as the response.

          • id string

            Vehicle ID

          • userId string

            The ID of the user that linked this vehicle.

          • vendor string

            Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

            Possible enum values:

          • lastSeen string<date-time>

            The last time Enode received live data or when the vehicle was initially linked.

          • isReachable boolean or null

            Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the vehicle. If the vehicle is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

          • information object

            Descriptive information about the Vehicle.

            Show child attributes
            • information.vin string or null

              Vehicle VIN

            • information.brand string or null

              Vehicle brand

              Possible enum values:

                AcuraAudiBMWHondaHyundaiJaguarLand RoverKiaMercedesMININissanPeugeotPorscheRenaultSEATŠkodaTeslaVolkswagenVolvoFordOpelDSToyotaLexusCitroënCupraVauxhallFiatRivianNIOChevroletGMCCadillacXPENGPolestarSubaruJeepMazdaMGChryslerDodgeRamAlfa RomeoLanciaLucidBYD
            • information.model string or null

              Vehicle model

            • information.year number or null

              Vehicle production year

            • information.displayName string or null

              User-defined vehicle nickname.

          • chargeState object

            Latest information about the electric or hybrid battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

            Show child attributes
            • chargeState.batteryLevel number or null

              Remaining battery in percent

            • chargeState.range number or null

              Estimated remaining kilometers

            • chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is connected to a charging box (regardless of whether it is actually charging)

            • chargeState.isCharging boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is currently receiving power from the charger and actively charging its battery.

            • chargeState.isFullyCharged boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is fully charged. 'Fully charged' may be a batteryLevel of less than 100 if a chargeLimit has been configured in the vehicle.

            • chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null

              Vehicle's usable battery capacity in kWh.

            • chargeState.chargeLimit number or null

              Charge limit, as a percent of batteryCapacity.

            • chargeState.chargeRate number or null

              The current charge rate in kW.

              This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

            • chargeState.chargeTimeRemaining number or null

              Estimated time until the current charging intent is completed, in minutes.

              This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

            • chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of last received charge state update

            • chargeState.maxCurrent number or null

              The maximum current that the vehicle can draw from the charger, in amps.

            • chargeState.powerDeliveryState string

              The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

              • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
              • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
              • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
              • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The vehicle is actively receiving power from the charger, causing the battery level to increase.
              • PLUGGED_IN:COMPLETE: The charging process has finished and the vehicle's battery has reached the target charge limit.
              • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The charging process has been intentionally stopped by either the vehicle or the charger. The vehicle is still plugged in and waiting for the charging process to resume.
              • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The vehicle attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was available. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
              • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
              • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The vehicle is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

              Possible enum values:

          • smartChargingPolicy object

            Smart Charging configuration properties. Configured via Update Vehicle Smart Charging PolicyAPI.

            Show child attributes
            • smartChargingPolicy.isEnabled boolean

              When enabled, this vehicle's charging status may be controlled by Smart Charging

            • smartChargingPolicy.deadline string or null

              The hour-minute deadline for fully charging the vehicle. Smart charging does not work without setting a deadline. If a timezone is set on the location at which the smart charging occurs, the deadline is interpreted in that timezone, otherwise UTC is used.

            • smartChargingPolicy.minimumChargeLimit number

              Proceed to charge promptly, disregarding energy prices, until the vehicle achieves this preset minimum limit. Please note that this limit cannot exceed the vehicle's maximum charge limit. The default setting is zero. The unit of measure is percentage.

          • odometer object

            Vehicle's odometer reading in kilometers with timestamp

            Show child attributes
            • odometer.distance number or null

              Odometer in kilometers

            • odometer.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of the last odometer update, in kilometers

          • capabilities object

            A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific vehicle

            Show child attributes
            • capabilities.information object

              Full availability of information data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.information.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.chargeState object

              Full availability of chargeState data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.location object

              Full availability of location data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.location.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.location.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.odometer object

              Full availability of odometer data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.odometer.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.odometer.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.setMaxCurrent object

              Supports setting the maximum charge current.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.startCharging object

              Supports START charging command.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.stopCharging object

              Supports STOP charging command.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.smartCharging object

              Support for smartCharging. This value is dynamic and may change over time.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.smartCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.smartCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

          • scopes array of string

            Scopes that the user has granted for this vehicle.

          • location object

            Vehicle's GPS coordinates with timestamp

            Show child attributes
            • location.longitude number or null

              Longitude in degrees

            • location.latitude number or null

              Latitude in degrees

            • location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of last received location

          • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null

            ID of the charging location the vehicle is currently positioned at (if any).

          Response example

            "id": "05ee9df5-d072-4ee8-b773-399dec8f5693",
            "userId": "bb28471e-cde6-4eff-ace4-9a7f4f50882a",
            "vendor": "TESLA",
            "lastSeen": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z",
            "isReachable": true,
            "information": {
              "vin": "2HGFB2F5XEH542858",
              "brand": "string",
              "model": "Model S P85",
              "year": 2020,
              "displayName": "Batmobile"
            "chargeState": {
              "batteryLevel": 66,
              "range": 228,
              "isPluggedIn": true,
              "isCharging": true,
              "isFullyCharged": false,
              "batteryCapacity": 48.1,
              "chargeLimit": 90,
              "chargeRate": 2,
              "chargeTimeRemaining": 285,
              "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "maxCurrent": 16,
              "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
            "smartChargingPolicy": {
              "isEnabled": true,
              "deadline": "07:00",
              "minimumChargeLimit": 0
            "odometer": {
              "distance": 65393,
              "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
            "capabilities": {
              "information": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "chargeState": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "location": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "odometer": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "setMaxCurrent": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "startCharging": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "stopCharging": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "smartCharging": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
            "scopes": [
            "location": {
              "longitude": 10.7197486,
              "latitude": 59.9173985,
              "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
            "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"
          Was this section helpful?

          Get vehicle

          GET /vehicles/{vehicleId}


          Path parameters
          vehicleId string Required

          ID of the Vehicle.

          Query parameters
          field object Deprecated

          Functionality moved in version 2023-08-01 to endpoint POST /chargers/{chargerId}/refresh-hint.

          If you specify any fields here, we make a request to the Vehicle's OEM APIs and return the updated data.

          This will slow down your integration. In cases of vendor downtime requests with fields may take up to a minute to complete, while requests without fields will always be fast. Enode polls all devices connected to our platform, so any cached data returned will not be older than 10 minutes (unless the vendor APIs are unavailable, in which case you can consult the lastSeen & isReachable fields on the vehicle).

          Note that the field values capabilities & smartChargingPolicy are deprecated and will always be returned.

          If no fields are included, and the latest cached full Vehicle object will be returned.

          Default value: []

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5?field=SOME_OBJECT_VALUE' \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • id string

            Vehicle ID

          • userId string

            The ID of the user that linked this vehicle.

          • vendor string

            Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

            Possible enum values:

          • lastSeen string<date-time>

            The last time Enode received live data or when the vehicle was initially linked.

          • isReachable boolean or null

            Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the vehicle. If the vehicle is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

          • information object

            Descriptive information about the Vehicle.

            Show child attributes
            • information.vin string or null

              Vehicle VIN

            • information.brand string or null

              Vehicle brand

              Possible enum values:

                AcuraAudiBMWHondaHyundaiJaguarLand RoverKiaMercedesMININissanPeugeotPorscheRenaultSEATŠkodaTeslaVolkswagenVolvoFordOpelDSToyotaLexusCitroënCupraVauxhallFiatRivianNIOChevroletGMCCadillacXPENGPolestarSubaruJeepMazdaMGChryslerDodgeRamAlfa RomeoLanciaLucidBYD
            • information.model string or null

              Vehicle model

            • information.year number or null

              Vehicle production year

            • information.displayName string or null

              User-defined vehicle nickname.

          • chargeState object

            Latest information about the electric or hybrid battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

            Show child attributes
            • chargeState.batteryLevel number or null

              Remaining battery in percent

            • chargeState.range number or null

              Estimated remaining kilometers

            • chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is connected to a charging box (regardless of whether it is actually charging)

            • chargeState.isCharging boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is currently receiving power from the charger and actively charging its battery.

            • chargeState.isFullyCharged boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is fully charged. 'Fully charged' may be a batteryLevel of less than 100 if a chargeLimit has been configured in the vehicle.

            • chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null

              Vehicle's usable battery capacity in kWh.

            • chargeState.chargeLimit number or null

              Charge limit, as a percent of batteryCapacity.

            • chargeState.chargeRate number or null

              The current charge rate in kW.

              This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

            • chargeState.chargeTimeRemaining number or null

              Estimated time until the current charging intent is completed, in minutes.

              This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

            • chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of last received charge state update

            • chargeState.maxCurrent number or null

              The maximum current that the vehicle can draw from the charger, in amps.

            • chargeState.powerDeliveryState string

              The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

              • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
              • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
              • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
              • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The vehicle is actively receiving power from the charger, causing the battery level to increase.
              • PLUGGED_IN:COMPLETE: The charging process has finished and the vehicle's battery has reached the target charge limit.
              • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The charging process has been intentionally stopped by either the vehicle or the charger. The vehicle is still plugged in and waiting for the charging process to resume.
              • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The vehicle attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was available. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
              • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
              • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The vehicle is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

              Possible enum values:

          • smartChargingPolicy object

            Smart Charging configuration properties. Configured via Update Vehicle Smart Charging PolicyAPI.

            Show child attributes
            • smartChargingPolicy.isEnabled boolean

              When enabled, this vehicle's charging status may be controlled by Smart Charging

            • smartChargingPolicy.deadline string or null

              The hour-minute deadline for fully charging the vehicle. Smart charging does not work without setting a deadline. If a timezone is set on the location at which the smart charging occurs, the deadline is interpreted in that timezone, otherwise UTC is used.

            • smartChargingPolicy.minimumChargeLimit number

              Proceed to charge promptly, disregarding energy prices, until the vehicle achieves this preset minimum limit. Please note that this limit cannot exceed the vehicle's maximum charge limit. The default setting is zero. The unit of measure is percentage.

          • odometer object

            Vehicle's odometer reading in kilometers with timestamp

            Show child attributes
            • odometer.distance number or null

              Odometer in kilometers

            • odometer.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of the last odometer update, in kilometers

          • capabilities object

            A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific vehicle

            Show child attributes
            • capabilities.information object

              Full availability of information data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.information.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.chargeState object

              Full availability of chargeState data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.location object

              Full availability of location data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.location.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.location.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.odometer object

              Full availability of odometer data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.odometer.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.odometer.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.setMaxCurrent object

              Supports setting the maximum charge current.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.startCharging object

              Supports START charging command.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.stopCharging object

              Supports STOP charging command.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.smartCharging object

              Support for smartCharging. This value is dynamic and may change over time.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.smartCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.smartCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

          • scopes array of string

            Scopes that the user has granted for this vehicle.

          • location object

            Vehicle's GPS coordinates with timestamp

            Show child attributes
            • location.longitude number or null

              Longitude in degrees

            • location.latitude number or null

              Latitude in degrees

            • location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of last received location

          • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null

            ID of the charging location the vehicle is currently positioned at (if any).

          Response example

            "id": "05ee9df5-d072-4ee8-b773-399dec8f5693",
            "userId": "bb28471e-cde6-4eff-ace4-9a7f4f50882a",
            "vendor": "TESLA",
            "lastSeen": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z",
            "isReachable": true,
            "information": {
              "vin": "2HGFB2F5XEH542858",
              "brand": "string",
              "model": "Model S P85",
              "year": 2020,
              "displayName": "Batmobile"
            "chargeState": {
              "batteryLevel": 66,
              "range": 228,
              "isPluggedIn": true,
              "isCharging": true,
              "isFullyCharged": false,
              "batteryCapacity": 48.1,
              "chargeLimit": 90,
              "chargeRate": 2,
              "chargeTimeRemaining": 285,
              "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "maxCurrent": 16,
              "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
            "smartChargingPolicy": {
              "isEnabled": true,
              "deadline": "07:00",
              "minimumChargeLimit": 0
            "odometer": {
              "distance": 65393,
              "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
            "capabilities": {
              "information": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "chargeState": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "location": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "odometer": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "setMaxCurrent": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "startCharging": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "stopCharging": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "smartCharging": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
            "scopes": [
            "location": {
              "longitude": 10.7197486,
              "latitude": 59.9173985,
              "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
            "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"

          Response 206

          Partial Content: The requested vehicle fields could not be fetched, and a cached copy of the data is returned as the response.

          • id string

            Vehicle ID

          • userId string

            The ID of the user that linked this vehicle.

          • vendor string

            Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

            Possible enum values:

          • lastSeen string<date-time>

            The last time Enode received live data or when the vehicle was initially linked.

          • isReachable boolean or null

            Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the vehicle. If the vehicle is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

          • information object

            Descriptive information about the Vehicle.

            Show child attributes
            • information.vin string or null

              Vehicle VIN

            • information.brand string or null

              Vehicle brand

              Possible enum values:

                AcuraAudiBMWHondaHyundaiJaguarLand RoverKiaMercedesMININissanPeugeotPorscheRenaultSEATŠkodaTeslaVolkswagenVolvoFordOpelDSToyotaLexusCitroënCupraVauxhallFiatRivianNIOChevroletGMCCadillacXPENGPolestarSubaruJeepMazdaMGChryslerDodgeRamAlfa RomeoLanciaLucidBYD
            • information.model string or null

              Vehicle model

            • information.year number or null

              Vehicle production year

            • information.displayName string or null

              User-defined vehicle nickname.

          • chargeState object

            Latest information about the electric or hybrid battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

            Show child attributes
            • chargeState.batteryLevel number or null

              Remaining battery in percent

            • chargeState.range number or null

              Estimated remaining kilometers

            • chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is connected to a charging box (regardless of whether it is actually charging)

            • chargeState.isCharging boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is currently receiving power from the charger and actively charging its battery.

            • chargeState.isFullyCharged boolean or null

              Indicates whether the vehicle is fully charged. 'Fully charged' may be a batteryLevel of less than 100 if a chargeLimit has been configured in the vehicle.

            • chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null

              Vehicle's usable battery capacity in kWh.

            • chargeState.chargeLimit number or null

              Charge limit, as a percent of batteryCapacity.

            • chargeState.chargeRate number or null

              The current charge rate in kW.

              This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

            • chargeState.chargeTimeRemaining number or null

              Estimated time until the current charging intent is completed, in minutes.

              This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

            • chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of last received charge state update

            • chargeState.maxCurrent number or null

              The maximum current that the vehicle can draw from the charger, in amps.

            • chargeState.powerDeliveryState string

              The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

              • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
              • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
              • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
              • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The vehicle is actively receiving power from the charger, causing the battery level to increase.
              • PLUGGED_IN:COMPLETE: The charging process has finished and the vehicle's battery has reached the target charge limit.
              • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The charging process has been intentionally stopped by either the vehicle or the charger. The vehicle is still plugged in and waiting for the charging process to resume.
              • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The vehicle attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was available. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
              • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
              • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The vehicle is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

              Possible enum values:

          • smartChargingPolicy object

            Smart Charging configuration properties. Configured via Update Vehicle Smart Charging PolicyAPI.

            Show child attributes
            • smartChargingPolicy.isEnabled boolean

              When enabled, this vehicle's charging status may be controlled by Smart Charging

            • smartChargingPolicy.deadline string or null

              The hour-minute deadline for fully charging the vehicle. Smart charging does not work without setting a deadline. If a timezone is set on the location at which the smart charging occurs, the deadline is interpreted in that timezone, otherwise UTC is used.

            • smartChargingPolicy.minimumChargeLimit number

              Proceed to charge promptly, disregarding energy prices, until the vehicle achieves this preset minimum limit. Please note that this limit cannot exceed the vehicle's maximum charge limit. The default setting is zero. The unit of measure is percentage.

          • odometer object

            Vehicle's odometer reading in kilometers with timestamp

            Show child attributes
            • odometer.distance number or null

              Odometer in kilometers

            • odometer.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of the last odometer update, in kilometers

          • capabilities object

            A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific vehicle

            Show child attributes
            • capabilities.information object

              Full availability of information data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.information.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.chargeState object

              Full availability of chargeState data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.location object

              Full availability of location data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.location.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.location.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.odometer object

              Full availability of odometer data.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.odometer.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.odometer.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.setMaxCurrent object

              Supports setting the maximum charge current.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.startCharging object

              Supports START charging command.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.stopCharging object

              Supports STOP charging command.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • capabilities.smartCharging object

              Support for smartCharging. This value is dynamic and may change over time.

              Show child attributes
              • capabilities.smartCharging.isCapable boolean

                The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

              • capabilities.smartCharging.interventionIds array of string

                IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

          • scopes array of string

            Scopes that the user has granted for this vehicle.

          • location object

            Vehicle's GPS coordinates with timestamp

            Show child attributes
            • location.longitude number or null

              Longitude in degrees

            • location.latitude number or null

              Latitude in degrees

            • location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null

              Time of last received location

          • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null

            ID of the charging location the vehicle is currently positioned at (if any).

          Response example

            "id": "05ee9df5-d072-4ee8-b773-399dec8f5693",
            "userId": "bb28471e-cde6-4eff-ace4-9a7f4f50882a",
            "vendor": "TESLA",
            "lastSeen": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z",
            "isReachable": true,
            "information": {
              "vin": "2HGFB2F5XEH542858",
              "brand": "string",
              "model": "Model S P85",
              "year": 2020,
              "displayName": "Batmobile"
            "chargeState": {
              "batteryLevel": 66,
              "range": 228,
              "isPluggedIn": true,
              "isCharging": true,
              "isFullyCharged": false,
              "batteryCapacity": 48.1,
              "chargeLimit": 90,
              "chargeRate": 2,
              "chargeTimeRemaining": 285,
              "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "maxCurrent": 16,
              "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
            "smartChargingPolicy": {
              "isEnabled": true,
              "deadline": "07:00",
              "minimumChargeLimit": 0
            "odometer": {
              "distance": 65393,
              "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
            "capabilities": {
              "information": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "chargeState": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "location": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "odometer": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "setMaxCurrent": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "startCharging": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "stopCharging": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
              "smartCharging": {
                "isCapable": false,
                "interventionIds": [
            "scopes": [
            "location": {
              "longitude": 10.7197486,
              "latitude": 59.9173985,
              "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
            "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"
          Was this section helpful?

