Enode Developers

Link SDK for iOS

In this guide we will walk you through the steps to integrate the Link SDK for iOS into your app.

Copy linkSet up your Xcode project

Open up Xcode and create a new iOS project for iOS 16+.

There are two alternative approaches to importing the LinkKit framework:

Copy linkA. Using Swift Package Manager

In Project navigator on the left, select your project and then select the corresponding entry under "PROJECT" in the area to the right.

Open "Package Dependencies" tab and click + at the bottom left of the "Packages" section:


In the modal, paste https://github.com/enode/enode-link-ios in the search field at the top right and then select enode-link-ios entry in the table of the middle of the screen.

Click Add Package at the bottom right:


Click Add Package again at the bottom right of the new modal:


enode-link-ios should now be among items in the "Packages" section:


Copy linkB. Using a local SDK bundle

First, download the LinkKit framework.

Download iOS SDK

Extract the zip archive and keep the folder LinkKit.xcframework somewhere convenient.

Under your build target, open the General tab, import the framework by dragging the LinkKit.xcframework folder into the Framework, Libraries and Embedded Content section:


Copy linkConfiguring Bluetooth access

Start by heading to the Info tab and add a Custom iOS Target Property by clicking on the + icon in the list of key value pairs. Use the following values.

Key Value
Value“Our app requires Bluetooth to connect with energy devices, enabling efficient device management and enhanced user experience.”

Use the iOS target properties to inform the user about the required bluetooth access.

Copy linkIntegrating the SDK

In your application section where you want to open LinkKit, import the SDK:

import LinkKit

Ensure you have linkToken from the previous step and pass it into the handler:

private var handler: Handler?

self.handler = Handler(linkToken: linkToken) { linkResult in
  switch linkResult {
    case .success:
      // Handle success
    case .failure(let error):
      // Handle error

self.handler?.present(from: self) // self is a UIViewController

Here’s how an alternative approach for SwiftUI (using linkKitSheet) can be used, but the code above would also work.

import SwiftUI
import LinkKit

struct ContentView: View {
  // ...
  @State private var isPresented = false

  var body: some View {
    Button(action: {
      self.isPresented = true
    }) {
       Text("Open LinkKit")
    .linkKitSheet(isPresented: $isPresented, linkToken: linkToken) { linkResult in
      switch linkResult {
        case .success:
          // Handle success
        case .failure(let error):
          // Handle error

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
  static var previews: some View {

Once run, Link UI will open in your application and guide your user through the process of linking. When successful, the "Complete" button will dismiss the modal and return users to the previous screen.

If a user did not complete Link UI or dismisses the window, you will receive a LinkResult with a failure and one of the errors below.

Copy linkTheming the SDK

You can customize the color which is used for all interactive elements in the top bar (cancel and refresh buttons) and bottom bar (the back and forwards buttons) that wraps Link UI. To do so, you can set the tintColor property of the containing window that presents the Link SDK.

Below is an example of how to set the tintColor to green in the AppDelegate.swift or SceneDelegate.swift file.

  self.window?.tintColor = .systemGreen

Copy linkAPI Reference

Copy linkLinkResult & LinkError

For details on errors the SDK provides, see details below.

public enum LinkResult {

    case success

    case failure(LinkError)

public typealias HumanReadableMessage = String

public enum LinkError : Error {

    // Unknown error occurred
    case unknown

    // Required linkToken parameter was not found
    case missingLinkToken

    // Supplied linkToken was malformed
    case malformedLinkToken(LinkKit.MalformedLinkTokenError)

    //  Link UI was dismissed by you (e.g., by calling `dismiss()`)
    case dismissedViaDismissFunction

    // Link UI was dismissed by the user (e.g., tapping "Close")
    case cancelledByUser

    // Enode was unable to complete linking due to a service error
    case backendError(LinkKit.HumanReadableMessage)

    // Link UI itself initiated the closing of the modal
    case earlyExitRequestedFromFrontend(LinkKit.HumanReadableMessage?)

public enum MalformedLinkTokenError : Error {

    case couldNotCreateDataFromTheToken

    case couldNotParseJsonFromTheToken

    case jsonDeserializationError(LinkKit.HumanReadableMessage)

    case couldNotParseLinkUrlAndRedirectUriFromTheToken

    case couldNotCreateURLFromLinkUrl

    case couldNotFindHostFromLinkURL

    case hostOfLinkURLIsNotEnodecomOrEnodeio

Copy linkOther ways to integrate

Link SDK for Android

Integrating with the Link SDK for Android

React Native

Integrating with the Link SDKs in React Native

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