          Control charging

          POST /vehicles/{vehicleId}/charging

          Request for a vehicle to start or stop charging. This request creates an Action that will retry until the vehicle's powerDeliveryState matches the expected value. The Action must complete before any further commands are sent to the vehicle. If a PENDING action for the same target and type already exists, it will be reused and a new action will not be created. If the new Action has a different target or type, the existing Action will be automatically transitioned to the CANCELLED state and a new Action will be created. Transitions can be tracked via the user:vendor-action:updated webhook event or Get Vehicle ActionAPI.

          This endpoint returns an error with status code 422 if the vehicle is controlled by a schedule or has an active smart charging plan. To restore user control, either disable the schedule, disable smart charging, or use Create Smart OverrideAPI to temporarily enable charging.


          Path parameters
          vehicleId string Required

          ID of the Vehicle.

          • action string Required

            Charging action to perform

            Possible enum values:


          Request example

          curl --request POST \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/charging \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
            --header 'content-type: application/json' \
            --data '{"action":"START"}'

          Response 200

          Resulting charge action

          • id string<uuid>

            The ID of the action.

          • userId string

            The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

          • createdAt string<date-time>

            Time when this action was created

          • updatedAt string<date-time>

            Time when this action was last updated

          • completedAt string<date-time> or null

            Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

          • state string

            The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

            • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
            • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
            • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
            • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

            Possible enum values:

          • targetId string

            ID of the target which this action is controlling.

          • targetType string

            Possible enum values:

          • kind string

            The charging action to perform

            Possible enum values:

          • failureReason object or null

            Information about why was this action not executed successfully.

            Show child attributes
            • failureReason.type string

              A machine-readable high level error category.

              • NO_RESPONSE: The chargeable device did not react to our charge commands within the action's timeout window.
              • FAILED_PRECONDITION: The chargeable device did not meet all required preconditions for this action to be executed during the action's timeout window.
              • UNNECESSARY: The action was not carried out given that the device was already in the desired state.
              • CONFLICT: A newer action for this chargeable has been created. This action is now abandoned.
              • REQUESTED_CANCELLATION: This action was cancelled by request of the controlling owner. The controlling owner may refer to another Enode entity which initiated the command, such as a schedule or smart override.
              • NOT_FOUND: The chargeable was deleted while the action was PENDING.

              Possible enum values:

            • failureReason.detail string

              A human-readable explanation of why the charging action was unsuccessful.

          Response example

            "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
            "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "state": "PENDING",
            "targetId": "bfbccded-8a1c-45a8-bbda-dcaeef29977a",
            "targetType": "vehicle",
            "kind": "START",
            "failureReason": {
              "type": "NO_RESPONSE",
              "detail": "The chargeable device remained unreachable."

          Response 400

          A precondition check failed that is unlikely to change within the action's timeout window. This occurs if the vehicle cannot perform the action, is fully charged, or is already in the desired state.

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Not Found",
            "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."

          Response 422

          Vehicle controlled by a Schedule or has active Smart Charging Plan

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Not Found",
            "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
          Was this section helpful?

          Set max currentExperimental

          POST /vehicles/{vehicleId}/max-current

          Experimental: Set the max current the vehicle is allowed to consume during charging. Currently only supported for Tesla vehicles and behind a feature flag. Reach out to Customer Success to get access.

          This request creates an Action that will retry until the vehicles's maxCurrent matches the expected value. The Action must complete before any further commands are sent to the vehicle. Only one Action can be active for a specific vehicle at a time. If a new Action is created, the previous Action will be automatically cancelled and transitioned to the CANCELLED state. Transitions can be tracked via the user:vendor-action:updated webhook event or Get Vehicle ActionAPI.


          Path parameters
          vehicleId string Required

          ID of the Vehicle.

          • maxCurrent number Required

            Desired max current in ampere

          Request example

          curl --request POST \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/max-current \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
            --header 'content-type: application/json' \
            --data '{"maxCurrent":10}'

          Response 200

          • id string<uuid>

            The ID of the action.

          • userId string

            The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

          • createdAt string<date-time>

            Time when this action was created

          • updatedAt string<date-time>

            Time when this action was last updated

          • completedAt string<date-time> or null

            Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

          • state string

            The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

            • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
            • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
            • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
            • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

            Possible enum values:

          • targetId string

            ID of the entity which this action is controlling.

          • targetType string

            Possible enum values:

          • targetState object

            Target maximum current for entity

            Show child attributes
            • targetState.maxCurrent number

              Desired max current in ampere

          • failureReason object or null

            Information about why was this action not executed successfully.

            Show child attributes
            • failureReason.type string

              A machine-readable high level error category.

              • NO_RESPONSE: The chargeable device did not react to our charge commands within the action's timeout window.
              • FAILED_PRECONDITION: The chargeable device did not meet all required preconditions for this action to be executed during the action's timeout window.
              • UNNECESSARY: The action was not carried out given that the device was already in the desired state.
              • CONFLICT: A newer action for this chargeable has been created. This action is now abandoned.
              • REQUESTED_CANCELLATION: This action was cancelled by request of the controlling owner. The controlling owner may refer to another Enode entity which initiated the command, such as a schedule or smart override.
              • NOT_FOUND: The chargeable was deleted while the action was PENDING.

              Possible enum values:

            • failureReason.detail string

              A human-readable explanation of why the charging action was unsuccessful.

          Response example

            "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
            "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "state": "PENDING",
            "targetId": "string",
            "targetType": "vehicle",
            "targetState": {
              "maxCurrent": 10
            "failureReason": {
              "type": "NO_RESPONSE",
              "detail": "The chargeable device remained unreachable."

          Response 400

          A precondition check failed that is unlikely to change within the action's timeout window. This occurs if the vehicle cannot perform the action.

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Not Found",
            "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
          Was this section helpful?

          Get vehicle action

          GET /vehicles/actions/{actionId}

          Returns the current state of the requested Action.


          Path parameters
          actionId string<uuid> Required

          ID of the Action.

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/actions/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • id string<uuid>

            The ID of the action.

          • userId string

            The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

          • createdAt string<date-time>

            Time when this action was created

          • updatedAt string<date-time>

            Time when this action was last updated

          • completedAt string<date-time> or null

            Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

          • state string

            The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

            • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
            • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
            • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
            • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

            Possible enum values:

          • targetId string

            ID of the target which this action is controlling.

          • kind string

            The charging action to perform

            Possible enum values:

          • failureReason object or null

            Information about why was this action not executed successfully.

            Show child attributes
            • failureReason.type string

              A machine-readable high level error category.

              • NO_RESPONSE: The chargeable device did not react to our charge commands within the action's timeout window.
              • FAILED_PRECONDITION: The chargeable device did not meet all required preconditions for this action to be executed during the action's timeout window.
              • UNNECESSARY: The action was not carried out given that the device was already in the desired state.
              • CONFLICT: A newer action for this chargeable has been created. This action is now abandoned.
              • REQUESTED_CANCELLATION: This action was cancelled by request of the controlling owner. The controlling owner may refer to another Enode entity which initiated the command, such as a schedule or smart override.
              • NOT_FOUND: The chargeable was deleted while the action was PENDING.

              Possible enum values:

            • failureReason.detail string

              A human-readable explanation of why the charging action was unsuccessful.

          • targetType string

            Possible enum values:


          Response example

            "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
            "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "state": "PENDING",
            "targetId": "bfbccded-8a1c-45a8-bbda-dcaeef29977a",
            "kind": "START",
            "failureReason": {
              "type": "NO_RESPONSE",
              "detail": "The chargeable device remained unreachable."
            "targetType": "vehicle"

          Response 404

          Action not found.

          Was this section helpful?

          Cancel vehicle action

          POST /vehicles/actions/{actionId}/cancel

          Cancels a pending vehicle action, halting any further attempts by Enode to execute it.

          Note: This only updates the action's status to CANCELLED within Enode and does not reflect a change in the vendor's cloud. Thus any pending action in the vendor's cloud might still be executed.


          Path parameters
          actionId string<uuid> Required

          ID of the Action.

          Request example

          curl --request POST \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/actions/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd/cancel \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • id string<uuid>

            The ID of the action.

          • userId string

            The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

          • createdAt string<date-time>

            Time when this action was created

          • updatedAt string<date-time>

            Time when this action was last updated

          • completedAt string<date-time> or null

            Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

          • state string

            The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

            • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
            • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
            • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
            • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

            Possible enum values:

          • targetId string

            ID of the target which this action is controlling.

          • targetType string

            Possible enum values:

          • kind string

            The charging action to perform

            Possible enum values:

          • failureReason object or null

            Information about why was this action not executed successfully.

            Show child attributes
            • failureReason.type string

              A machine-readable high level error category.

              • NO_RESPONSE: The chargeable device did not react to our charge commands within the action's timeout window.
              • FAILED_PRECONDITION: The chargeable device did not meet all required preconditions for this action to be executed during the action's timeout window.
              • UNNECESSARY: The action was not carried out given that the device was already in the desired state.
              • CONFLICT: A newer action for this chargeable has been created. This action is now abandoned.
              • REQUESTED_CANCELLATION: This action was cancelled by request of the controlling owner. The controlling owner may refer to another Enode entity which initiated the command, such as a schedule or smart override.
              • NOT_FOUND: The chargeable was deleted while the action was PENDING.

              Possible enum values:

            • failureReason.detail string

              A human-readable explanation of why the charging action was unsuccessful.

          Response example

            "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
            "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "state": "PENDING",
            "targetId": "bfbccded-8a1c-45a8-bbda-dcaeef29977a",
            "targetType": "vehicle",
            "kind": "START",
            "failureReason": {
              "type": "NO_RESPONSE",
              "detail": "The chargeable device remained unreachable."

          Response 404

          Action not found.

          Response 409

          Action already in a resolved state.

          • id string<uuid>

            The ID of the action.

          • userId string

            The ID of the user that owns the target of this action.

          • createdAt string<date-time>

            Time when this action was created

          • updatedAt string<date-time>

            Time when this action was last updated

          • completedAt string<date-time> or null

            Time when the action transitioned to a non-pending state.

          • state string

            The real-time status of an action executed on a target.

            • PENDING: The initial state. Enode is actively sending commands and monitoring the target for changes.
            • CONFIRMED: Successful transition of the target to the desired state.
            • FAILED: The target did not respond to the action before timing out. Enode has ceased sending additional commands.
            • CANCELLED: A required precondition was not met during the action's timeout window or another action has been sent to the target, overriding this one.

            Possible enum values:

          • targetId string

            ID of the target which this action is controlling.

          • targetType string

            Possible enum values:

          • kind string

            The charging action to perform

            Possible enum values:

          • failureReason object or null

            Information about why was this action not executed successfully.

            Show child attributes
            • failureReason.type string

              A machine-readable high level error category.

              • NO_RESPONSE: The chargeable device did not react to our charge commands within the action's timeout window.
              • FAILED_PRECONDITION: The chargeable device did not meet all required preconditions for this action to be executed during the action's timeout window.
              • UNNECESSARY: The action was not carried out given that the device was already in the desired state.
              • CONFLICT: A newer action for this chargeable has been created. This action is now abandoned.
              • REQUESTED_CANCELLATION: This action was cancelled by request of the controlling owner. The controlling owner may refer to another Enode entity which initiated the command, such as a schedule or smart override.
              • NOT_FOUND: The chargeable was deleted while the action was PENDING.

              Possible enum values:

            • failureReason.detail string

              A human-readable explanation of why the charging action was unsuccessful.

          Response example

            "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
            "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "state": "PENDING",
            "targetId": "bfbccded-8a1c-45a8-bbda-dcaeef29977a",
            "targetType": "vehicle",
            "kind": "START",
            "failureReason": {
              "type": "NO_RESPONSE",
              "detail": "The chargeable device remained unreachable."
          Was this section helpful?

          Refresh vehicle data

          POST /vehicles/{vehicleId}/refresh-hint

          Use this endpoint to initiate an expedited data refresh for the specified vehicle.

          Note: The Enode platform keeps data automatically up-to-date and detects changes in the OEM APIs within seconds to a few minutes. We change the refresh interval dynamically based on a number of heuristics. This ensures we find the best trade-off between the stability of the connection to the OEM and freshness of the data.
          This method overrides most of our heuristics and should therefore be used with caution. You may use it when you have a strong reason to believe the data might be stale.


          Path parameters
          vehicleId string Required

          ID of the Vehicle.

          Request example

          curl --request POST \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/refresh-hint \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 204

          Refresh hint registered successfully.

          Response 404

          The specified vehicle was not found.

          Was this section helpful?

          Get smart charging plan

          GET /vehicles/{vehicleId}/smart-charging-plans/{smartChargingPlanId}

          Check status of current or historical Smart Charging Plans for a Vehicle. Returns a Smart Charging Plan for this vehicle.

          To fetch the most recently created Plan, call the endpoint with smartChargingPlanId set to latest.


          Path parameters
          vehicleId string Required

          ID of the Vehicle.

          smartChargingPlanId object<uuid> Required

          ID of the Smart Charging Plan

          Possible enum values:


          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/smart-charging-plans/latest \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • id string

            ID of the Smart Charging Plan

          • vehicleId string

            ID of the Vehicle to which the Smart Charging Plan belongs

          • userId string

            ID of the User to which the Smart Charging Plan belongs

          • locationId string<uuid> or null

            ID of the location at which the Smart Charging Plan is being executed. Null for Smart Charging Plans started before March 2022.

          • vendor string

            Vendor of the Vehicle to which the Smart Charging Plan belongs

            Possible enum values:

          • currency string

            Currency in which monetary amounts are denominated (ISO 4217 3-character Alpha code)

          • nonSmartCost number

            Estimated cost of charging, if smart charging were not on for the vehicle

          • smartCost number or null

            Estimated cost of charging, achieved by this Smart Charging Plan

          • stopAt string<date-time>

            Time at which the current Smart Charging Plan will stop the vehicle's charging. The charging will be resumed when prices are optimal.

          • startAt string<date-time> or null

            Time at which the current Smart Charging Plan will resume the vehicle's charging, when prices are optimal.

          • estimatedFinishAt string<date-time>

            Time at which charging is estimated to be complete, due to the current Smart Charging Plan

          • stopConfirmedAt string<date-time> or null

            During a Smart Charging Plan, the first time at which the vehicle's charging was confirmed as stopped. If a vehicle stops charging outside of smart charging's control (e.g., via a 3rd party app), this will be populated with that timestamp.

          • startConfirmedAt string<date-time> or null

            During a Smart Charging Plan, the first time at which the vehicle's charging was confirmed as started. If a vehicle starts charging outside of smart charging's control (e.g., via a 3rd party app), this will be populated with that timestamp.

          • endedAt string<date-time> or null

            The time at which the Smart Charging Plan ended

          • finalState string or null

            The final state of the Smart Charging Plan when it ended

            Possible enum values:

          • failureCondition string or null

            If the finalState was PLAN:ENDED:FAILED, failureCondition is populated with the condition in which the Smart Charging Plan failed. If the finalState was PLAN:ENDED:FINISHED, failureCondition is populated with FINISHED_LATE if the plan was more than 15% late.

            Possible enum values:

          • externalStart object or null Deprecated

            Deprecated, replaced by smartOverride from Get Vehicle Smart Charging StatusAPI. Once populated, the target enters an overridden state, stopping Enode from sending Smart Charging actions. The Smart Override persists until the target ceases charging for any reason or is manually ended via Vehicle End Smart OverrideAPI or Charger End Smart OverrideAPI.

            Show child attributes
            • externalStart.createdAt string<date-time>

              Time at which the smart override was created.

            • externalStart.endedAt string<date-time> or null

              Time at which the smart override was ended. If null, the smart override is still active.

            • externalStart.targetType string

              Possible enum values:

            • externalStart.targetId string

              ID of the target which this smart override is affecting.

            • externalStart.vendorActionId string<uuid> or null

              The ID of the Action responsible for starting charging on the target. Use the Get Vehicle ActionAPI or the Get Charger ActionAPI endpoints to monitor action results.

          • chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Deprecated

            Deprecated. Replaced by locationId. ID of the location at which the Smart Charging Plan is being executed. Null for Smart Charging Plans started before March 2022.

          Response example

            "id": "53559d39-019a-443b-a2a7-a2ca29f54d4b",
            "vehicleId": "4b5ada14-ea87-4ca1-aab9-3c979c34cf4a",
            "userId": "3b568b76-e30a-426e-aacd-609db4d7be81",
            "locationId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
            "vendor": "string",
            "currency": "USD",
            "nonSmartCost": 17.2,
            "smartCost": 12.8,
            "stopAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "startAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "estimatedFinishAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "stopConfirmedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "startConfirmedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "finalState": "PLAN:ENDED:FINISHED",
            "failureCondition": "CHARGE_INTERRUPTED",
            "externalStart": {
              "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "targetType": "vehicle",
              "targetId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
              "vendorActionId": "213ae0a8-fb65-40be-981a-6a86df3e1c7f"
            "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"
          Was this section helpful?

          Get vehicle smart charging policy

          GET /vehicles/{vehicleId}/smart-charging-policy

          Get a vehicle's Smart Charging policy


          Path parameters
          vehicleId string Required

          ID of the Vehicle.

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/smart-charging-policy \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • isEnabled boolean

            When enabled, this vehicle's charging status may be controlled by Smart Charging

          • deadline string or null

            The hour-minute deadline for fully charging the vehicle. Smart charging does not work without setting a deadline. If a timezone is set on the location at which the smart charging occurs, the deadline is interpreted in that timezone, otherwise UTC is used.

          • minimumChargeLimit number

            Proceed to charge promptly, disregarding energy prices, until the vehicle achieves this preset minimum limit. Please note that this limit cannot exceed the vehicle's maximum charge limit. The default setting is zero. The unit of measure is percentage.

          Response example

            "isEnabled": true,
            "deadline": "07:00",
            "minimumChargeLimit": 0
          Was this section helpful?

          Update vehicle smart charging policy

          PUT /vehicles/{vehicleId}/smart-charging-policy

          Updates the Smart Charging policy for a vehicle


          Path parameters
          vehicleId string Required

          ID of the Vehicle.

          • isEnabled boolean Optional

            When enabled, this vehicle's charging status may be controlled by Smart Charging

            Default value: false

          • deadline string Optional

            The hour-minute deadline for fully charging the vehicle. Smart charging does not work without setting a deadline. If a timezone is set on the location at which the smart charging occurs, the deadline is interpreted in that timezone, otherwise UTC is used.

          • minimumChargeLimit number Optional

            Proceed to charge promptly, disregarding energy prices, until the vehicle achieves this preset minimum limit. Please note that this limit cannot exceed the vehicle's maximum charge limit. The default setting is zero. The unit of measure is percentage.

            Default value: 0

          Request example

          curl --request PUT \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/smart-charging-policy \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
            --header 'content-type: application/json' \
            --data '{"isEnabled":false,"deadline":"07:00","minimumChargeLimit":0}'

          Response 200

          • isEnabled boolean

            When enabled, this vehicle's charging status may be controlled by Smart Charging

          • deadline string or null

            The hour-minute deadline for fully charging the vehicle. Smart charging does not work without setting a deadline. If a timezone is set on the location at which the smart charging occurs, the deadline is interpreted in that timezone, otherwise UTC is used.

          • minimumChargeLimit number

            Proceed to charge promptly, disregarding energy prices, until the vehicle achieves this preset minimum limit. Please note that this limit cannot exceed the vehicle's maximum charge limit. The default setting is zero. The unit of measure is percentage.

          Response example

            "isEnabled": true,
            "deadline": "07:00",
            "minimumChargeLimit": 0
          Was this section helpful?

          Create smart override

          POST /vehicles/{vehicleId}/smart-override

          Overrides an active smart feature by forcing the vehicle to start charging. This feature is meant to be used in situations where the user wants to charge immediately without disabling other smart features. The override remains active until the vehicle stops charging, or until End Smart OverrideAPI is called. When the override ends, the overriden smart feature will regain control of the vehicle. This endpoint should not be used for standard charge control, use Control ChargingAPI instead.


          Path parameters
          vehicleId string Required

          ID of the Vehicle.

          Request example

          curl --request POST \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/smart-override \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • createdAt string<date-time>

            Time at which the smart override was created.

          • endedAt string<date-time> or null

            Time at which the smart override was ended. If null, the smart override is still active.

          • targetType string

            Possible enum values:

          • targetId string

            ID of the target which this smart override is affecting.

          • vendorActionId string<uuid> or null

            The ID of the Action responsible for starting charging on the target. Use the Get Vehicle ActionAPI or the Get Charger ActionAPI endpoints to monitor action results.

          • userId string

            ID of the User

          • vendor string

            Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

            Possible enum values:


          Response example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "targetType": "vehicle",
            "targetId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
            "vendorActionId": "213ae0a8-fb65-40be-981a-6a86df3e1c7f",
            "userId": "0bec82e0-0d54-4f2f-83b1-5b248604de0b",
            "vendor": "TESLA"
          Was this section helpful?

          End smart override

          DELETE /vehicles/{vehicleId}/smart-override

          Ends any active Smart Override for the vehicle specified by vehicleId. If previously configured, Schedules or Smart Charging will resume control over the target vehicle. Note that this does not mean the vehicle will stop charging, only that it will return to the state expected by the active Schedule or Smart Charging Plan.


          Path parameters
          vehicleId string Required

          ID of the Vehicle.

          Request example

          curl --request DELETE \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/smart-override \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • createdAt string<date-time>

            Time at which the smart override was created.

          • endedAt string<date-time> or null

            Time at which the smart override was ended. If null, the smart override is still active.

          • targetType string

            Possible enum values:

          • targetId string

            ID of the target which this smart override is affecting.

          • vendorActionId string<uuid> or null

            The ID of the Action responsible for starting charging on the target. Use the Get Vehicle ActionAPI or the Get Charger ActionAPI endpoints to monitor action results.

          • userId string

            ID of the User

          • vendor string

            Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

            Possible enum values:


          Response example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "targetType": "vehicle",
            "targetId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
            "vendorActionId": "213ae0a8-fb65-40be-981a-6a86df3e1c7f",
            "userId": "0bec82e0-0d54-4f2f-83b1-5b248604de0b",
            "vendor": "TESLA"

          Response 404

          No Smart Override Exists

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Not Found",
            "detail": "The requested asset wasn't found."
          Was this section helpful?

          Get vehicle smart charging status

          GET /vehicles/{vehicleId}/smart-charging-status

          Every vehicle in Enode has a Smart Charging Status that describes the vehicle in terms of smart charging.


          Path parameters
          vehicleId string Required

          ID of the Vehicle.

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/vehicles/ad84e742-0f46-4cf4-b0db-7d890f8f23f5/smart-charging-status \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • updatedAt string<date-time>

            Time when the Smart Charging Status was recalculated, irrespective of whether or not any values changed

          • vehicleId string

            ID of the vehicle to which this Smart Charging Status represents

          • userId string

            ID of the user that owns this vehicle

          • vendor string

            Vendor of the Vehicle

            Possible enum values:

          • state string

            An enum value that describes the current Smart Charging state of the vehicle. Every vehicle is in exactly one state, at all times. If the returned state is UNKNOWN, this might indicate that the vehicle is no longer capable of smart charging. In this case we recommend that you check the capabilities of the vehicle to determine what should be communicated to users. If we don't have pricing data or tariffs for the location of the vehicle, the state will also be UNKNOWN. In this case, we recommend that you contact Enode staff.

            Possible enum values:

          • stateChangedAt string<date-time>

            Time when the state property transitioned to its current value

          • consideration object or null
            Show child attributes
            • consideration.isPluggedIn boolean

              The vehicle is plugged in

            • consideration.isCharging boolean

              The vehicle is charging

            • consideration.atChargingLocation boolean

              The vehicle is located at a configured Charging Location

            • consideration.hasTimeEstimate boolean

              A good estimate is available of how much time it will take to charge.

          • plan object or null

            null by default, but during all of the PLAN:* states, the value is populated with a description of the active plan

            Show child attributes
            • plan.id string

              ID of the Smart Charging Plan

            • plan.vehicleId string

              ID of the Vehicle to which the Smart Charging Plan belongs

            • plan.userId string

              ID of the User to which the Smart Charging Plan belongs

            • plan.locationId string<uuid> or null

              ID of the location at which the Smart Charging Plan is being executed. Null for Smart Charging Plans started before March 2022.

            • plan.vendor string

              Vendor of the Vehicle to which the Smart Charging Plan belongs

              Possible enum values:

            • plan.currency string

              Currency in which monetary amounts are denominated (ISO 4217 3-character Alpha code)

            • plan.nonSmartCost number

              Estimated cost of charging, if smart charging were not on for the vehicle

            • plan.smartCost number or null

              Estimated cost of charging, achieved by this Smart Charging Plan

            • plan.stopAt string<date-time>

              Time at which the current Smart Charging Plan will stop the vehicle's charging. The charging will be resumed when prices are optimal.

            • plan.startAt string<date-time> or null

              Time at which the current Smart Charging Plan will resume the vehicle's charging, when prices are optimal.

            • plan.estimatedFinishAt string<date-time>

              Time at which charging is estimated to be complete, due to the current Smart Charging Plan

            • plan.stopConfirmedAt string<date-time> or null

              During a Smart Charging Plan, the first time at which the vehicle's charging was confirmed as stopped. If a vehicle stops charging outside of smart charging's control (e.g., via a 3rd party app), this will be populated with that timestamp.

            • plan.startConfirmedAt string<date-time> or null

              During a Smart Charging Plan, the first time at which the vehicle's charging was confirmed as started. If a vehicle starts charging outside of smart charging's control (e.g., via a 3rd party app), this will be populated with that timestamp.

            • plan.endedAt string<date-time> or null

              The time at which the Smart Charging Plan ended

            • plan.finalState string or null

              The final state of the Smart Charging Plan when it ended

              Possible enum values:

            • plan.failureCondition string or null

              If the finalState was PLAN:ENDED:FAILED, failureCondition is populated with the condition in which the Smart Charging Plan failed. If the finalState was PLAN:ENDED:FINISHED, failureCondition is populated with FINISHED_LATE if the plan was more than 15% late.

              Possible enum values:

            • plan.externalStart object or null Deprecated

              Deprecated, replaced by smartOverride from Get Vehicle Smart Charging StatusAPI. Once populated, the target enters an overridden state, stopping Enode from sending Smart Charging actions. The Smart Override persists until the target ceases charging for any reason or is manually ended via Vehicle End Smart OverrideAPI or Charger End Smart OverrideAPI.

              Show child attributes
              • plan.externalStart.createdAt string<date-time>

                Time at which the smart override was created.

              • plan.externalStart.endedAt string<date-time> or null

                Time at which the smart override was ended. If null, the smart override is still active.

              • plan.externalStart.targetType string

                Possible enum values:

              • plan.externalStart.targetId string

                ID of the target which this smart override is affecting.

              • plan.externalStart.vendorActionId string<uuid> or null

                The ID of the Action responsible for starting charging on the target. Use the Get Vehicle ActionAPI or the Get Charger ActionAPI endpoints to monitor action results.

            • plan.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Deprecated

              Deprecated. Replaced by locationId. ID of the location at which the Smart Charging Plan is being executed. Null for Smart Charging Plans started before March 2022.

          • smartOverride object or null

            This field populates after using Vehicle Create Smart OverrideAPI or Charger Create Smart OverrideAPI. Once populated, the target enters an overridden state, stopping Enode from sending Smart Charging actions. The Smart Override persists until the target ceases charging for any reason or is manually ended via Vehicle End Smart OverrideAPI or Charger End Smart OverrideAPI.

            Show child attributes
            • smartOverride.createdAt string<date-time>

              Time at which the smart override was created.

            • smartOverride.endedAt string<date-time> or null

              Time at which the smart override was ended. If null, the smart override is still active.

            • smartOverride.targetType string

              Possible enum values:

            • smartOverride.targetId string

              ID of the target which this smart override is affecting.

            • smartOverride.vendorActionId string<uuid> or null

              The ID of the Action responsible for starting charging on the target. Use the Get Vehicle ActionAPI or the Get Charger ActionAPI endpoints to monitor action results.

          Response example

            "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "vehicleId": "4b5ada14-ea87-4ca1-aab9-3c979c34cf4a",
            "userId": "3b568b76-e30a-426e-aacd-609db4d7be81",
            "vendor": "string",
            "state": "PLAN:EXECUTING:STARTING",
            "stateChangedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "consideration": {
              "isPluggedIn": true,
              "isCharging": true,
              "atChargingLocation": true,
              "hasTimeEstimate": true
            "plan": {
              "id": "53559d39-019a-443b-a2a7-a2ca29f54d4b",
              "vehicleId": "4b5ada14-ea87-4ca1-aab9-3c979c34cf4a",
              "userId": "3b568b76-e30a-426e-aacd-609db4d7be81",
              "locationId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
              "vendor": "string",
              "currency": "USD",
              "nonSmartCost": 17.2,
              "smartCost": 12.8,
              "stopAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "startAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "estimatedFinishAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "stopConfirmedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "startConfirmedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "finalState": "PLAN:ENDED:FINISHED",
              "failureCondition": "CHARGE_INTERRUPTED",
              "externalStart": {
                "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "targetType": "vehicle",
                "targetId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
                "vendorActionId": "213ae0a8-fb65-40be-981a-6a86df3e1c7f"
              "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"
            "smartOverride": {
              "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "targetType": "vehicle",
              "targetId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
              "vendorActionId": "213ae0a8-fb65-40be-981a-6a86df3e1c7f"
          Was this section helpful?


          Webhooks are a mechanism that allows your server to receive notifications of events from the Enode system.

          See the related guide for more information about timeouts, failures, and retry logic: Using Webhooks

          Update firehose webhookDeprecated

          PUT /webhooks/firehose


          • secret string Required

            A cryptographically secure secret, generated and provided by your client. Refer to Generating a secret for details on how to do this.

          • url string Required

            The HTTPS URL where webhook payloads should be sent to.

          Request example

          curl --request PUT \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/webhooks/firehose \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
            --header 'content-type: application/json' \
            --data '{"secret":"0Kvs1tAUQ69FOMBiWlt5XJSrruXMhWDiVbyrWaNm","url":"https://example.com/enode-webhooks/firehose"}'

          Response 204

          No Content

          Was this section helpful?

          Delete firehose webhookDeprecated

          DELETE /webhooks/firehose


          • url string Required

            The HTTPS url of the webhook to be deleted

          Request example

          curl --request DELETE \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/webhooks/firehose \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
            --header 'content-type: application/json' \
            --data '{"url":"https://example.com/enode-webhooks/firehose"}'

          Response 204

          No Content

          Response 404

          Webhook not found

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Webhook not found",
            "detail": "Could not find webhook 0ec3d927-0100-44ff-bb53-edfe3ce64a57"
          Was this section helpful?

          Test firehose webhookDeprecated

          POST /webhooks/firehose/test

          Trigger a enode:firehose:test payload to be sent to your configured Webhook URL. This will reset your webhook to a healthy state on success.

          Response 200

          • status string

            Indicates if the test webhook event was delivered successfully to your configured webhook endpoint.

            Possible enum values:

          • description string

            Human readable description of the test outcome.

          • response object or null

            Null if status is FAILED.

            Show child attributes
            • response.code number

              Status code returned by your configured webhook endpoint

            • response.body string

              Body returned by your configured webhook endpoint

            • response.headers array of string or null

              Headers returned by your configured webhook endpoint

          Response example

            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "description": "string",
            "response": {
              "code": 200,
              "body": "{}",
              "headers": [
                "content-type: application/json; } charset=utf-8"
          Was this section helpful?

          Create webhook

          POST /webhooks

          Create a webhook.


          • url string Required

            The HTTPS URL that webhook payloads should be sent to.

          • secret string Required

            A cryptographically secure secret, generated and provided by your client. Refer to Generating a secret for details on how to do this.

          • events array of string Optional

            The events which will trigger the webhook. Available events: *, user:vehicle:discovered, user:vehicle:updated, user:vehicle:deleted, user:vehicle:smart-charging-status-updated, user:charge-action:updated, user:vendor-action:updated, user:schedule:execution-updated, user:charger:discovered, user:charger:updated, user:charger:deleted, user:hvac:discovered, user:hvac:updated, user:hvac:deleted, user:inverter:discovered, user:inverter:updated, user:inverter:deleted, user:credentials:invalidated, user:battery:discovered, user:battery:updated, user:battery:deleted, enode:webhook:test, user:meter:discovered, user:meter:updated, user:meter:deleted

            Default value: ["*"]

          • apiVersion string or null Optional

            If provided, webhook payloads will be generated for this version. If not provided or null, the default API version of the client will be used when generating webhook payloads. Valid versions: 2024-10-01, 2024-01-01, 2023-08-01, 2023-05-01, 2023-04-15, 2023-04-01, 2023-03-01, 2023-02-01

          • authentication object Optional

            If provided, the authentication header will be sent with each webhook request.

            Show child attributes
            • authentication.headerName string Required

              Authentication header name.

            • authentication.headerValue string Required

              Authentication header value.

          Request example

          curl --request POST \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/webhooks \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
            --header 'content-type: application/json' \
            --data '{"url":"https://example.com/enode-webhooks/firehose","secret":"0Kvs1tAUQ69FOMBiWlt5XJSrruXMhWDiVbyrWaNm","events":["user:vehicle:discovered","user:vehicle:updated","user:vehicle:deleted"],"apiVersion":"2024-10-01","authentication":{"headerName":"x-api-key","headerValue":"AOIxcVLKxR2VpzlN5HIk14oPu80"}}'

          Response 200

          • id string

            Unique identifier for the webhook.

          • url string

            The HTTPS URL that webhook payloads should be sent to.

          • events array of string

            The events which will trigger the webhook.

            Default value: ["*"]

          • lastSuccess string<date-time>

            Time when a delivery to this webhook was last successful.

          • isActive boolean

            Indicates whether the webhook is active or not.

          • createdAt string<date-time>

            Time when the webhook was created.

          • apiVersion string or null

            API version of the payload. If null, the default API version of the client will be used when generating webhook payloads.

          • authentication object or null
            Show child attributes
            • authentication.headerName string

          Response example

            "id": "1de1as-dsa12wed-15sa",
            "url": "https://example.com/enode-webhooks/firehose",
            "events": [
            "lastSuccess": "2023-08-14T13:01:00.000",
            "isActive": true,
            "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:01:00.000",
            "apiVersion": "2024-10-01",
            "authentication": {
              "headerName": "string"

          Response 400

          Webhook already exists.

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/bad-request",
            "title": "Webhook already exists.",
            "detail": "A webhook with the specified URL and API version already exists."
          Was this section helpful?

          List webhooks

          GET /webhooks

          Returns a paginated list of webhooks.


          Query parameters
          after string Optional
          before string Optional
          pageSize integer Optional

          Default value: 50

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url 'https://enode-api.production.enode.io/webhooks?after=MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa&before=MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa&pageSize=50' \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • data array of object

            Paginated list of webhooks.

            Show child attributes
            • data[].id string

              Unique identifier for the webhook.

            • data[].url string

              The HTTPS URL that webhook payloads should be sent to.

            • data[].events array of string

              The events which will trigger the webhook.

              Default value: ["*"]

            • data[].lastSuccess string<date-time>

              Time when a delivery to this webhook was last successful.

            • data[].isActive boolean

              Indicates whether the webhook is active or not.

            • data[].createdAt string<date-time>

              Time when the webhook was created.

            • data[].apiVersion string or null

              API version of the payload. If null, the default API version of the client will be used when generating webhook payloads.

            • data[].authentication object or null
              Show child attributes
              • data[].authentication.headerName string
          • pagination object

            Cursors to the pages before and after current page. See the PaginationAPI section for reference.

            Show child attributes
            • pagination.after string or null
            • pagination.before string or null

          Response example

            "data": [
                "id": "1de1as-dsa12wed-15sa",
                "url": "https://example.com/enode-webhooks/firehose",
                "events": [
                "lastSuccess": "2023-08-14T13:01:00.000",
                "isActive": true,
                "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:01:00.000",
                "apiVersion": "2024-10-01",
                "authentication": {
                  "headerName": "string"
            "pagination": {
              "after": "MjAyMy0wNy0xOFQxMDowODowMi4zNzNa",
              "before": "MjAyMy0wNi0xNlQwOTowMzowMS4yNjJa"
          Was this section helpful?

          Update webhook

          PATCH /webhooks/{webhookId}

          Update a webhook.


          Path parameters
          webhookId string<uuid> Required

          ID of the Webhook.

          • url string Optional

            The HTTPS URL that webhook payloads should be sent to.

          • secret string Optional

            A cryptographically secure secret, generated and provided by your client. Refer to Generating a secret for details on how to do this.

          • events array of string Optional

            The events which will trigger the webhook. Available events: *, user:vehicle:discovered, user:vehicle:updated, user:vehicle:deleted, user:vehicle:smart-charging-status-updated, user:charge-action:updated, user:vendor-action:updated, user:schedule:execution-updated, user:charger:discovered, user:charger:updated, user:charger:deleted, user:hvac:discovered, user:hvac:updated, user:hvac:deleted, user:inverter:discovered, user:inverter:updated, user:inverter:deleted, user:credentials:invalidated, user:battery:discovered, user:battery:updated, user:battery:deleted, enode:webhook:test, user:meter:discovered, user:meter:updated, user:meter:deleted

            Default value: ["*"]

          • apiVersion string or null Optional

            If provided, webhook payloads will be generated for this version. If not provided or null, the default API version of the client will be used when generating webhook payloads. Valid versions: 2024-10-01, 2024-01-01, 2023-08-01, 2023-05-01, 2023-04-15, 2023-04-01, 2023-03-01, 2023-02-01

          • authentication object or null Optional

            If provided, the authentication header will be sent with each webhook request.

            Show child attributes
            • authentication.headerName string Required

              Authentication header name.

            • authentication.headerValue string Required

              Authentication header value.

          Request example

          curl --request PATCH \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/webhooks/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \
            --header 'content-type: application/json' \
            --data '{"url":"https://example.com/enode-webhooks/firehose","secret":"0Kvs1tAUQ69FOMBiWlt5XJSrruXMhWDiVbyrWaNm","events":["user:vehicle:discovered","user:vehicle:updated","user:vehicle:deleted"],"apiVersion":"2024-10-01","authentication":{"headerName":"x-api-key","headerValue":"AOIxcVLKxR2VpzlN5HIk14oPu80"}}'

          Response 200

          • id string

            Unique identifier for the webhook.

          • url string

            The HTTPS URL that webhook payloads should be sent to.

          • events array of string

            The events which will trigger the webhook.

            Default value: ["*"]

          • lastSuccess string<date-time>

            Time when a delivery to this webhook was last successful.

          • isActive boolean

            Indicates whether the webhook is active or not.

          • createdAt string<date-time>

            Time when the webhook was created.

          • apiVersion string or null

            API version of the payload. If null, the default API version of the client will be used when generating webhook payloads.

          • authentication object or null
            Show child attributes
            • authentication.headerName string

          Response example

            "id": "1de1as-dsa12wed-15sa",
            "url": "https://example.com/enode-webhooks/firehose",
            "events": [
            "lastSuccess": "2023-08-14T13:01:00.000",
            "isActive": true,
            "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:01:00.000",
            "apiVersion": "2024-10-01",
            "authentication": {
              "headerName": "string"

          Response 404

          Webhook not found or already deleted

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Webhook not found",
            "detail": "Could not find webhook 0ec3d927-0100-44ff-bb53-edfe3ce64a57"
          Was this section helpful?

          Get webhook

          GET /webhooks/{webhookId}

          Returns webhook with the given ID, if it exists.


          Path parameters
          webhookId string<uuid> Required

          ID of the Webhook.

          Request example

          curl --request GET \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/webhooks/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • id string

            Unique identifier for the webhook.

          • url string

            The HTTPS URL that webhook payloads should be sent to.

          • events array of string

            The events which will trigger the webhook.

            Default value: ["*"]

          • lastSuccess string<date-time>

            Time when a delivery to this webhook was last successful.

          • isActive boolean

            Indicates whether the webhook is active or not.

          • createdAt string<date-time>

            Time when the webhook was created.

          • apiVersion string or null

            API version of the payload. If null, the default API version of the client will be used when generating webhook payloads.

          • authentication object or null
            Show child attributes
            • authentication.headerName string

          Response example

            "id": "1de1as-dsa12wed-15sa",
            "url": "https://example.com/enode-webhooks/firehose",
            "events": [
            "lastSuccess": "2023-08-14T13:01:00.000",
            "isActive": true,
            "createdAt": "2023-08-14T13:01:00.000",
            "apiVersion": "2024-10-01",
            "authentication": {
              "headerName": "string"

          Response 404

          Webhook not found or already deleted

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Webhook not found",
            "detail": "Could not find webhook 0ec3d927-0100-44ff-bb53-edfe3ce64a57"
          Was this section helpful?

          Delete webhook

          DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId}

          Deletes webhook with the given ID, if it exists.


          Path parameters
          webhookId string<uuid> Required

          ID of the Webhook.

          Request example

          curl --request DELETE \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/webhooks/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 204

          Successfully deleted

          Response 404

          Webhook not found or already deleted

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Webhook not found",
            "detail": "Could not find webhook 0ec3d927-0100-44ff-bb53-edfe3ce64a57"
          Was this section helpful?

          Test webhook

          POST /webhooks/{webhookId}/test

          Send a enode:webhook:test payload to the webhook. If the webhook is inactive, it'll be reactivated on success.


          Path parameters
          webhookId string<uuid> Required

          ID of the Webhook.

          Request example

          curl --request POST \
            --url https://enode-api.production.enode.io/webhooks/4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd/test \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'

          Response 200

          • status string

            Indicates if the test webhook event was delivered successfully to your configured webhook endpoint.

            Possible enum values:

          • description string

            Human readable description of the test outcome.

          • response object or null

            Null if status is FAILED.

            Show child attributes
            • response.code number

              Status code returned by your configured webhook endpoint

            • response.body string

              Body returned by your configured webhook endpoint

            • response.headers array of string or null

              Headers returned by your configured webhook endpoint

          Response example

            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "description": "string",
            "response": {
              "code": 200,
              "body": "{}",
              "headers": [
                "content-type: application/json; } charset=utf-8"

          Response 404

          Webhook not found or already deleted

          • type string

            A URI reference that identifies the problem type.

          • title string

            A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.

          • detail string

            A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

          Response example

            "type": "https://docs.enode.io/api/problems/not-found",
            "title": "Webhook not found",
            "detail": "Could not find webhook 0ec3d927-0100-44ff-bb53-edfe3ce64a57"
          Was this section helpful?

          Webhook events


          Occurs whenever a new vehicle is discovered for a user


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • vehicle object Required
            Show child attributes
            • vehicle.id string Optional

              Vehicle ID

            • vehicle.userId string Optional

              The ID of the user that linked this vehicle.

            • vehicle.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • vehicle.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode received live data or when the vehicle was initially linked.

            • vehicle.isReachable boolean or null Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the vehicle. If the vehicle is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • vehicle.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the Vehicle.

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.information.vin string or null Required

                Vehicle VIN

              • vehicle.information.brand string or null Required

                Vehicle brand

                Possible enum values:

                  AcuraAudiBMWHondaHyundaiJaguarLand RoverKiaMercedesMININissanPeugeotPorscheRenaultSEATŠkodaTeslaVolkswagenVolvoFordOpelDSToyotaLexusCitroënCupraVauxhallFiatRivianNIOChevroletGMCCadillacXPENGPolestarSubaruJeepMazdaMGChryslerDodgeRamAlfa RomeoLanciaLucidBYD
              • vehicle.information.model string or null Required

                Vehicle model

              • vehicle.information.year number or null Required

                Vehicle production year

              • vehicle.information.displayName string or null Required

                User-defined vehicle nickname.

            • vehicle.chargeState object Required

              Latest information about the electric or hybrid battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.chargeState.batteryLevel number or null Required

                Remaining battery in percent

              • vehicle.chargeState.range number or null Required

                Estimated remaining kilometers

              • vehicle.chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the vehicle is connected to a charging box (regardless of whether it is actually charging)

              • vehicle.chargeState.isCharging boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the vehicle is currently receiving power from the charger and actively charging its battery.

              • vehicle.chargeState.isFullyCharged boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the vehicle is fully charged. 'Fully charged' may be a batteryLevel of less than 100 if a chargeLimit has been configured in the vehicle.

              • vehicle.chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null Required

                Vehicle's usable battery capacity in kWh.

              • vehicle.chargeState.chargeLimit number or null Required

                Charge limit, as a percent of batteryCapacity.

              • vehicle.chargeState.chargeRate number or null Required

                The current charge rate in kW.

                This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

              • vehicle.chargeState.chargeTimeRemaining number or null Required

                Estimated time until the current charging intent is completed, in minutes.

                This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

              • vehicle.chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received charge state update

              • vehicle.chargeState.maxCurrent number or null Required

                The maximum current that the vehicle can draw from the charger, in amps.

              • vehicle.chargeState.powerDeliveryState string Required

                The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

                • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
                • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
                • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
                • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The vehicle is actively receiving power from the charger, causing the battery level to increase.
                • PLUGGED_IN:COMPLETE: The charging process has finished and the vehicle's battery has reached the target charge limit.
                • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The charging process has been intentionally stopped by either the vehicle or the charger. The vehicle is still plugged in and waiting for the charging process to resume.
                • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The vehicle attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was available. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The vehicle is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

                Possible enum values:

            • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy object Required

              Smart Charging configuration properties. Configured via Update Vehicle Smart Charging PolicyAPI.

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy.isEnabled boolean Required

                When enabled, this vehicle's charging status may be controlled by Smart Charging

              • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy.deadline string or null Required

                The hour-minute deadline for fully charging the vehicle. Smart charging does not work without setting a deadline. If a timezone is set on the location at which the smart charging occurs, the deadline is interpreted in that timezone, otherwise UTC is used.

              • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy.minimumChargeLimit number Required

                Proceed to charge promptly, disregarding energy prices, until the vehicle achieves this preset minimum limit. Please note that this limit cannot exceed the vehicle's maximum charge limit. The default setting is zero. The unit of measure is percentage.

            • vehicle.odometer object Required

              Vehicle's odometer reading in kilometers with timestamp

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.odometer.distance number or null Required

                Odometer in kilometers

              • vehicle.odometer.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of the last odometer update, in kilometers

            • vehicle.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific vehicle

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.capabilities.information object Required

                Full availability of information data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.information.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.chargeState object Required

                Full availability of chargeState data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.location object Required

                Full availability of location data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.location.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.location.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.odometer object Required

                Full availability of odometer data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.odometer.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.odometer.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.setMaxCurrent object Required

                Supports setting the maximum charge current.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.startCharging object Required

                Supports START charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.stopCharging object Required

                Supports STOP charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.smartCharging object Required

                Support for smartCharging. This value is dynamic and may change over time.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.smartCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.smartCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • vehicle.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this vehicle.

            • vehicle.location object Required

              Vehicle's GPS coordinates with timestamp

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • vehicle.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

              • vehicle.location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received location

            • vehicle.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the charging location the vehicle is currently positioned at (if any).

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:vehicle:discovered",
            "vehicle": {
              "id": "05ee9df5-d072-4ee8-b773-399dec8f5693",
              "userId": "bb28471e-cde6-4eff-ace4-9a7f4f50882a",
              "vendor": "TESLA",
              "lastSeen": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "information": {
                "vin": "2HGFB2F5XEH542858",
                "brand": "string",
                "model": "Model S P85",
                "year": 2020,
                "displayName": "Batmobile"
              "chargeState": {
                "batteryLevel": 66,
                "range": 228,
                "isPluggedIn": true,
                "isCharging": true,
                "isFullyCharged": false,
                "batteryCapacity": 48.1,
                "chargeLimit": 90,
                "chargeRate": 2,
                "chargeTimeRemaining": 285,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "maxCurrent": 16,
                "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
              "smartChargingPolicy": {
                "isEnabled": true,
                "deadline": "07:00",
                "minimumChargeLimit": 0
              "odometer": {
                "distance": 65393,
                "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "capabilities": {
                "information": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "chargeState": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "location": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "odometer": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "setMaxCurrent": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "startCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "stopCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "smartCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
              "location": {
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985,
                "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a vehicle's properties are updated


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • vehicle object Required
            Show child attributes
            • vehicle.id string Optional

              Vehicle ID

            • vehicle.userId string Optional

              The ID of the user that linked this vehicle.

            • vehicle.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • vehicle.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode received live data or when the vehicle was initially linked.

            • vehicle.isReachable boolean or null Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the vehicle. If the vehicle is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • vehicle.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the Vehicle.

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.information.vin string or null Required

                Vehicle VIN

              • vehicle.information.brand string or null Required

                Vehicle brand

                Possible enum values:

                  AcuraAudiBMWHondaHyundaiJaguarLand RoverKiaMercedesMININissanPeugeotPorscheRenaultSEATŠkodaTeslaVolkswagenVolvoFordOpelDSToyotaLexusCitroënCupraVauxhallFiatRivianNIOChevroletGMCCadillacXPENGPolestarSubaruJeepMazdaMGChryslerDodgeRamAlfa RomeoLanciaLucidBYD
              • vehicle.information.model string or null Required

                Vehicle model

              • vehicle.information.year number or null Required

                Vehicle production year

              • vehicle.information.displayName string or null Required

                User-defined vehicle nickname.

            • vehicle.chargeState object Required

              Latest information about the electric or hybrid battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.chargeState.batteryLevel number or null Required

                Remaining battery in percent

              • vehicle.chargeState.range number or null Required

                Estimated remaining kilometers

              • vehicle.chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the vehicle is connected to a charging box (regardless of whether it is actually charging)

              • vehicle.chargeState.isCharging boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the vehicle is currently receiving power from the charger and actively charging its battery.

              • vehicle.chargeState.isFullyCharged boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the vehicle is fully charged. 'Fully charged' may be a batteryLevel of less than 100 if a chargeLimit has been configured in the vehicle.

              • vehicle.chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null Required

                Vehicle's usable battery capacity in kWh.

              • vehicle.chargeState.chargeLimit number or null Required

                Charge limit, as a percent of batteryCapacity.

              • vehicle.chargeState.chargeRate number or null Required

                The current charge rate in kW.

                This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

              • vehicle.chargeState.chargeTimeRemaining number or null Required

                Estimated time until the current charging intent is completed, in minutes.

                This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

              • vehicle.chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received charge state update

              • vehicle.chargeState.maxCurrent number or null Required

                The maximum current that the vehicle can draw from the charger, in amps.

              • vehicle.chargeState.powerDeliveryState string Required

                The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

                • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
                • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
                • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
                • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The vehicle is actively receiving power from the charger, causing the battery level to increase.
                • PLUGGED_IN:COMPLETE: The charging process has finished and the vehicle's battery has reached the target charge limit.
                • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The charging process has been intentionally stopped by either the vehicle or the charger. The vehicle is still plugged in and waiting for the charging process to resume.
                • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The vehicle attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was available. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The vehicle is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

                Possible enum values:

            • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy object Required

              Smart Charging configuration properties. Configured via Update Vehicle Smart Charging PolicyAPI.

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy.isEnabled boolean Required

                When enabled, this vehicle's charging status may be controlled by Smart Charging

              • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy.deadline string or null Required

                The hour-minute deadline for fully charging the vehicle. Smart charging does not work without setting a deadline. If a timezone is set on the location at which the smart charging occurs, the deadline is interpreted in that timezone, otherwise UTC is used.

              • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy.minimumChargeLimit number Required

                Proceed to charge promptly, disregarding energy prices, until the vehicle achieves this preset minimum limit. Please note that this limit cannot exceed the vehicle's maximum charge limit. The default setting is zero. The unit of measure is percentage.

            • vehicle.odometer object Required

              Vehicle's odometer reading in kilometers with timestamp

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.odometer.distance number or null Required

                Odometer in kilometers

              • vehicle.odometer.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of the last odometer update, in kilometers

            • vehicle.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific vehicle

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.capabilities.information object Required

                Full availability of information data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.information.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.chargeState object Required

                Full availability of chargeState data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.location object Required

                Full availability of location data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.location.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.location.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.odometer object Required

                Full availability of odometer data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.odometer.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.odometer.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.setMaxCurrent object Required

                Supports setting the maximum charge current.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.startCharging object Required

                Supports START charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.stopCharging object Required

                Supports STOP charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.smartCharging object Required

                Support for smartCharging. This value is dynamic and may change over time.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.smartCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.smartCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • vehicle.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this vehicle.

            • vehicle.location object Required

              Vehicle's GPS coordinates with timestamp

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • vehicle.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

              • vehicle.location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received location

            • vehicle.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the charging location the vehicle is currently positioned at (if any).

          • updatedFields array of string Required

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:vehicle:updated",
            "vehicle": {
              "id": "05ee9df5-d072-4ee8-b773-399dec8f5693",
              "userId": "bb28471e-cde6-4eff-ace4-9a7f4f50882a",
              "vendor": "TESLA",
              "lastSeen": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "information": {
                "vin": "2HGFB2F5XEH542858",
                "brand": "string",
                "model": "Model S P85",
                "year": 2020,
                "displayName": "Batmobile"
              "chargeState": {
                "batteryLevel": 66,
                "range": 228,
                "isPluggedIn": true,
                "isCharging": true,
                "isFullyCharged": false,
                "batteryCapacity": 48.1,
                "chargeLimit": 90,
                "chargeRate": 2,
                "chargeTimeRemaining": 285,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "maxCurrent": 16,
                "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
              "smartChargingPolicy": {
                "isEnabled": true,
                "deadline": "07:00",
                "minimumChargeLimit": 0
              "odometer": {
                "distance": 65393,
                "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "capabilities": {
                "information": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "chargeState": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "location": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "odometer": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "setMaxCurrent": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "startCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "stopCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "smartCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
              "location": {
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985,
                "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"
            "updatedFields": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a vehicle is deleted


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • vehicle object Required
            Show child attributes
            • vehicle.id string Optional

              Vehicle ID

            • vehicle.userId string Optional

              The ID of the user that linked this vehicle.

            • vehicle.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • vehicle.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode received live data or when the vehicle was initially linked.

            • vehicle.isReachable boolean or null Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the vehicle. If the vehicle is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • vehicle.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the Vehicle.

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.information.vin string or null Required

                Vehicle VIN

              • vehicle.information.brand string or null Required

                Vehicle brand

                Possible enum values:

                  AcuraAudiBMWHondaHyundaiJaguarLand RoverKiaMercedesMININissanPeugeotPorscheRenaultSEATŠkodaTeslaVolkswagenVolvoFordOpelDSToyotaLexusCitroënCupraVauxhallFiatRivianNIOChevroletGMCCadillacXPENGPolestarSubaruJeepMazdaMGChryslerDodgeRamAlfa RomeoLanciaLucidBYD
              • vehicle.information.model string or null Required

                Vehicle model

              • vehicle.information.year number or null Required

                Vehicle production year

              • vehicle.information.displayName string or null Required

                User-defined vehicle nickname.

            • vehicle.chargeState object Required

              Latest information about the electric or hybrid battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.chargeState.batteryLevel number or null Required

                Remaining battery in percent

              • vehicle.chargeState.range number or null Required

                Estimated remaining kilometers

              • vehicle.chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the vehicle is connected to a charging box (regardless of whether it is actually charging)

              • vehicle.chargeState.isCharging boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the vehicle is currently receiving power from the charger and actively charging its battery.

              • vehicle.chargeState.isFullyCharged boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the vehicle is fully charged. 'Fully charged' may be a batteryLevel of less than 100 if a chargeLimit has been configured in the vehicle.

              • vehicle.chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null Required

                Vehicle's usable battery capacity in kWh.

              • vehicle.chargeState.chargeLimit number or null Required

                Charge limit, as a percent of batteryCapacity.

              • vehicle.chargeState.chargeRate number or null Required

                The current charge rate in kW.

                This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

              • vehicle.chargeState.chargeTimeRemaining number or null Required

                Estimated time until the current charging intent is completed, in minutes.

                This property is only available when the vehicle is charging, and is null any other time.

              • vehicle.chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received charge state update

              • vehicle.chargeState.maxCurrent number or null Required

                The maximum current that the vehicle can draw from the charger, in amps.

              • vehicle.chargeState.powerDeliveryState string Required

                The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

                • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
                • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
                • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
                • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The vehicle is actively receiving power from the charger, causing the battery level to increase.
                • PLUGGED_IN:COMPLETE: The charging process has finished and the vehicle's battery has reached the target charge limit.
                • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The charging process has been intentionally stopped by either the vehicle or the charger. The vehicle is still plugged in and waiting for the charging process to resume.
                • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The vehicle attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was available. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The vehicle is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

                Possible enum values:

            • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy object Required

              Smart Charging configuration properties. Configured via Update Vehicle Smart Charging PolicyAPI.

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy.isEnabled boolean Required

                When enabled, this vehicle's charging status may be controlled by Smart Charging

              • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy.deadline string or null Required

                The hour-minute deadline for fully charging the vehicle. Smart charging does not work without setting a deadline. If a timezone is set on the location at which the smart charging occurs, the deadline is interpreted in that timezone, otherwise UTC is used.

              • vehicle.smartChargingPolicy.minimumChargeLimit number Required

                Proceed to charge promptly, disregarding energy prices, until the vehicle achieves this preset minimum limit. Please note that this limit cannot exceed the vehicle's maximum charge limit. The default setting is zero. The unit of measure is percentage.

            • vehicle.odometer object Required

              Vehicle's odometer reading in kilometers with timestamp

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.odometer.distance number or null Required

                Odometer in kilometers

              • vehicle.odometer.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of the last odometer update, in kilometers

            • vehicle.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific vehicle

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.capabilities.information object Required

                Full availability of information data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.information.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.chargeState object Required

                Full availability of chargeState data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.location object Required

                Full availability of location data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.location.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.location.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.odometer object Required

                Full availability of odometer data.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.odometer.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.odometer.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.setMaxCurrent object Required

                Supports setting the maximum charge current.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.startCharging object Required

                Supports START charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.stopCharging object Required

                Supports STOP charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • vehicle.capabilities.smartCharging object Required

                Support for smartCharging. This value is dynamic and may change over time.

                Show child attributes
                • vehicle.capabilities.smartCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • vehicle.capabilities.smartCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • vehicle.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this vehicle.

            • vehicle.location object Required

              Vehicle's GPS coordinates with timestamp

              Show child attributes
              • vehicle.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • vehicle.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

              • vehicle.location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received location

            • vehicle.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the charging location the vehicle is currently positioned at (if any).

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:vehicle:deleted",
            "vehicle": {
              "id": "05ee9df5-d072-4ee8-b773-399dec8f5693",
              "userId": "bb28471e-cde6-4eff-ace4-9a7f4f50882a",
              "vendor": "TESLA",
              "lastSeen": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "information": {
                "vin": "2HGFB2F5XEH542858",
                "brand": "string",
                "model": "Model S P85",
                "year": 2020,
                "displayName": "Batmobile"
              "chargeState": {
                "batteryLevel": 66,
                "range": 228,
                "isPluggedIn": true,
                "isCharging": true,
                "isFullyCharged": false,
                "batteryCapacity": 48.1,
                "chargeLimit": 90,
                "chargeRate": 2,
                "chargeTimeRemaining": 285,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "maxCurrent": 16,
                "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
              "smartChargingPolicy": {
                "isEnabled": true,
                "deadline": "07:00",
                "minimumChargeLimit": 0
              "odometer": {
                "distance": 65393,
                "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "capabilities": {
                "information": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "chargeState": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "location": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "odometer": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "setMaxCurrent": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "startCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "stopCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "smartCharging": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
              "location": {
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985,
                "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a vehicle's SmartChargingStatus is updated


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • smartChargingStatus object Required
            Show child attributes
            • smartChargingStatus.updatedAt string<date-time> Required

              Time when the Smart Charging Status was recalculated, irrespective of whether or not any values changed

            • smartChargingStatus.vehicleId string Required

              ID of the vehicle to which this Smart Charging Status represents

            • smartChargingStatus.userId string Required

              ID of the user that owns this vehicle

            • smartChargingStatus.vendor string Required

              Vendor of the Vehicle

              Possible enum values:

            • smartChargingStatus.state string Required

              An enum value that describes the current Smart Charging state of the vehicle. Every vehicle is in exactly one state, at all times. If the returned state is UNKNOWN, this might indicate that the vehicle is no longer capable of smart charging. In this case we recommend that you check the capabilities of the vehicle to determine what should be communicated to users. If we don't have pricing data or tariffs for the location of the vehicle, the state will also be UNKNOWN. In this case, we recommend that you contact Enode staff.

              Possible enum values:

            • smartChargingStatus.stateChangedAt string<date-time> Required

              Time when the state property transitioned to its current value

            • smartChargingStatus.consideration object or null Required
              Show child attributes
              • smartChargingStatus.consideration.isPluggedIn boolean Required

                The vehicle is plugged in

              • smartChargingStatus.consideration.isCharging boolean Required

                The vehicle is charging

              • smartChargingStatus.consideration.atChargingLocation boolean Required

                The vehicle is located at a configured Charging Location

              • smartChargingStatus.consideration.hasTimeEstimate boolean Required

                A good estimate is available of how much time it will take to charge.

            • smartChargingStatus.plan object or null Required

              null by default, but during all of the PLAN:* states, the value is populated with a description of the active plan

              Show child attributes
              • smartChargingStatus.plan.id string Required

                ID of the Smart Charging Plan

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.vehicleId string Required

                ID of the Vehicle to which the Smart Charging Plan belongs

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.userId string Required

                ID of the User to which the Smart Charging Plan belongs

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.locationId string<uuid> or null Required

                ID of the location at which the Smart Charging Plan is being executed. Null for Smart Charging Plans started before March 2022.

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.vendor string Required

                Vendor of the Vehicle to which the Smart Charging Plan belongs

                Possible enum values:

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.currency string Required

                Currency in which monetary amounts are denominated (ISO 4217 3-character Alpha code)

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.nonSmartCost number Required

                Estimated cost of charging, if smart charging were not on for the vehicle

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.smartCost number or null Required

                Estimated cost of charging, achieved by this Smart Charging Plan

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.stopAt string<date-time> Required

                Time at which the current Smart Charging Plan will stop the vehicle's charging. The charging will be resumed when prices are optimal.

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.startAt string<date-time> or null Required

                Time at which the current Smart Charging Plan will resume the vehicle's charging, when prices are optimal.

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.estimatedFinishAt string<date-time> Required

                Time at which charging is estimated to be complete, due to the current Smart Charging Plan

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.stopConfirmedAt string<date-time> or null Required

                During a Smart Charging Plan, the first time at which the vehicle's charging was confirmed as stopped. If a vehicle stops charging outside of smart charging's control (e.g., via a 3rd party app), this will be populated with that timestamp.

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.startConfirmedAt string<date-time> or null Required

                During a Smart Charging Plan, the first time at which the vehicle's charging was confirmed as started. If a vehicle starts charging outside of smart charging's control (e.g., via a 3rd party app), this will be populated with that timestamp.

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.endedAt string<date-time> or null Required

                The time at which the Smart Charging Plan ended

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.finalState string or null Required

                The final state of the Smart Charging Plan when it ended

                Possible enum values:

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.failureCondition string or null Required

                If the finalState was PLAN:ENDED:FAILED, failureCondition is populated with the condition in which the Smart Charging Plan failed. If the finalState was PLAN:ENDED:FINISHED, failureCondition is populated with FINISHED_LATE if the plan was more than 15% late.

                Possible enum values:

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.externalStart object or null Deprecated

                Deprecated, replaced by smartOverride from Get Vehicle Smart Charging StatusAPI. Once populated, the target enters an overridden state, stopping Enode from sending Smart Charging actions. The Smart Override persists until the target ceases charging for any reason or is manually ended via Vehicle End Smart OverrideAPI or Charger End Smart OverrideAPI.

                Show child attributes
                • smartChargingStatus.plan.externalStart.createdAt string<date-time> Required

                  Time at which the smart override was created.

                • smartChargingStatus.plan.externalStart.endedAt string<date-time> or null Required

                  Time at which the smart override was ended. If null, the smart override is still active.

                • smartChargingStatus.plan.externalStart.targetType string Required

                  Possible enum values:

                • smartChargingStatus.plan.externalStart.targetId string Required

                  ID of the target which this smart override is affecting.

                • smartChargingStatus.plan.externalStart.vendorActionId string<uuid> or null Required

                  The ID of the Action responsible for starting charging on the target. Use the Get Vehicle ActionAPI or the Get Charger ActionAPI endpoints to monitor action results.

              • smartChargingStatus.plan.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Deprecated

                Deprecated. Replaced by locationId. ID of the location at which the Smart Charging Plan is being executed. Null for Smart Charging Plans started before March 2022.

            • smartChargingStatus.smartOverride object or null Required

              This field populates after using Vehicle Create Smart OverrideAPI or Charger Create Smart OverrideAPI. Once populated, the target enters an overridden state, stopping Enode from sending Smart Charging actions. The Smart Override persists until the target ceases charging for any reason or is manually ended via Vehicle End Smart OverrideAPI or Charger End Smart OverrideAPI.

              Show child attributes
              • smartChargingStatus.smartOverride.createdAt string<date-time> Required

                Time at which the smart override was created.

              • smartChargingStatus.smartOverride.endedAt string<date-time> or null Required

                Time at which the smart override was ended. If null, the smart override is still active.

              • smartChargingStatus.smartOverride.targetType string Required

                Possible enum values:

              • smartChargingStatus.smartOverride.targetId string Required

                ID of the target which this smart override is affecting.

              • smartChargingStatus.smartOverride.vendorActionId string<uuid> or null Required

                The ID of the Action responsible for starting charging on the target. Use the Get Vehicle ActionAPI or the Get Charger ActionAPI endpoints to monitor action results.

          • updatedFields array of string Required

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:vehicle:smart-charging-status-updated",
            "smartChargingStatus": {
              "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "vehicleId": "4b5ada14-ea87-4ca1-aab9-3c979c34cf4a",
              "userId": "3b568b76-e30a-426e-aacd-609db4d7be81",
              "vendor": "string",
              "state": "PLAN:EXECUTING:STARTING",
              "stateChangedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "consideration": {
                "isPluggedIn": true,
                "isCharging": true,
                "atChargingLocation": true,
                "hasTimeEstimate": true
              "plan": {
                "id": "53559d39-019a-443b-a2a7-a2ca29f54d4b",
                "vehicleId": "4b5ada14-ea87-4ca1-aab9-3c979c34cf4a",
                "userId": "3b568b76-e30a-426e-aacd-609db4d7be81",
                "locationId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
                "vendor": "string",
                "currency": "USD",
                "nonSmartCost": 17.2,
                "smartCost": 12.8,
                "stopAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "startAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "estimatedFinishAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "stopConfirmedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "startConfirmedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "finalState": "PLAN:ENDED:FINISHED",
                "failureCondition": "CHARGE_INTERRUPTED",
                "externalStart": {
                  "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                  "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                  "targetType": "vehicle",
                  "targetId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
                  "vendorActionId": "213ae0a8-fb65-40be-981a-6a86df3e1c7f"
                "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"
              "smartOverride": {
                "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "targetType": "vehicle",
                "targetId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
                "vendorActionId": "213ae0a8-fb65-40be-981a-6a86df3e1c7f"
            "updatedFields": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a new charger is discovered for a user


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • charger object Required
            Show child attributes
            • charger.id string Required

              Charger ID

            • charger.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this charger.

            • charger.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • charger.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode communicated with the charger.

            • charger.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the charger. If the charger is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • charger.chargeState object Required

              Latest information about the charger. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • charger.chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the charger has a vehicle plugged into it (regardless of whether that vehicle is actually charging)

              • charger.chargeState.isCharging boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the charger is currently delivering power to the vehicle and actively charging its battery.

              • charger.chargeState.chargeRate number or null Required

                The current charge rate in kW.

                This property is only available when the charger is actively charging a vehicle, and is null any other time.

              • charger.chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of latest charge state update

              • charger.chargeState.maxCurrent number or null Required

                Desired max current in amperes, if set

              • charger.chargeState.powerDeliveryState string Required

                The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

                • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
                • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
                • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
                • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The charger is actively delivering power to the vehicle, causing the battery level to increase.
                • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The vehicle is plugged in, but the charger has been stopped. It is possible to transition into a charging state by sending a start command.
                • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The charger attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was accepted by the vehicle. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The charger is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

                Possible enum values:

            • charger.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific charger

              Show child attributes
              • charger.capabilities.information object Required

                Full availability of information data.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.information.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.chargeState object Required

                Full availability of chargeState data.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.startCharging object Required

                Supports START charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.stopCharging object Required

                Supports STOP charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.setMaxCurrent object Required

                Ability to set the max charge rate.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • charger.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this charger.

            • charger.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the Charger

              Show child attributes
              • charger.information.brand string Optional

                Charger brand

                Possible enum values:

                  ZaptecEaseeWallboxEOEVBoxCharge Ampsgo-eChargePointEnel XTeslaOhmeGaroSchneider ElectricPod PointKEBAHypervoltmyenergi
              • charger.information.model string Required

                Charger model

              • charger.information.year number or null Required

                Charger production year

              • charger.information.id string or null Required

                The vendor's charger ID. This value is deprecated. Do not use this value to refer to chargers.

            • charger.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the charging location the charger is currently positioned at (if any).

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:charger:discovered",
            "charger": {
              "information": {
                "id": "2211e263-0362-4235-83f4-887bdf3ee414",
                "brand": "Zaptec",
                "model": "ZAPTEC PRO",
                "year": null
              "chargingLocationId": "2211e263-d6d4-d6d4-d6d4-dbdd77ec82b6",
              "id": "2211e263-0362-4235-83f4-887bdf3ee414",
              "userId": "d381faac-5283-44a1-9eb1-36cab2ace670",
              "vendor": "ZAPTEC",
              "lastSeen": "2023-03-21T21:08:27.596Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "chargeState": {
                "isPluggedIn": true,
                "isCharging": true,
                "chargeRate": 6.939,
                "lastUpdated": "2023-03-21T16:39:20.000Z",
                "maxCurrent": 16,
                "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
              "capabilities": {
                "information": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "chargeState": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "startCharging": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "stopCharging": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "setMaxCurrent": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a charger is updated


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • charger object Required
            Show child attributes
            • charger.id string Required

              Charger ID

            • charger.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this charger.

            • charger.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • charger.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode communicated with the charger.

            • charger.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the charger. If the charger is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • charger.chargeState object Required

              Latest information about the charger. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • charger.chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the charger has a vehicle plugged into it (regardless of whether that vehicle is actually charging)

              • charger.chargeState.isCharging boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the charger is currently delivering power to the vehicle and actively charging its battery.

              • charger.chargeState.chargeRate number or null Required

                The current charge rate in kW.

                This property is only available when the charger is actively charging a vehicle, and is null any other time.

              • charger.chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of latest charge state update

              • charger.chargeState.maxCurrent number or null Required

                Desired max current in amperes, if set

              • charger.chargeState.powerDeliveryState string Required

                The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

                • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
                • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
                • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
                • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The charger is actively delivering power to the vehicle, causing the battery level to increase.
                • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The vehicle is plugged in, but the charger has been stopped. It is possible to transition into a charging state by sending a start command.
                • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The charger attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was accepted by the vehicle. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The charger is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

                Possible enum values:

            • charger.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific charger

              Show child attributes
              • charger.capabilities.information object Required

                Full availability of information data.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.information.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.chargeState object Required

                Full availability of chargeState data.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.startCharging object Required

                Supports START charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.stopCharging object Required

                Supports STOP charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.setMaxCurrent object Required

                Ability to set the max charge rate.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • charger.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this charger.

            • charger.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the Charger

              Show child attributes
              • charger.information.brand string Optional

                Charger brand

                Possible enum values:

                  ZaptecEaseeWallboxEOEVBoxCharge Ampsgo-eChargePointEnel XTeslaOhmeGaroSchneider ElectricPod PointKEBAHypervoltmyenergi
              • charger.information.model string Required

                Charger model

              • charger.information.year number or null Required

                Charger production year

              • charger.information.id string or null Required

                The vendor's charger ID. This value is deprecated. Do not use this value to refer to chargers.

            • charger.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the charging location the charger is currently positioned at (if any).

          • updatedFields array of string Required

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:charger:updated",
            "charger": {
              "information": {
                "id": "2211e263-0362-4235-83f4-887bdf3ee414",
                "brand": "Zaptec",
                "model": "ZAPTEC PRO",
                "year": null
              "chargingLocationId": "2211e263-d6d4-d6d4-d6d4-dbdd77ec82b6",
              "id": "2211e263-0362-4235-83f4-887bdf3ee414",
              "userId": "d381faac-5283-44a1-9eb1-36cab2ace670",
              "vendor": "ZAPTEC",
              "lastSeen": "2023-03-21T21:08:27.596Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "chargeState": {
                "isPluggedIn": true,
                "isCharging": true,
                "chargeRate": 6.939,
                "lastUpdated": "2023-03-21T16:39:20.000Z",
                "maxCurrent": 16,
                "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
              "capabilities": {
                "information": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "chargeState": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "startCharging": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "stopCharging": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "setMaxCurrent": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
            "updatedFields": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a charger is deleted


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • charger object Required
            Show child attributes
            • charger.id string Required

              Charger ID

            • charger.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this charger.

            • charger.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • charger.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode communicated with the charger.

            • charger.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the charger. If the charger is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • charger.chargeState object Required

              Latest information about the charger. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • charger.chargeState.isPluggedIn boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the charger has a vehicle plugged into it (regardless of whether that vehicle is actually charging)

              • charger.chargeState.isCharging boolean or null Required

                Indicates whether the charger is currently delivering power to the vehicle and actively charging its battery.

              • charger.chargeState.chargeRate number or null Required

                The current charge rate in kW.

                This property is only available when the charger is actively charging a vehicle, and is null any other time.

              • charger.chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of latest charge state update

              • charger.chargeState.maxCurrent number or null Required

                Desired max current in amperes, if set

              • charger.chargeState.powerDeliveryState string Required

                The current state of power delivery between the vehicle and charger.

                • UNKNOWN: The state of power delivery is currently unknown.
                • UNPLUGGED: The vehicle is not connected to the charger.
                • PLUGGED_IN:INITIALIZING: The charging station is preparing to deliver power to the vehicle. It is expected for this state to shortly transition into PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING.
                • PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING: The charger is actively delivering power to the vehicle, causing the battery level to increase.
                • PLUGGED_IN:STOPPED: The vehicle is plugged in, but the charger has been stopped. It is possible to transition into a charging state by sending a start command.
                • PLUGGED_IN:NO_POWER: The charger attempted to initialize charging, however no external power was accepted by the vehicle. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:FAULT: A malfunction in the charging process is preventing power from being delivered. Possible causes include a charging cable not being properly locked, extreme temperatures, or malfunctions in either the charging station or the vehicle's internal system. It is not possible to transition into a charging state with a remote command until there is some user intervention to resolve the issue.
                • PLUGGED_IN:DISCHARGING: The charger is actively discharging by giving power to the home/grid, causing the battery level to decrease.

                Possible enum values:

            • charger.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific charger

              Show child attributes
              • charger.capabilities.information object Required

                Full availability of information data.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.information.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.information.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.chargeState object Required

                Full availability of chargeState data.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.chargeState.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.chargeState.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.startCharging object Required

                Supports START charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.startCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.startCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.stopCharging object Required

                Supports STOP charging command.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.stopCharging.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.stopCharging.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • charger.capabilities.setMaxCurrent object Required

                Ability to set the max charge rate.

                Show child attributes
                • charger.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • charger.capabilities.setMaxCurrent.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • charger.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this charger.

            • charger.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the Charger

              Show child attributes
              • charger.information.brand string Optional

                Charger brand

                Possible enum values:

                  ZaptecEaseeWallboxEOEVBoxCharge Ampsgo-eChargePointEnel XTeslaOhmeGaroSchneider ElectricPod PointKEBAHypervoltmyenergi
              • charger.information.model string Required

                Charger model

              • charger.information.year number or null Required

                Charger production year

              • charger.information.id string or null Required

                The vendor's charger ID. This value is deprecated. Do not use this value to refer to chargers.

            • charger.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the charging location the charger is currently positioned at (if any).

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:charger:deleted",
            "charger": {
              "information": {
                "id": "2211e263-0362-4235-83f4-887bdf3ee414",
                "brand": "Zaptec",
                "model": "ZAPTEC PRO",
                "year": null
              "chargingLocationId": "2211e263-d6d4-d6d4-d6d4-dbdd77ec82b6",
              "id": "2211e263-0362-4235-83f4-887bdf3ee414",
              "userId": "d381faac-5283-44a1-9eb1-36cab2ace670",
              "vendor": "ZAPTEC",
              "lastSeen": "2023-03-21T21:08:27.596Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "chargeState": {
                "isPluggedIn": true,
                "isCharging": true,
                "chargeRate": 6.939,
                "lastUpdated": "2023-03-21T16:39:20.000Z",
                "maxCurrent": 16,
                "powerDeliveryState": "PLUGGED_IN:CHARGING"
              "capabilities": {
                "information": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "chargeState": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "startCharging": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "stopCharging": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "setMaxCurrent": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a new HVAC is discovered for a user


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • hvac object Required
            Show child attributes
            • hvac.id string Required

              HVAC unit ID

            • hvac.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this hvac.

            • hvac.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • hvac.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the HVAC unit was initially linked.

            • hvac.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the HVAC. If the HVAC is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • hvac.consumptionRate number or null Required

              The current rate of energy consumption in kW. An inactive HVAC will have a consumption rate of 0. HVACs not supporting consumption rate will report null. This value is currently only supported by a small number of devices.

            • hvac.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the HVAC unit

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.information.brand string Required

                Display name of OEM/vendor

                Possible enum values:

                  TadoMillADAXEcobeeSensiboHoneywell TCCResideoMitsubishiMicro MaticNIBEPanasonicToshibaDAIKINNestFujitsuBoschNetatmo
              • hvac.information.model string or null Required

                Device model name

              • hvac.information.displayName string Required

                Name of the device, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • hvac.information.groupName string or null Required

                Name of the group the device belongs to, as set by the user on the device/vendor. Groups are typically presented as "rooms" or "zones".

              • hvac.information.category string Required

                Classification of the connected HVAC device.

                • HEATING: A direct heating device, such as an electric panel heater

                • COOLING: A direct cooling device, such as an air conditioner

                • HEAT_PUMP: An air-to-air heat pump capable of both heating and cooling

                • AGGREGATOR: A device that is capable of controlling various HVAC systems behind it, such as a smart thermostat

                Possible enum values:

            • hvac.temperatureState object Required

              Latest information about temperature. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.temperatureState.currentTemperature number or null Required

                Current air temperature reported by device in degrees Celsius.

              • hvac.temperatureState.isActive boolean Required

                Whether the HVAC unit is actively heating or cooling.

              • hvac.temperatureState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last temperature state update. Reflects when the OEM reported a change or Enode recorded a change in any field, whichever is newer

            • hvac.thermostatState object Required

              Latest information about the thermostat state. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.thermostatState.mode string or null Required

                The current state of the HVAC unit.

                • OFF: The HVAC unit is turned off.
                • AUTO: The HVAC unit will try to maintain the given setpoint by alternating between cooling and heating based on the ambient temperature
                • COOL: The HVAC unit will only cool to the given setpoint.
                • HEAT: The HVAC unit will only heat to the given setpoint
                • null: The mode of the HVAC unit is currently not available from the vendor or not supported by enode.

                Possible enum values:

              • hvac.thermostatState.heatSetpoint number or null Required

                If mode allows, heat when currentTemperature falls below this point.

              • hvac.thermostatState.coolSetpoint number or null Required

                If mode allows, cool when currentTemperature rises above this point.

              • hvac.thermostatState.holdType string or null Required

                The duration the setpoints and mode are expected to be held. If SCHEDULED, the device is being controlled by an OEM schedule configured on the device.

                Possible enum values:

              • hvac.thermostatState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last thermostat state update. Reflects when the OEM reported a change or Enode recorded a change in any field, whichever is newer.

            • hvac.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this HVAC unit.

            • hvac.mode string or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.mode. The HVAC's mode.

              • OFF: The HVAC unit is turned off.
              • AUTO: The HVAC unit will try to maintain the given setpoint by alternating between cooling and heating based on the ambient temperature
              • COOL: The HVAC unit will only cool to the given setpoint.
              • HEAT: The HVAC unit will only heat to the given setpoint
              • null: The mode of the HVAC unit is currently not available from the vendor or not supported by enode.

              Possible enum values:

            • hvac.heatSetpoint number or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.heatSetpoint. If mode allows, heat when currentTemperature falls below this point.

            • hvac.coolSetpoint number or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.coolSetpoint. If mode allows, cool when currentTemperature rises above this point.

            • hvac.holdType string or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.holdType. The duration the setpoints and mode are expected to be held. If SCHEDULED, the device is being controlled by an OEM schedule configured on the device.

              Possible enum values:

            • hvac.isActive boolean Deprecated

              Replaced by temperatureState.isActive. Whether the HVAC unit is actively heating or cooling.

            • hvac.currentTemperature number or null Deprecated

              Replaced by temperatureState.currentTemperature. Current air temperature reported by device in degrees Celsius.

            • hvac.capabilities object Required

              An object describing valid states for this HVAC unit.

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.capabilities.capableModes array of string,null or null Required

                A list of valid modes for this HVAC unit.

              • hvac.capabilities.coolSetpointRange object or null Required

                The range of allowable values for coolSetpoint.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.coolSetpointRange.min number or null Required

                  The minimum allowable temperature, inclusive.

                • hvac.capabilities.coolSetpointRange.max number or null Required

                  The maximum allowable temperature, inclusive.

              • hvac.capabilities.heatSetpointRange object or null Required

                The range of allowable values for heatSetpoint.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.heatSetpointRange.min number or null Required

                  The minimum allowable temperature, inclusive.

                • hvac.capabilities.heatSetpointRange.max number or null Required

                  The maximum allowable temperature, inclusive.

              • hvac.capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange object or null Required

                A constraint specifying the minimum and maximum allowable difference between heatSetpoint and coolSetpoint. Only applicable in AUTO mode.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange.min number or null Required

                  The minimum allowable difference, inclusive.

                • hvac.capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange.max number or null Required

                  The maximum allowable difference, inclusive.

              • hvac.capabilities.setFollowSchedule object Required

                Supports following a schedule set on the device.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.setFollowSchedule.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • hvac.capabilities.setFollowSchedule.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • hvac.capabilities.setPermanentHold object Required

                Supports setting a permanent hold.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.setPermanentHold.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • hvac.capabilities.setPermanentHold.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • hvac.capabilities.capableHoldTypes array of string or null Deprecated

                A list of valid hold types for this HVAC unit.

                Deprecated: Check the setFollowSchedule and setPermanentHold capabilities instead.

            • hvac.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the charging location the HVAC unit is housed at (if any)

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:hvac:discovered",
            "hvac": {
              "isActive": true,
              "currentTemperature": 20.8,
              "mode": "HEAT",
              "heatSetpoint": 22,
              "coolSetpoint": 24,
              "holdType": "PERMANENT",
              "chargingLocationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
              "id": "8f39fa8d-8f10-4984-a319-741dc23848c0",
              "userId": "17d9f847-8a1c-4158-adaa-4911a7acd5f9",
              "vendor": "ADAX",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26.000Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "consumptionRate": 1.8,
              "information": {
                "brand": "ADAX",
                "model": "Neo Wi-Fi Skirting",
                "displayName": "Bedroom Panel Heater",
                "groupName": "Bedroom",
                "category": "HEATING"
              "capabilities": {
                "capableModes": [
                "capableHoldTypes": [
                "coolSetpointRange": {
                  "min": 15,
                  "max": 25
                "heatSetpointRange": {
                  "min": 15,
                  "max": 25
                "setpointDifferenceRange": {
                  "min": 15,
                  "max": 25
                "setFollowSchedule": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "setPermanentHold": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
              "thermostatState": {
                "mode": "HEAT",
                "heatSetpoint": 22,
                "coolSetpoint": 24,
                "holdType": "PERMANENT",
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "temperatureState": {
                "currentTemperature": 20.8,
                "isActive": true,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:03:26.000Z"
              "scopes": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever an HVAC's properties are updated


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • hvac object Required
            Show child attributes
            • hvac.id string Required

              HVAC unit ID

            • hvac.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this hvac.

            • hvac.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • hvac.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the HVAC unit was initially linked.

            • hvac.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the HVAC. If the HVAC is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • hvac.consumptionRate number or null Required

              The current rate of energy consumption in kW. An inactive HVAC will have a consumption rate of 0. HVACs not supporting consumption rate will report null. This value is currently only supported by a small number of devices.

            • hvac.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the HVAC unit

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.information.brand string Required

                Display name of OEM/vendor

                Possible enum values:

                  TadoMillADAXEcobeeSensiboHoneywell TCCResideoMitsubishiMicro MaticNIBEPanasonicToshibaDAIKINNestFujitsuBoschNetatmo
              • hvac.information.model string or null Required

                Device model name

              • hvac.information.displayName string Required

                Name of the device, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • hvac.information.groupName string or null Required

                Name of the group the device belongs to, as set by the user on the device/vendor. Groups are typically presented as "rooms" or "zones".

              • hvac.information.category string Required

                Classification of the connected HVAC device.

                • HEATING: A direct heating device, such as an electric panel heater

                • COOLING: A direct cooling device, such as an air conditioner

                • HEAT_PUMP: An air-to-air heat pump capable of both heating and cooling

                • AGGREGATOR: A device that is capable of controlling various HVAC systems behind it, such as a smart thermostat

                Possible enum values:

            • hvac.temperatureState object Required

              Latest information about temperature. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.temperatureState.currentTemperature number or null Required

                Current air temperature reported by device in degrees Celsius.

              • hvac.temperatureState.isActive boolean Required

                Whether the HVAC unit is actively heating or cooling.

              • hvac.temperatureState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last temperature state update. Reflects when the OEM reported a change or Enode recorded a change in any field, whichever is newer

            • hvac.thermostatState object Required

              Latest information about the thermostat state. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.thermostatState.mode string or null Required

                The current state of the HVAC unit.

                • OFF: The HVAC unit is turned off.
                • AUTO: The HVAC unit will try to maintain the given setpoint by alternating between cooling and heating based on the ambient temperature
                • COOL: The HVAC unit will only cool to the given setpoint.
                • HEAT: The HVAC unit will only heat to the given setpoint
                • null: The mode of the HVAC unit is currently not available from the vendor or not supported by enode.

                Possible enum values:

              • hvac.thermostatState.heatSetpoint number or null Required

                If mode allows, heat when currentTemperature falls below this point.

              • hvac.thermostatState.coolSetpoint number or null Required

                If mode allows, cool when currentTemperature rises above this point.

              • hvac.thermostatState.holdType string or null Required

                The duration the setpoints and mode are expected to be held. If SCHEDULED, the device is being controlled by an OEM schedule configured on the device.

                Possible enum values:

              • hvac.thermostatState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last thermostat state update. Reflects when the OEM reported a change or Enode recorded a change in any field, whichever is newer.

            • hvac.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this HVAC unit.

            • hvac.mode string or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.mode. The HVAC's mode.

              • OFF: The HVAC unit is turned off.
              • AUTO: The HVAC unit will try to maintain the given setpoint by alternating between cooling and heating based on the ambient temperature
              • COOL: The HVAC unit will only cool to the given setpoint.
              • HEAT: The HVAC unit will only heat to the given setpoint
              • null: The mode of the HVAC unit is currently not available from the vendor or not supported by enode.

              Possible enum values:

            • hvac.heatSetpoint number or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.heatSetpoint. If mode allows, heat when currentTemperature falls below this point.

            • hvac.coolSetpoint number or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.coolSetpoint. If mode allows, cool when currentTemperature rises above this point.

            • hvac.holdType string or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.holdType. The duration the setpoints and mode are expected to be held. If SCHEDULED, the device is being controlled by an OEM schedule configured on the device.

              Possible enum values:

            • hvac.isActive boolean Deprecated

              Replaced by temperatureState.isActive. Whether the HVAC unit is actively heating or cooling.

            • hvac.currentTemperature number or null Deprecated

              Replaced by temperatureState.currentTemperature. Current air temperature reported by device in degrees Celsius.

            • hvac.capabilities object Required

              An object describing valid states for this HVAC unit.

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.capabilities.capableModes array of string,null or null Required

                A list of valid modes for this HVAC unit.

              • hvac.capabilities.coolSetpointRange object or null Required

                The range of allowable values for coolSetpoint.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.coolSetpointRange.min number or null Required

                  The minimum allowable temperature, inclusive.

                • hvac.capabilities.coolSetpointRange.max number or null Required

                  The maximum allowable temperature, inclusive.

              • hvac.capabilities.heatSetpointRange object or null Required

                The range of allowable values for heatSetpoint.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.heatSetpointRange.min number or null Required

                  The minimum allowable temperature, inclusive.

                • hvac.capabilities.heatSetpointRange.max number or null Required

                  The maximum allowable temperature, inclusive.

              • hvac.capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange object or null Required

                A constraint specifying the minimum and maximum allowable difference between heatSetpoint and coolSetpoint. Only applicable in AUTO mode.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange.min number or null Required

                  The minimum allowable difference, inclusive.

                • hvac.capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange.max number or null Required

                  The maximum allowable difference, inclusive.

              • hvac.capabilities.setFollowSchedule object Required

                Supports following a schedule set on the device.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.setFollowSchedule.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • hvac.capabilities.setFollowSchedule.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • hvac.capabilities.setPermanentHold object Required

                Supports setting a permanent hold.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.setPermanentHold.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • hvac.capabilities.setPermanentHold.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • hvac.capabilities.capableHoldTypes array of string or null Deprecated

                A list of valid hold types for this HVAC unit.

                Deprecated: Check the setFollowSchedule and setPermanentHold capabilities instead.

            • hvac.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the charging location the HVAC unit is housed at (if any)

          • updatedFields array of string Required

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:hvac:updated",
            "hvac": {
              "isActive": true,
              "currentTemperature": 20.8,
              "mode": "HEAT",
              "heatSetpoint": 22,
              "coolSetpoint": 24,
              "holdType": "PERMANENT",
              "chargingLocationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
              "id": "8f39fa8d-8f10-4984-a319-741dc23848c0",
              "userId": "17d9f847-8a1c-4158-adaa-4911a7acd5f9",
              "vendor": "ADAX",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26.000Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "consumptionRate": 1.8,
              "information": {
                "brand": "ADAX",
                "model": "Neo Wi-Fi Skirting",
                "displayName": "Bedroom Panel Heater",
                "groupName": "Bedroom",
                "category": "HEATING"
              "capabilities": {
                "capableModes": [
                "capableHoldTypes": [
                "coolSetpointRange": {
                  "min": 15,
                  "max": 25
                "heatSetpointRange": {
                  "min": 15,
                  "max": 25
                "setpointDifferenceRange": {
                  "min": 15,
                  "max": 25
                "setFollowSchedule": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "setPermanentHold": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
              "thermostatState": {
                "mode": "HEAT",
                "heatSetpoint": 22,
                "coolSetpoint": 24,
                "holdType": "PERMANENT",
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "temperatureState": {
                "currentTemperature": 20.8,
                "isActive": true,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:03:26.000Z"
              "scopes": [
            "updatedFields": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever an HVAC is deleted


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • hvac object Required
            Show child attributes
            • hvac.id string Required

              HVAC unit ID

            • hvac.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this hvac.

            • hvac.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • hvac.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the HVAC unit was initially linked.

            • hvac.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the HVAC. If the HVAC is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • hvac.consumptionRate number or null Required

              The current rate of energy consumption in kW. An inactive HVAC will have a consumption rate of 0. HVACs not supporting consumption rate will report null. This value is currently only supported by a small number of devices.

            • hvac.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the HVAC unit

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.information.brand string Required

                Display name of OEM/vendor

                Possible enum values:

                  TadoMillADAXEcobeeSensiboHoneywell TCCResideoMitsubishiMicro MaticNIBEPanasonicToshibaDAIKINNestFujitsuBoschNetatmo
              • hvac.information.model string or null Required

                Device model name

              • hvac.information.displayName string Required

                Name of the device, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • hvac.information.groupName string or null Required

                Name of the group the device belongs to, as set by the user on the device/vendor. Groups are typically presented as "rooms" or "zones".

              • hvac.information.category string Required

                Classification of the connected HVAC device.

                • HEATING: A direct heating device, such as an electric panel heater

                • COOLING: A direct cooling device, such as an air conditioner

                • HEAT_PUMP: An air-to-air heat pump capable of both heating and cooling

                • AGGREGATOR: A device that is capable of controlling various HVAC systems behind it, such as a smart thermostat

                Possible enum values:

            • hvac.temperatureState object Required

              Latest information about temperature. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.temperatureState.currentTemperature number or null Required

                Current air temperature reported by device in degrees Celsius.

              • hvac.temperatureState.isActive boolean Required

                Whether the HVAC unit is actively heating or cooling.

              • hvac.temperatureState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last temperature state update. Reflects when the OEM reported a change or Enode recorded a change in any field, whichever is newer

            • hvac.thermostatState object Required

              Latest information about the thermostat state. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.thermostatState.mode string or null Required

                The current state of the HVAC unit.

                • OFF: The HVAC unit is turned off.
                • AUTO: The HVAC unit will try to maintain the given setpoint by alternating between cooling and heating based on the ambient temperature
                • COOL: The HVAC unit will only cool to the given setpoint.
                • HEAT: The HVAC unit will only heat to the given setpoint
                • null: The mode of the HVAC unit is currently not available from the vendor or not supported by enode.

                Possible enum values:

              • hvac.thermostatState.heatSetpoint number or null Required

                If mode allows, heat when currentTemperature falls below this point.

              • hvac.thermostatState.coolSetpoint number or null Required

                If mode allows, cool when currentTemperature rises above this point.

              • hvac.thermostatState.holdType string or null Required

                The duration the setpoints and mode are expected to be held. If SCHEDULED, the device is being controlled by an OEM schedule configured on the device.

                Possible enum values:

              • hvac.thermostatState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last thermostat state update. Reflects when the OEM reported a change or Enode recorded a change in any field, whichever is newer.

            • hvac.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this HVAC unit.

            • hvac.mode string or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.mode. The HVAC's mode.

              • OFF: The HVAC unit is turned off.
              • AUTO: The HVAC unit will try to maintain the given setpoint by alternating between cooling and heating based on the ambient temperature
              • COOL: The HVAC unit will only cool to the given setpoint.
              • HEAT: The HVAC unit will only heat to the given setpoint
              • null: The mode of the HVAC unit is currently not available from the vendor or not supported by enode.

              Possible enum values:

            • hvac.heatSetpoint number or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.heatSetpoint. If mode allows, heat when currentTemperature falls below this point.

            • hvac.coolSetpoint number or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.coolSetpoint. If mode allows, cool when currentTemperature rises above this point.

            • hvac.holdType string or null Deprecated

              Replaced by thermostatState.holdType. The duration the setpoints and mode are expected to be held. If SCHEDULED, the device is being controlled by an OEM schedule configured on the device.

              Possible enum values:

            • hvac.isActive boolean Deprecated

              Replaced by temperatureState.isActive. Whether the HVAC unit is actively heating or cooling.

            • hvac.currentTemperature number or null Deprecated

              Replaced by temperatureState.currentTemperature. Current air temperature reported by device in degrees Celsius.

            • hvac.capabilities object Required

              An object describing valid states for this HVAC unit.

              Show child attributes
              • hvac.capabilities.capableModes array of string,null or null Required

                A list of valid modes for this HVAC unit.

              • hvac.capabilities.coolSetpointRange object or null Required

                The range of allowable values for coolSetpoint.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.coolSetpointRange.min number or null Required

                  The minimum allowable temperature, inclusive.

                • hvac.capabilities.coolSetpointRange.max number or null Required

                  The maximum allowable temperature, inclusive.

              • hvac.capabilities.heatSetpointRange object or null Required

                The range of allowable values for heatSetpoint.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.heatSetpointRange.min number or null Required

                  The minimum allowable temperature, inclusive.

                • hvac.capabilities.heatSetpointRange.max number or null Required

                  The maximum allowable temperature, inclusive.

              • hvac.capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange object or null Required

                A constraint specifying the minimum and maximum allowable difference between heatSetpoint and coolSetpoint. Only applicable in AUTO mode.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange.min number or null Required

                  The minimum allowable difference, inclusive.

                • hvac.capabilities.setpointDifferenceRange.max number or null Required

                  The maximum allowable difference, inclusive.

              • hvac.capabilities.setFollowSchedule object Required

                Supports following a schedule set on the device.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.setFollowSchedule.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • hvac.capabilities.setFollowSchedule.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • hvac.capabilities.setPermanentHold object Required

                Supports setting a permanent hold.

                Show child attributes
                • hvac.capabilities.setPermanentHold.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • hvac.capabilities.setPermanentHold.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • hvac.capabilities.capableHoldTypes array of string or null Deprecated

                A list of valid hold types for this HVAC unit.

                Deprecated: Check the setFollowSchedule and setPermanentHold capabilities instead.

            • hvac.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the charging location the HVAC unit is housed at (if any)

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:hvac:deleted",
            "hvac": {
              "isActive": true,
              "currentTemperature": 20.8,
              "mode": "HEAT",
              "heatSetpoint": 22,
              "coolSetpoint": 24,
              "holdType": "PERMANENT",
              "chargingLocationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
              "id": "8f39fa8d-8f10-4984-a319-741dc23848c0",
              "userId": "17d9f847-8a1c-4158-adaa-4911a7acd5f9",
              "vendor": "ADAX",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26.000Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "consumptionRate": 1.8,
              "information": {
                "brand": "ADAX",
                "model": "Neo Wi-Fi Skirting",
                "displayName": "Bedroom Panel Heater",
                "groupName": "Bedroom",
                "category": "HEATING"
              "capabilities": {
                "capableModes": [
                "capableHoldTypes": [
                "coolSetpointRange": {
                  "min": 15,
                  "max": 25
                "heatSetpointRange": {
                  "min": 15,
                  "max": 25
                "setpointDifferenceRange": {
                  "min": 15,
                  "max": 25
                "setFollowSchedule": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
                "setPermanentHold": {
                  "isCapable": true,
                  "interventionIds": []
              "thermostatState": {
                "mode": "HEAT",
                "heatSetpoint": 22,
                "coolSetpoint": 24,
                "holdType": "PERMANENT",
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "temperatureState": {
                "currentTemperature": 20.8,
                "isActive": true,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:03:26.000Z"
              "scopes": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a new inverter is discovered for a user


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • inverter object Required

            Solar inverter object

            Show child attributes
            • inverter.id string<uuid> Required

              Solar Inverter ID

            • inverter.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this inverter.

            • inverter.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • inverter.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode received live data or when the solar inverter was initially linked.

            • inverter.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the inverter. If the inverter is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • inverter.productionState object Required

              Latest information about solar production. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.productionState.productionRate number or null Required

                The current production rate in kW.

              • inverter.productionState.isProducing boolean or null Required

                Whether the solar inverter is actively producing energy or not.

              • inverter.productionState.totalLifetimeProduction number or null Required

                The total lifetime production in kWh.

              • inverter.productionState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received production state update

            • inverter.timezone string or null Required

              IANA TZ database timezone name representing the location of this inverter.

            • inverter.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific inverter.

              Note: Sample-based statisticsAPI collected by Enode rely on the productionState capability and are not affected by this capability.

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.capabilities.productionState object Required

                Full availability of productionState data.

                Show child attributes
                • inverter.capabilities.productionState.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • inverter.capabilities.productionState.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • inverter.capabilities.productionStatistics object Required

                Availability of production statistics directly from the vendor.

                Show child attributes
                • inverter.capabilities.productionStatistics.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • inverter.capabilities.productionStatistics.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • inverter.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this inverter.

            • inverter.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the solar inverter

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.information.id string Required

                Solar inverter vendor ID

              • inverter.information.brand string Required

                Solar inverter brand

                Possible enum values:

              • inverter.information.model string Required

                Solar inverter model

              • inverter.information.siteName string Required

                Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • inverter.information.installationDate string<date-time> Required

                Solar inverter installation date

            • inverter.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the location the solar inverter is currently positioned at (if any).

            • inverter.location object Required

              Solar inverter's GPS coordinates

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • inverter.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:inverter:discovered",
            "inverter": {
              "id": "195d8649-ad12-4755-a9cc-44e2d40ce4d9",
              "userId": "f9d9b134-05f3-452a-80aa-be0deb22f492",
              "vendor": "ENPHASE",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "productionState": {
                "productionRate": 0,
                "isProducing": true,
                "totalLifetimeProduction": 100152.56,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "timezone": "Europe/Oslo",
              "capabilities": {
                "productionState": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "productionStatistics": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
              "information": {
                "id": "7a18eb4e-ee65-4d5b-bb7c-d8e530006b18",
                "brand": "string",
                "model": "Sunny Boy",
                "siteName": "Sunny Plant",
                "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "chargingLocationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
              "location": {
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever an inverter's properties are updated


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • inverter object Required

            Solar inverter object

            Show child attributes
            • inverter.id string<uuid> Required

              Solar Inverter ID

            • inverter.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this inverter.

            • inverter.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • inverter.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode received live data or when the solar inverter was initially linked.

            • inverter.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the inverter. If the inverter is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • inverter.productionState object Required

              Latest information about solar production. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.productionState.productionRate number or null Required

                The current production rate in kW.

              • inverter.productionState.isProducing boolean or null Required

                Whether the solar inverter is actively producing energy or not.

              • inverter.productionState.totalLifetimeProduction number or null Required

                The total lifetime production in kWh.

              • inverter.productionState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received production state update

            • inverter.timezone string or null Required

              IANA TZ database timezone name representing the location of this inverter.

            • inverter.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific inverter.

              Note: Sample-based statisticsAPI collected by Enode rely on the productionState capability and are not affected by this capability.

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.capabilities.productionState object Required

                Full availability of productionState data.

                Show child attributes
                • inverter.capabilities.productionState.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • inverter.capabilities.productionState.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • inverter.capabilities.productionStatistics object Required

                Availability of production statistics directly from the vendor.

                Show child attributes
                • inverter.capabilities.productionStatistics.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • inverter.capabilities.productionStatistics.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • inverter.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this inverter.

            • inverter.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the solar inverter

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.information.id string Required

                Solar inverter vendor ID

              • inverter.information.brand string Required

                Solar inverter brand

                Possible enum values:

              • inverter.information.model string Required

                Solar inverter model

              • inverter.information.siteName string Required

                Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • inverter.information.installationDate string<date-time> Required

                Solar inverter installation date

            • inverter.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the location the solar inverter is currently positioned at (if any).

            • inverter.location object Required

              Solar inverter's GPS coordinates

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • inverter.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

          • updatedFields array of string Required

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:inverter:updated",
            "inverter": {
              "id": "195d8649-ad12-4755-a9cc-44e2d40ce4d9",
              "userId": "f9d9b134-05f3-452a-80aa-be0deb22f492",
              "vendor": "ENPHASE",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "productionState": {
                "productionRate": 0,
                "isProducing": true,
                "totalLifetimeProduction": 100152.56,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "timezone": "Europe/Oslo",
              "capabilities": {
                "productionState": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "productionStatistics": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
              "information": {
                "id": "7a18eb4e-ee65-4d5b-bb7c-d8e530006b18",
                "brand": "string",
                "model": "Sunny Boy",
                "siteName": "Sunny Plant",
                "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "chargingLocationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
              "location": {
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985
            "updatedFields": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever an inverter is deleted


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • inverter object Required

            Solar inverter object

            Show child attributes
            • inverter.id string<uuid> Required

              Solar Inverter ID

            • inverter.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this inverter.

            • inverter.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • inverter.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode received live data or when the solar inverter was initially linked.

            • inverter.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the inverter. If the inverter is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • inverter.productionState object Required

              Latest information about solar production. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.productionState.productionRate number or null Required

                The current production rate in kW.

              • inverter.productionState.isProducing boolean or null Required

                Whether the solar inverter is actively producing energy or not.

              • inverter.productionState.totalLifetimeProduction number or null Required

                The total lifetime production in kWh.

              • inverter.productionState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received production state update

            • inverter.timezone string or null Required

              IANA TZ database timezone name representing the location of this inverter.

            • inverter.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific inverter.

              Note: Sample-based statisticsAPI collected by Enode rely on the productionState capability and are not affected by this capability.

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.capabilities.productionState object Required

                Full availability of productionState data.

                Show child attributes
                • inverter.capabilities.productionState.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • inverter.capabilities.productionState.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • inverter.capabilities.productionStatistics object Required

                Availability of production statistics directly from the vendor.

                Show child attributes
                • inverter.capabilities.productionStatistics.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • inverter.capabilities.productionStatistics.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • inverter.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this inverter.

            • inverter.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the solar inverter

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.information.id string Required

                Solar inverter vendor ID

              • inverter.information.brand string Required

                Solar inverter brand

                Possible enum values:

              • inverter.information.model string Required

                Solar inverter model

              • inverter.information.siteName string Required

                Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • inverter.information.installationDate string<date-time> Required

                Solar inverter installation date

            • inverter.chargingLocationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the location the solar inverter is currently positioned at (if any).

            • inverter.location object Required

              Solar inverter's GPS coordinates

              Show child attributes
              • inverter.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • inverter.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:inverter:deleted",
            "inverter": {
              "id": "195d8649-ad12-4755-a9cc-44e2d40ce4d9",
              "userId": "f9d9b134-05f3-452a-80aa-be0deb22f492",
              "vendor": "ENPHASE",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "productionState": {
                "productionRate": 0,
                "isProducing": true,
                "totalLifetimeProduction": 100152.56,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "timezone": "Europe/Oslo",
              "capabilities": {
                "productionState": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "productionStatistics": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
              "information": {
                "id": "7a18eb4e-ee65-4d5b-bb7c-d8e530006b18",
                "brand": "string",
                "model": "Sunny Boy",
                "siteName": "Sunny Plant",
                "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "chargingLocationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
              "location": {
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a new battery is discovered for a user


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • battery object Required

            Battery object

            Show child attributes
            • battery.id string<uuid> Required

              Unique identifier for the battery object

            • battery.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this battery.

            • battery.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • battery.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the battery was initially linked.

            • battery.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the battery. If the battery is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • battery.chargeState object Required

              Latest information about the battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • battery.chargeState.status string or null Required

                The power delivery state of the battery.

                Possible enum values:

              • battery.chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null Required

                Battery capacity in kWh.

              • battery.chargeState.batteryLevel number or null Required

                Remaining battery charge level in percent.

              • battery.chargeState.chargeRate number or null Required

                The current charge rate in kW. A positive value indicates that the battery is charging.

              • battery.chargeState.dischargeLimit number or null Required

                Minimum charge level for a battery, expressed as a percentage. Batteries will not discharge below this user-set reserve level except in emergency power situations.

              • battery.chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received charge state update

            • battery.config object Required
              Show child attributes
              • battery.config.operationMode string or null Required

                The current operation mode of the battery.

                • IMPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes charging the battery. Draws power from the grid and any excess solar energy for charging. Leveraged energy sources depend on the configuration of the battery. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
                • EXPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes discharging energy stored in the battery back to the household and any excess to the grid. Grid exports often depend on local regulation and might require agreements with grid providers to be supported. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
                • TIME_OF_USE: Maximizes energy cost savings in accordance with a user-defined schedule matching a utility rate plan. Energy may be consumed from solar, battery, or grid sources, depending on the current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar or battery sources, depending on current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app.
                • SELF_RELIANCE: Minimizes household reliance on the grid. Prioritizes using own energy from solar or battery for household consumption before importing from grid. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar, depending on excess solar and your user's settings in the OEM app.

                Possible enum values:

              • battery.config.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received configuration update

            • battery.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the battery

              Show child attributes
              • battery.information.id string Required

                Battery vendor ID

              • battery.information.brand string Required

                A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

                Possible enum values:

              • battery.information.model string Required

                Battery model

              • battery.information.siteName string Required

                Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • battery.information.installationDate string<date-time> Required

                Battery installation date

            • battery.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific battery

              Show child attributes
              • battery.capabilities.exportFocus object Required

                Supports EXPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.exportFocus.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.exportFocus.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • battery.capabilities.importFocus object Required

                Supports IMPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.importFocus.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.importFocus.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • battery.capabilities.timeOfUse object Required

                Supports TIME_OF_USE operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.timeOfUse.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.timeOfUse.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • battery.capabilities.selfReliance object Required

                Supports SELF_RELIANCE operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.selfReliance.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.selfReliance.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • battery.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this battery.

            • battery.locationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the location the battery is currently positioned at (if any).

            • battery.location object Required

              Battery's GPS coordinates

              Show child attributes
              • battery.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • battery.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:battery:discovered",
            "battery": {
              "id": "54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba",
              "userId": "4f6fecd0-bdae-49be-b6e8-ee442e1e3da9",
              "vendor": "TESLA",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "chargeState": {
                "status": "CHARGING",
                "batteryCapacity": 13.5,
                "batteryLevel": 80,
                "chargeRate": 4.6,
                "dischargeLimit": 20,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "config": {
                "operationMode": "IMPORT_FOCUS",
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "information": {
                "id": "7deb27f8-794f-467b-855e-5c61dd9f2cb3",
                "brand": "Tesla",
                "model": "Powerwall",
                "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
                "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "capabilities": {
                "exportFocus": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "importFocus": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "timeOfUse": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "selfReliance": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
              "locationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
              "location": {
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a battery's properties are updated


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • battery object Required

            Battery object

            Show child attributes
            • battery.id string<uuid> Required

              Unique identifier for the battery object

            • battery.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this battery.

            • battery.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • battery.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the battery was initially linked.

            • battery.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the battery. If the battery is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • battery.chargeState object Required

              Latest information about the battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • battery.chargeState.status string or null Required

                The power delivery state of the battery.

                Possible enum values:

              • battery.chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null Required

                Battery capacity in kWh.

              • battery.chargeState.batteryLevel number or null Required

                Remaining battery charge level in percent.

              • battery.chargeState.chargeRate number or null Required

                The current charge rate in kW. A positive value indicates that the battery is charging.

              • battery.chargeState.dischargeLimit number or null Required

                Minimum charge level for a battery, expressed as a percentage. Batteries will not discharge below this user-set reserve level except in emergency power situations.

              • battery.chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received charge state update

            • battery.config object Required
              Show child attributes
              • battery.config.operationMode string or null Required

                The current operation mode of the battery.

                • IMPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes charging the battery. Draws power from the grid and any excess solar energy for charging. Leveraged energy sources depend on the configuration of the battery. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
                • EXPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes discharging energy stored in the battery back to the household and any excess to the grid. Grid exports often depend on local regulation and might require agreements with grid providers to be supported. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
                • TIME_OF_USE: Maximizes energy cost savings in accordance with a user-defined schedule matching a utility rate plan. Energy may be consumed from solar, battery, or grid sources, depending on the current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar or battery sources, depending on current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app.
                • SELF_RELIANCE: Minimizes household reliance on the grid. Prioritizes using own energy from solar or battery for household consumption before importing from grid. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar, depending on excess solar and your user's settings in the OEM app.

                Possible enum values:

              • battery.config.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received configuration update

            • battery.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the battery

              Show child attributes
              • battery.information.id string Required

                Battery vendor ID

              • battery.information.brand string Required

                A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

                Possible enum values:

              • battery.information.model string Required

                Battery model

              • battery.information.siteName string Required

                Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • battery.information.installationDate string<date-time> Required

                Battery installation date

            • battery.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific battery

              Show child attributes
              • battery.capabilities.exportFocus object Required

                Supports EXPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.exportFocus.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.exportFocus.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • battery.capabilities.importFocus object Required

                Supports IMPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.importFocus.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.importFocus.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • battery.capabilities.timeOfUse object Required

                Supports TIME_OF_USE operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.timeOfUse.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.timeOfUse.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • battery.capabilities.selfReliance object Required

                Supports SELF_RELIANCE operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.selfReliance.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.selfReliance.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • battery.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this battery.

            • battery.locationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the location the battery is currently positioned at (if any).

            • battery.location object Required

              Battery's GPS coordinates

              Show child attributes
              • battery.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • battery.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

          • updatedFields array of string Required

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:battery:updated",
            "battery": {
              "id": "54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba",
              "userId": "4f6fecd0-bdae-49be-b6e8-ee442e1e3da9",
              "vendor": "TESLA",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "chargeState": {
                "status": "CHARGING",
                "batteryCapacity": 13.5,
                "batteryLevel": 80,
                "chargeRate": 4.6,
                "dischargeLimit": 20,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "config": {
                "operationMode": "IMPORT_FOCUS",
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "information": {
                "id": "7deb27f8-794f-467b-855e-5c61dd9f2cb3",
                "brand": "Tesla",
                "model": "Powerwall",
                "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
                "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "capabilities": {
                "exportFocus": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "importFocus": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "timeOfUse": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "selfReliance": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
              "locationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
              "location": {
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985
            "updatedFields": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a battery is deleted


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • battery object Required

            Battery object

            Show child attributes
            • battery.id string<uuid> Required

              Unique identifier for the battery object

            • battery.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this battery.

            • battery.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • battery.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the battery was initially linked.

            • battery.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the battery. If the battery is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • battery.chargeState object Required

              Latest information about the battery. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • battery.chargeState.status string or null Required

                The power delivery state of the battery.

                Possible enum values:

              • battery.chargeState.batteryCapacity number or null Required

                Battery capacity in kWh.

              • battery.chargeState.batteryLevel number or null Required

                Remaining battery charge level in percent.

              • battery.chargeState.chargeRate number or null Required

                The current charge rate in kW. A positive value indicates that the battery is charging.

              • battery.chargeState.dischargeLimit number or null Required

                Minimum charge level for a battery, expressed as a percentage. Batteries will not discharge below this user-set reserve level except in emergency power situations.

              • battery.chargeState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received charge state update

            • battery.config object Required
              Show child attributes
              • battery.config.operationMode string or null Required

                The current operation mode of the battery.

                • IMPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes charging the battery. Draws power from the grid and any excess solar energy for charging. Leveraged energy sources depend on the configuration of the battery. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
                • EXPORT_FOCUS: Prioritizes discharging energy stored in the battery back to the household and any excess to the grid. Grid exports often depend on local regulation and might require agreements with grid providers to be supported. Note: Focus modes target a certain battery behavior but are ultimately internal to the battery. Actual behavior might differ from the focus mode.
                • TIME_OF_USE: Maximizes energy cost savings in accordance with a user-defined schedule matching a utility rate plan. Energy may be consumed from solar, battery, or grid sources, depending on the current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar or battery sources, depending on current prices and your user's settings in the OEM app.
                • SELF_RELIANCE: Minimizes household reliance on the grid. Prioritizes using own energy from solar or battery for household consumption before importing from grid. Energy may be exported to the grid from solar, depending on excess solar and your user's settings in the OEM app.

                Possible enum values:

              • battery.config.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received configuration update

            • battery.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the battery

              Show child attributes
              • battery.information.id string Required

                Battery vendor ID

              • battery.information.brand string Required

                A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

                Possible enum values:

              • battery.information.model string Required

                Battery model

              • battery.information.siteName string Required

                Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • battery.information.installationDate string<date-time> Required

                Battery installation date

            • battery.capabilities object Required

              A collection of descriptors that describe the capabilities of this specific battery

              Show child attributes
              • battery.capabilities.exportFocus object Required

                Supports EXPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.exportFocus.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.exportFocus.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • battery.capabilities.importFocus object Required

                Supports IMPORT_FOCUS operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.importFocus.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.importFocus.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • battery.capabilities.timeOfUse object Required

                Supports TIME_OF_USE operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.timeOfUse.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.timeOfUse.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • battery.capabilities.selfReliance object Required

                Supports SELF_RELIANCE operation mode.

                Show child attributes
                • battery.capabilities.selfReliance.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • battery.capabilities.selfReliance.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • battery.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this battery.

            • battery.locationId string<uuid> or null Required

              ID of the location the battery is currently positioned at (if any).

            • battery.location object Required

              Battery's GPS coordinates

              Show child attributes
              • battery.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • battery.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:battery:deleted",
            "battery": {
              "id": "54d827e1-8355-4fed-97b5-55940d1d09ba",
              "userId": "4f6fecd0-bdae-49be-b6e8-ee442e1e3da9",
              "vendor": "TESLA",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "chargeState": {
                "status": "CHARGING",
                "batteryCapacity": 13.5,
                "batteryLevel": 80,
                "chargeRate": 4.6,
                "dischargeLimit": 20,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "config": {
                "operationMode": "IMPORT_FOCUS",
                "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "information": {
                "id": "7deb27f8-794f-467b-855e-5c61dd9f2cb3",
                "brand": "Tesla",
                "model": "Powerwall",
                "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
                "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "capabilities": {
                "exportFocus": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "importFocus": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "timeOfUse": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "selfReliance": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
              "locationId": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
              "location": {
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a new meter is discovered for a user


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • meter object Required
            Show child attributes
            • meter.id string<uuid> Required

              Unique identifier for the meter object

            • meter.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this meter.

            • meter.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • meter.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the meter was initially linked.

            • meter.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the meter. If the meter is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • meter.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the meter

              Show child attributes
              • meter.information.brand string Required

                A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

                Possible enum values:

              • meter.information.model string Required

                Meter model

              • meter.information.siteName string Required

                Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • meter.information.installationDate string<date-time> Required

                Meter installation date

            • meter.energyState object Required

              Latest information about meter load. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • meter.energyState.power number or null Required

                The current power measured by the meter in kW.

                • Positive value: Power is imported from the grid to the site, indicating consumption.
                • Negative value: Power is exported to the grid, typically when the site generates excess electricity (e.g. from solar panels, or battery discharge).
              • meter.energyState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received energy state update.

            • meter.location object Required

              Meter's GPS coordinates

              Show child attributes
              • meter.location.id string<uuid> or null Required

                ID of the location the solar battery is currently positioned at (if any).

              • meter.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • meter.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

              • meter.location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received location state update

            • meter.capabilities object Required

              The specific meter's capabilities for recording energy consumption and production data.

              Show child attributes
              • meter.capabilities.measuresConsumption object Required

                Indicates if the meter can measure consumed energy.

                Show child attributes
                • meter.capabilities.measuresConsumption.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • meter.capabilities.measuresConsumption.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • meter.capabilities.measuresProduction object Required

                Indicates if the meter can measure energy produced or generated.

                Show child attributes
                • meter.capabilities.measuresProduction.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • meter.capabilities.measuresProduction.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • meter.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this meter.

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:meter:discovered",
            "meter": {
              "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
              "userId": "string",
              "vendor": "TESLA",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "information": {
                "brand": "Tesla",
                "model": "Tesla Powerwall built-in meter",
                "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
                "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "energyState": {
                "power": 2.2,
                "lastUpdated": "2022-03-01T12:34:56Z"
              "location": {
                "id": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985,
                "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "capabilities": {
                "measuresConsumption": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "measuresProduction": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a meter's properties are updated


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • meter object Required
            Show child attributes
            • meter.id string<uuid> Required

              Unique identifier for the meter object

            • meter.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this meter.

            • meter.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • meter.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the meter was initially linked.

            • meter.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the meter. If the meter is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • meter.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the meter

              Show child attributes
              • meter.information.brand string Required

                A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

                Possible enum values:

              • meter.information.model string Required

                Meter model

              • meter.information.siteName string Required

                Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • meter.information.installationDate string<date-time> Required

                Meter installation date

            • meter.energyState object Required

              Latest information about meter load. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • meter.energyState.power number or null Required

                The current power measured by the meter in kW.

                • Positive value: Power is imported from the grid to the site, indicating consumption.
                • Negative value: Power is exported to the grid, typically when the site generates excess electricity (e.g. from solar panels, or battery discharge).
              • meter.energyState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received energy state update.

            • meter.location object Required

              Meter's GPS coordinates

              Show child attributes
              • meter.location.id string<uuid> or null Required

                ID of the location the solar battery is currently positioned at (if any).

              • meter.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • meter.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

              • meter.location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received location state update

            • meter.capabilities object Required

              The specific meter's capabilities for recording energy consumption and production data.

              Show child attributes
              • meter.capabilities.measuresConsumption object Required

                Indicates if the meter can measure consumed energy.

                Show child attributes
                • meter.capabilities.measuresConsumption.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • meter.capabilities.measuresConsumption.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • meter.capabilities.measuresProduction object Required

                Indicates if the meter can measure energy produced or generated.

                Show child attributes
                • meter.capabilities.measuresProduction.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • meter.capabilities.measuresProduction.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • meter.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this meter.

          • updatedFields array of string Required

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:meter:updated",
            "meter": {
              "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
              "userId": "string",
              "vendor": "TESLA",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "information": {
                "brand": "Tesla",
                "model": "Tesla Powerwall built-in meter",
                "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
                "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "energyState": {
                "power": 2.2,
                "lastUpdated": "2022-03-01T12:34:56Z"
              "location": {
                "id": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985,
                "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "capabilities": {
                "measuresConsumption": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "measuresProduction": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [
            "updatedFields": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a meter is deleted


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • meter object Required
            Show child attributes
            • meter.id string<uuid> Required

              Unique identifier for the meter object

            • meter.userId string Required

              The ID of the user that linked this meter.

            • meter.vendor string Required

              Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

              Possible enum values:

            • meter.lastSeen string<date-time> Required

              The last time Enode successfully communicated with the vendor or when the meter was initially linked.

            • meter.isReachable boolean Required

              Indicates whether Enode can currently access live data from the meter. If the meter is not reachable, data updates will be delayed.

            • meter.information object Required

              Descriptive information about the meter

              Show child attributes
              • meter.information.brand string Required

                A formatted and properly cased OEM brand name, suitable for reading by humans. May contain special characters.

                Possible enum values:

              • meter.information.model string Required

                Meter model

              • meter.information.siteName string Required

                Name of the site, as set by the user on the device/vendor. If no user-specified name is available, we construct a fallback name using the vendor/device/model names.

              • meter.information.installationDate string<date-time> Required

                Meter installation date

            • meter.energyState object Required

              Latest information about meter load. null values indicate we are unable to determine a value for the field based on the information coming from the vendor.

              Show child attributes
              • meter.energyState.power number or null Required

                The current power measured by the meter in kW.

                • Positive value: Power is imported from the grid to the site, indicating consumption.
                • Negative value: Power is exported to the grid, typically when the site generates excess electricity (e.g. from solar panels, or battery discharge).
              • meter.energyState.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received energy state update.

            • meter.location object Required

              Meter's GPS coordinates

              Show child attributes
              • meter.location.id string<uuid> or null Required

                ID of the location the solar battery is currently positioned at (if any).

              • meter.location.longitude number or null Required

                Longitude in degrees

              • meter.location.latitude number or null Required

                Latitude in degrees

              • meter.location.lastUpdated string<date-time> or null Required

                Time of last received location state update

            • meter.capabilities object Required

              The specific meter's capabilities for recording energy consumption and production data.

              Show child attributes
              • meter.capabilities.measuresConsumption object Required

                Indicates if the meter can measure consumed energy.

                Show child attributes
                • meter.capabilities.measuresConsumption.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • meter.capabilities.measuresConsumption.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

              • meter.capabilities.measuresProduction object Required

                Indicates if the meter can measure energy produced or generated.

                Show child attributes
                • meter.capabilities.measuresProduction.isCapable boolean Required

                  The entity is fully capable of providing this data or functionality. If false, support is partial or missing.

                • meter.capabilities.measuresProduction.interventionIds array of string Required

                  IDs of interventions the user can make to alter the availability of this capability. Please refer to the interventions guide for more information.

            • meter.scopes array of string Required

              Scopes that the user has granted for this meter.

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:meter:deleted",
            "meter": {
              "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
              "userId": "string",
              "vendor": "TESLA",
              "lastSeen": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "isReachable": true,
              "information": {
                "brand": "Tesla",
                "model": "Tesla Powerwall built-in meter",
                "siteName": "Powerwall Home",
                "installationDate": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z"
              "energyState": {
                "power": 2.2,
                "lastUpdated": "2022-03-01T12:34:56Z"
              "location": {
                "id": "8d90101b-3f2f-462a-bbb4-1ed320d33bbe",
                "longitude": 10.7197486,
                "latitude": 59.9173985,
                "lastUpdated": "2024-01-07T17:04:26.000Z"
              "capabilities": {
                "measuresConsumption": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
                "measuresProduction": {
                  "isCapable": false,
                  "interventionIds": [
              "scopes": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever the connection needs to be relinked


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • vendor string Required

            Machine-friendly name of the vendor. Use this in API requests.

            Possible enum values:


          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:credentials:invalidated",
            "vendor": "TESLA"

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever an action changes state


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • vendorAction Required
          • updatedFields Required

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:vendor-action:updated",
            "vendorAction": {
              "id": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
              "userId": "d5bd4771-864e-4ae5-b913-dfb5cdcd5772",
              "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "updatedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "completedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "state": "PENDING",
              "targetId": "string",
              "targetType": "hvac",
              "target": {
                "coolSetpoint": 0,
                "mode": "COOL",
                "holdType": "PERMANENT"
            "updatedFields": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a schedule's status is updated


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • user object Required
            Show child attributes
            • user.id string Required

              User ID

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • status Required
          • schedule Required
          • updatedFields array of string Required

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "user": {
              "id": "string"
            "event": "user:schedule:execution-updated",
            "status": {
              "scheduleId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd",
              "scheduleType": "CHARGE",
              "changedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
              "state": "ALIGNED",
              "isCharging": true,
              "isChargingExpected": true,
              "isChargingExpectedParts": {
                "needsCharge": true,
                "isPluggedIn": true,
                "shouldCharge": true
              "upcomingTransitions": [
                  "at": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                  "shouldCharge": true
              "externalStart": {
                "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "endedAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                "targetType": "vehicle",
                "targetId": "07f8368d-be7e-4dbd-8cf0-94d00dd67ad3",
                "vendorActionId": "213ae0a8-fb65-40be-981a-6a86df3e1c7f"
            "schedule": {
              "id": "string",
              "isEnabled": true,
              "defaultShouldCharge": true,
              "rules": [
                  "hourMinute": {
                    "from": "08:00",
                    "to": "09:00"
                  "fromTimestamp": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                  "toTimestamp": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
                  "weekdays": [
                  "shouldCharge": true
              "chargeableId": "string",
              "chargeableType": "vehicle",
              "entityId": "string",
              "entityType": "string",
              "targetId": "string",
              "targetType": "vehicle",
              "chargingLocationId": "4eaeb363-296d-4ccc-a973-7805e6f400bd"
            "updatedFields": [

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a system heartbeat event is triggered


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:

          • pendingEvents number Required

          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "event": "system:heartbeat",
            "pendingEvents": 0

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a webhook test event is triggered


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:


          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "event": "enode:webhook:test"

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?


          Occurs whenever a firehose test event is triggered


          • createdAt string<date-time> Required

            ISO8601 UTC timestamp

          • version string Required

            API version of the payload

          • event string Required

            Possible enum values:


          Request example

            "createdAt": "2020-04-07T17:04:26Z",
            "version": "2024-10-01",
            "event": "enode:firehose:test"

          Response 200

          The subscriber should return 200 OK to acknowledge the webhook has been received

          Was this section helpful?